My Top 250 Movies


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I excluded documentaries. I've reviewed most of them in "Rate The Last Movie" thread, so I might not say anything, unless someone asks something, or mentions something that gets my attention. I think every movie is political in nature, but even the slightest mention of something is forbidden here, so there goes 80% of my comments. I believe everything has a message - some are just more worthy than others.

I didn't solely depend on my ratings, because that was a moment in time, and the unique will trump those with similar scores. Some movies I haven't seen years, so this is retrospect.

I'm still arranging (this is HARD!), but I've been wanting to do a Top 100 for a while. I did a Top 50 years ago on here, and I won't dare look at it until this is complete.

If you look closely, you'll see a past date. This is my past review of a movie, posted on the "Last Movie You Watched" thread.. I think I posted on the alternative thread previously, though.

I can't get this to work properly.. But here are the last movies I've rated. The very last one on the bottom is #250.

  1. The Lost Weekend
  2. Persona
  3. Nuts In May
  4. Love Streams
  5. American Beauty
  6. The Insect Woman
  7. Sundays With Cybele
  8. The Working-Class Goes To Heaven
  9. Little Fugitive
  10. The Shop On Main Street
  11. Papillon
  12. Autumn Sonata
  13. Mamma Roma
  14. Cairo Station
  15. Rocco And His Brothers
  16. Alicie In The Cities
  17. La Caza
  18. Yesterday Girl
  19. Accatone
  20. Naked
  21. Mr. Klein
  22. Two Women
  23. La Vie De Boheme
  24. Late Autumn
  25. Close-Up
  26. Purple Noon
  27. Death In Venice
  28. Chinatown
  29. David And Lisa
  30. Straw &nbspogs
  31. Barry Lyndon
  32. Bad Boy Bubby
  33. The Outlaw Josey Wales
  34. Pather Panchali
  35. The Organiser
  36. Paths of Glory
  37. Trainspotting
  38. Casablanca
  39. Pale Flower
  40. Carriage to Vienna
  41. What Happened Was...
  42. Ladybug, Ladybug
  43. Paper Moon
  44. Wise Blood
  45. Lonely Are The Brave
  46. Thief
  47. In Cold Blood
  48. La Notti Bianche
  49. La &nbspolce Vita
  50. Paris, Texas
  51. The Yellow Handkerchief
  52. I, &nbspaniel Blake
  53. The &nbspesperate Hours
  54. Too Late Blues
  55. Meantime
  56. Day of Wrath
  57. Johnny Got His Gun
  58. Come Back, Little Sheba
  59. The Red Angel
  60. Riff-Raff
  61. The Round-Up
  62. good Morning
  63. The &nbspeer Hunter
  64. Lies My Father Told Me
  65. The Pumpkin Eater
  66. The Ox-Bow Incident
  67. Scarecrow
  68. Lord of the Flies
  69. Los Olvidados
  70. Late Spring
  71. One-Eyed Jacks
  72. Tokyo Story
  73. Meet John Doe
  74. Full Metal Jacket
  75. The Match-Factory Girl
  76. High And Low
  77. Two Half Times In Hell
  78. Make Way For Tomorrow
  79. A Bad Son
  80. L'Eclisse
  81. Hombre
  82. Hondo
  83. 10 Rillington Place
  84. Whity
  85. Contempt
  86. Osânda
  87. Zandy's Bride
  88. Romeo, Julie a tma
  89. The New Centurions
  90. Ordet
  91. Horse
  92. blind
  93. The Rules of the Game
  94. Crossfire
  95. The Getaway
  96. Falling &nbspown
  97. Easy Rider
  98. The Leopard
  99. Il Grido
  100. Il Generale Della Rovere
  101. The Flight of the Phoenix
  102. The Human Condition
  103. Lolita
  104. Boy
  105. The Edukators
  106. Wings of Desire
  107. Hell In The Pacific
  108. The Harder They Fall
  109. Sweetie
  110. Splendor In The Grass
  111. Joe
  112. Diary Of A County Priest
  113. The End of Summer
  114. One Is A Lonely Number
  115. A Streetcar Named Desire
  116. La Notte
  117. Summer With Monika
  118. Record of a Tenemenet Gentleman
  119. The Castle of Purity
  120. Twelve O'Clock High
  121. Seargeant York
  122. Johnny Belinda
  123. The Ascent
  124. A Walk In The Spring Rain
  125. Who Saw Him Die?
  126. Gentleman's Agreement
  127. Umut
  128. Baran
  129. And Justice For All
  130. Mary & Max
  131. Good Will Hunting
  132. Home of the Brave
  133. Dogtooth
  134. Rachel Rachel
  135. The Manchurian Candidate
  136. The Fifth Monkey
  137. Before Sunrise
  138. Blume In Love
  139. The Merchant of Four Seasons
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Welcome to the human race...
Okay, everyone, time to place your bets on how many of them are from after 1980. I'm going to say...six.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

