Donald Trump for President?


I voted for Perot, not Bill Clinton. I was actually going Perot, then Bush Sr, then Clinton who I only heard bad things about. Slick Willy won that once most famous election, pales compared to this one, and he completely sold me the next 8 years thereafter. When Bill Clinton first took office I was very afraid, me and my ex-wife looked in horror at each other as his Fleetwood Mac anthem kicked on "Dont Stop" as he accepted the concessions from Perot & Sr.

Can Donald Trump do what Bill Clinton did with my opinion? Realistically, and fairly Ill say no. I dont think he will be as good as Obama either, but he may end up being better than Dubya. He may, but Im just hoping not to be horrified again. All the signs & projections are bad, but this they say is "why we play the games", yanevahknow

I don't think she attacked them because they were women, or because she saw them as lower than men or not deserving of respect. She did it to try and protect her and her husband's political career and make them look as good as possible by making them look as bad as possible. Misogyny is not just attacking/criticising women, it's doing so because they are women and you think they should be treated differently.

Thanks for that Daniel, that makes sense. I do see some hypocrisy though. She also got a man off on charges of raping a 12 year old girl, a man she thought was guilty. Part of her defense was claiming the girl had rape fantasies. We also know that Bill Clinton did worse than what we know Trump did. It's fine to question Trump's character, but to do it and support Hillary is sketchy.

Trouble with a capital "T"
... Misogyny is not just attacking/criticising women, it's doing so because they are women and you think they should be treated differently.
A better definition of misogyny is: a man who 'looks down' on women or treats them with disrespect solely because they are women.

Thanks for that Daniel, that makes sense. I do see some hypocrisy though. She also got a man off on charges of raping a 12 year old girl, a man she thought was guilty. Part of her defense was claiming the girl had rape fantasies. We also know that Bill Clinton did worse than what we know Trump did. It's fine to question Trump's character, but to do it and support Hillary is sketchy.
I think some of the actions of Hillary Clinton are despicable too. I didn't know about that particular case but reading about it now some of her details, and laughing about the polygraph test which almost certainly indicates she thought the man was in fact guilty, seem disgusting.

But just because Hillary has done worse things, doesn't mean that Trump isn't a misogynist. I am willing to accept that people believe he is one, but choose to vote for him regardless because of other reasons, for example, maybe because they think Hillary is even more despicable than him. But I would find it hard to accept someone not thinking that Trump is misogynistic.

Speaking of Bill, he must be very disappointed. He could have taken another 26 flights on the Lolita Express while working on the economy.

Speaking of Bill, he must be very disappointed. He could have taken another 26 flights on the Lolita Express while working on the economy.
That's what I thought when I saw him standing beside Hillary during her concession speech. He was thinking, "You mean I'm gonna have to spend the rest of my life WITH HER?!" He wanted back in that White House.

Speaking of Bill, he must be very disappointed. He could have taken another 26 flights on the Lolita Express while working on the economy.
I wonder how Bill would react if he got near Ivanka?


I couldn't blame him in that respect!

I think some of the actions of Hillary Clinton are despicable too. I didn't know about that particular case but reading about it now some of her details, and laughing about the polygraph test which almost certainly indicates she thought the man was in fact guilty, seem disgusting.

But just because Hillary has done worse things, doesn't mean that Trump isn't a misogynist. I am willing to accept that people believe he is one, but choose to vote for him regardless because of other reasons, for example, maybe because they think Hillary is even more despicable than him. But I would find it hard to accept someone not thinking that Trump is misogynistic.
I think Trump could be a misogynist, but I also think people sometimes like to slap a label on people a little recklessly.

Excuse me, but do you know Donald Trump? Do you know for sure that he only thinks of women in terms of the sexual?
So using your "logic," you don't know him either, yet you've been promoting him here like he's your messiah, and telling us how he's this and that and the greatest thing ever. I don't need to have met him to know his history and to have heard his words and to have heard from those who have had encounters with him. You've gone off the deep end. Why don't you give it a rest.
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

I have no idea what she's said about it, but, I would not be surprised if we haven't seen the last of the Clintons.

There's still Chelsea.