What Do You Daydream About?


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When I read biographies, I tend to daydream about doing my own thing in that field.. Biography on a musician, or a director. Watching a great movie will exponentially activate my imagination (which never seems to stop) as well, and although I could simply imagine all the great stuff, and I do, I try to envision conflicts to make it seem more real. I'll do some reading, pause, daydream, and go back to the book for more inspiration.

I consume too much content to have time or desire to daydream.
San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.

All sorts of things. I reflexively have entire conversations in my head sometimes. I like being prepared so I find myself preparing for possible interactions without even really trying to or thinking about it. If anyone were around watching I'd probably look like a sociopath trying to emulate human behavior in a mirror or something.

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All sorts of things. I reflexively have entire conversations in my head sometimes. I like being prepared so I find myself preparing for possible interactions without even really trying to or thinking about it. If anyone were around watching I'd probably look like a sociopath trying to emulate human behavior in a mirror or something.

I know what you mean, but I also wish I could turn those conversations off in my head. The preparation never seems to end for me. "What if this, or that, etc"

Yeah, sometimes I'd like to turn it off. But I also realize that, to turn that off, I'd have to be an entirely different person, and I'd miss a lot of the consequences (direct and indirect) of all that, so I almost never actually would.

I reflexively have entire conversations in my head sometimes
Interesting. I heard this is something women have much more often than men, but a citation is needed. For one, I never have these unless I'm very stressed and/or really force myself to think about something. Due to that, I sometimes came unprepared or missed an important detail in the past. These days, not so much, as I learned to force myself to think and analyze stuff whenever required.

I was shocked to find out most people cannot not think. I can just sit down and spend 15+ minutes thinking about literally nothing, my brain resting. This is the default mode of my brain. That might be why I never get bored in queues, and so on. I just turn off my brain and enter the state of a blissful stupor. This is also why I can't (or rather don't want to) drive a car even though I have a driver's license. I can focus for a longer period of time, but it's tiresome so I'm afraid I'd undeliberately switch into the stupor mode after some time. I just don't want to run somebody over.

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Interesting. I heard this is something women have much more often than men, but a citation is needed. For one, I never have these unless I'm very stressed and/or really force myself to think about something. Due to that, I sometimes came unprepared or missed an important detail in the past. These days, not so much, as I learned to force myself to think and analyze stuff whenever required.

I was shocked to find out most people cannot not think. I can just sit down and spend 15+ minutes thinking about literally nothing, my brain resting. This is the default mode of my brain. That might be why I never get bored in queues, and so on. I just turn off my brain and enter the state of a blissful stupor. This is also why I can't (or rather don't want to) drive a car even though I have a driver's license. I can focus for a longer period of time, but it's tiresome so I'm afraid I'd undeliberately switch into the stupor mode after some time. I just don't want to run somebody over.

Lucky you.

All sorts of things. I reflexively have entire conversations in my head sometimes. I like being prepared so I find myself preparing for possible interactions without even really trying to or thinking about it. If anyone were around watching I'd probably look like a sociopath trying to emulate human behavior in a mirror or something.
I do the same, but I'm usually imagining them making fun of me or insulting me, so much of what I come up with are comebacks, ways to make them think they're not getting to me, etc. Bullying trauma dies hard.

Not looking for sympathy. Just curious if anyone else does this.

You ready? You look ready.
I do the same, but I'm usually imagining them making fun of me or insulting me, so much of what I come up with are comebacks, ways to make them think they're not getting to me, etc. Bullying trauma dies hard.

Not looking for sympathy. Just curious if anyone else does this.
Aye, I know this one well. Then I’ll spend the rest of the day after determining if the zinger I hit them with was better or worse than all the ones I came up with after. I always went with the nuclear option first, so it was mostly me doing some Trumanesque “was the bomb justified?”

Heh. My mind can be a squirrel cage. The daydreams can change at the speed of the big wheel on A Price Is Right.

Then sometimes there is serenity. I love serenity. It's my own wanting nature which disturbs such clean peace. The more I get out of my head, out of self, the more happiness and contentment I feel. The trick is to be thankful for what is right now.

Life is good. With growth its better, but just wanting better all the time isn't the same thing.

Aye, I know this one well. Then I’ll spend the rest of the day after determining if the zinger I hit them with was better or worse than all the ones I came up with after. I always went with the nuclear option first, so it was mostly me doing some Trumanesque “was the bomb justified?”
Glad I'm not alone here. I mean, all it takes is a look in my direction and I become self-conscious. Reminding myself "they're probably not thinking about you at all" helps, but like a wet Band-Aid, only temporarily.

At all other times, my mind is usually wishing I was in a house here:

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After certain conversations (depending on the person), my mind continues with the conversation, OR, it's a re-hash of the past, and more things I should have said, but didn't have a chance for whatever reason.

Right now, I am obsessed with something a friend said, about a falling out we had thirty years ago. I am trying to figure out why she brought this crap up. I just let it drop but I can't stop thinking about what I should say. Which, I know, is nothing. Say nothing! Unless you want to blow things up again.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I do all of the above (at times), especially the hidden Alps valley, neat place to live...it looks so chill. Probably cold too, but lots of cheese. I like cheese.

I'm pretty sure all the ancient prophets just had voices in their heads like you guys had but interpreted them as a God talking to them or something.

What it would it be like if I ran a football team.
Last Movie Watched: Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (2024).
Last TV Show Watched: MARVEL's Echo (S1:E3).