The trick is not minding
Okay, everyone, time to place your bets on how many of them are from after 1980. I'm going to say...six.
I’ll go with….10.

Looking forward to the reveals, Matt.

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It's hard just narrowing down Fassbinder's movies alone! Sometimes I pick the one I remember most when there's a tie in my head. I'm sure part of the arranging of lists had something to do with what I might want to see next (out of the list). Recency bias works a few ways. If I loved a movie I just saw, it's going to make the list. But if I saw a movie many times, and maybe a recent watch, it might slip a spot or two. I spent a TON of time changing my mind... I tried to avoid nostalgia, unless it was tied with something else.

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I didn't let the low ratings which I saw after viewing this about five years ago change anything. I usually don't like love-triangles, but it must have been Mazursky directing. I don't even remember liking any of the characters, which is usually a turn-off, and I'd rather not watch this in case I'm looking for ways to be overly critical.


It's hard just narrowing down Fassbinder's movies alone! Sometimes I pick the one I remember most when there's a tie in my head. I'm sure part of the arranging of lists had something to do with what I might want to see next (out of the list). Recency bias works a few ways. If I loved a movie I just saw, it's going to make the list. But if I saw a movie many times, and maybe a recent watch, it might slip a spot or two. I spent a TON of time changing my mind... I tried to avoid nostalgia, unless it was tied with something else.
Excellent film. It’s my 290th favourite film.

Before Sunrise is a keen example of perfection found in a unique quality. It's unlike any romance movie I've ever seen.

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Before Sunrise is a keen example of perfection found in a unique quality. It's unlike any romance movie I've ever seen.

Have you seen "Sunflower" with Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni?

Have you seen "Sunflower" with Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni?

It's vaguely familiar but no. Thankfully, I'm deciding on more Vittorio De Sica movies to watch, so I'll check it out sometime.

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When someone started the year-by-year favorite movies (after I started with older movies), I noticed how the movies I liked from the 80s-present, were usually not on anyone's list. I think this movie only had barely over 100 IMDB votes, but I would have thought there would be more interest from Ben Kingsley in the leading role. It's a very good movie shot in Brazil. I actually saw this on YouTube after having it on my watch-list for a while. Original title "O Quinto Macaco (1990)

Trouble with a capital "T"
I disliked Before Sunrise, I thought the conversation seemed canned and the actors weren't intuitive to each other...instead they spoke at each other. Often they seemed to be focused on their own lines...and not playing off the other person. Especially in the dialogue intense scene in the train during their first meeting.

The trick is not minding
I disliked Before Sunrise, I thought the conversation seemed canned and the actors weren't intuitive to each other...instead they spoke at each other. Often they seemed to be focused on their own lines...and not playing off the other person. Especially in the dialogue intense scene in the train during their first meeting.
Same. I didn’t like the dialogue, which felt awkward, and I didn’t care for Hawke. To me, Delpy was the only standout here.

Trouble with a capital "T"
The Manchurian Candidate is probably my biggest blindspot in film. I need to watch it soon.
Me a way. I did see it way back in the day when I first got into films...and I probably didn't appreciate it as much as I would now. I do have the movie, just gotta find the time for a much needed rewatch.