Star Wars: The Force Awakens


Just...can' trailer...and hear that John Williams score...without....awesomeness attempting to leak out.

Welcome to the human race...
Certainly not. I have some issues with this thing. First of all -- Kylo Ren. I hate the mask. It's not elegant. It's all messed up looking. It looks like a bad dollar store version of a Darth Vader mask.

Second -- having a female (Daisy is obviously the new Luke Skywalker, check out that poster) teaming up with a black guy -- quite frankly this just looks gimmicky. A move to appear progressive. I'm not trying to be sexist or racist, but this is yet again another female Mad Max/female Ghostbusters thing going on here.
Yeah, well, as with Ghostbusters I'll reserve judgment on whether or not it turns out to be more than just a gimmick, but it's kind of not hard to look progressive considering how the original trilogy had only one major female character and one major black character (and even the more recent prequels weren't any better in that regard).

Third -- the irritating lack of Luke Skywalker in the promotional materials, including what appears to be the final poster. I'm hoping that poster may change -- maybe this is a gimmick -- they won't show Luke Skywalker on anything UNTIL the movie has been released.
Eh, I'll take that over spoiler-packed recent trailers like Star Trek Into Darkness or Terminator Genisys. Also, it's an advertisement. Gimmicks are all they are, but some are good enough to overcome that.

Fourth -- Carrie Fisher's ridiculous, hideous looks in the trailer, on the poster and in the leaked wardrobe fitting pictures.

Fifth -- it feels too J.J. Abrams-ish to me. Yes, he's the director, but that doesn't mean we need to feel him all over it.
Also granted.

I don't care what kind of "new day" it is over in the Star Wars universe ....

NOBODY is really that thrilled about the new cast.

People are mainly excited about the return of Luke, Leia and Han -- even if they are old now.

This pathetic treatment they've been given in the promotional materials.... awful. Absolutely awful. This absence of them... this very small, meager amount... it's not clever. It's pathetic!

They're back! Let's celebrate! NOW is the time! Hurrah hurrah! Let's not wait any longer. NOBODY cares about the new characters.
How very surprising.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I don't care what kind of "new day" it is over in the Star Wars universe ....

NOBODY is really that thrilled about the new cast.

People are mainly excited about the return of Luke, Leia and Han -- even if they are old now.

This pathetic treatment they've been given in the promotional materials.... awful. Absolutely awful. This absence of them... this very small, meager amount... it's not clever. It's pathetic!

They're back! Let's celebrate! NOW is the time! Hurrah hurrah! Let's not wait any longer. NOBODY cares about the new characters.
I don't care about the main characters, but I like Oscar Isaac and Lupita Nyong'o enough to care about them. They've had about 8 seconds of combined screen time in the 3 trailers. I think it would be a problem if they showcased the old cast too much. Nothing is more gimmicky than taking Luke's probable cameo and showing most of it in the trailer to trick people into thinking he's a main character. That's how the first trailer was cut. Generic crap generic crap generic crap OMG HAN SOLO, and peopoe ate that up, but there's very little chance of this movie being good if they put too much focus on small appearances by the old cast.

The ticket rush, and to a lesser extent the 10 minute trailer reviews, I think will be the reasons why it can't break the opening weekend record. I expect a lot of new and/or casual fans to be intimidated. As somebody who isn't interested in dissecting the deeper meaning C3P0's arm color has about abortion rights, I feel like I don't belong. Before yesterday I thought I might get tickets on opening weekend. If they're selling that much that fast I'll just sit out the first few days. I don't know how box office is tracked in sales vs attendance, but if people are buying 60 tickets is a smaller area I can't see them all going to people, and there will probably be some empty seats.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Certainly not. I have some issues with this thing. First of all -- Kylo Ren. I hate the mask. It's not elegant. It's all messed up looking. It looks like a bad dollar store version of a Darth Vader mask.
I'll grant you this. I thought it looked like a plague mask.

Second -- having a female (Daisy is obviously the new Luke Skywalker, check out that poster) teaming up with a black guy -- quite frankly this just looks gimmicky. A move to appear progressive. I'm not trying to be sexist or racist, but this is yet again another female Mad Max/female Ghostbusters thing going on here.
I know you're not trying to be sexist or racist, but nonetheless you are once again managing to be both. The very assumption that white men should always and forever be the main characters in everything and that anything else is 'gimmicky' or 'politically correct' is ridiculous.

Good job there aren't any visible Asian characters or you'd be gonging the hell out of the thread.

Third -- the irritating lack of Luke Skywalker in the promotional materials, including what appears to be the final poster. I'm hoping that poster may change -- maybe this is a gimmick -- they won't show Luke Skywalker on anything UNTIL the movie has been released.
Yeah, this is a gimmick. Or a strategy, rather. I think it may well be that he doesn't turn up until later in the film. Keeping all the fans on the edge of their seats wondering if he will show up.

Fourth -- Carrie Fisher's ridiculous, hideous looks in the trailer, on the poster and in the leaked wardrobe fitting pictures.
Dear lord, here we go again. Obviously if women are allowed to be in films then they should at least have the decency to be young and attractive. Otherwise what is the point of them at all?

Fifth -- it feels too J.J. Abrams-ish to me. Yes, he's the director, but that doesn't mean we need to feel him all over it.
Better J. J. Abrams than Jar Jar Binks...

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I'm really curious to know what the rating will be for this film. Trailer was PG, right? It can't be more than a 12a/PG-13 if they want to sell the maximum amount of toys.

Well... that wasn't worth the wait.

Ok we see Leia and Han having a cuddle... but no Luke? Disappointing. Still looking forward to the movie, but it's still a disappointing trailer.

The very assumption that white men should always and forever be the main characters in everything and that anything else is 'gimmicky' or 'politically correct' is ridiculous.
This strikes me as an obvious misrepresentation of what you're responding to. Eye rolling at casting quotas (real or imagined) isn't the same thing as saying "white men should always and forever be the main characters."

Personally, I have zero issue with the casting and am surprised it's even a thing; I don't think it's gimmicky and I don't think anyone's trying to make a point with it. But whether you disagree philosophically (IE: it's not a problem when it happens) or factually (IE: it's not happening here), we should be able to disagree with what's actually being said, rather than some extrapolated straw man version of it.

Nobody's saying white men should have a casting monopoly: they're saying they're wary of casting that may be done for reasons outside of the telling of the story itself. That's not an inherently illegitimate position, even though I think it's an unfounded fear in this case.

Precious tritium is what makes this project go.
NOBODY is really that thrilled about the new cast.

This pathetic treatment they've been given in the promotional materials.... awful. Absolutely awful. This absence of them... this very small, meager amount... it's not clever. It's pathetic!

They're back! Let's celebrate! NOW is the time! Hurrah hurrah! Let's not wait any longer. NOBODY cares about the new characters.

Ah yes, the reason I tend not to use Movie Forums.
Oxfords not brogues.

What's funnier is that the entirety of Star Wars is multicultural... and people suddenly want to put some sort of modern PC spin on casting the new movie.

Mace Windu
Lando Calrissian
Watto was clearly Jewish
Jar Jar was played by a black dude with an Islamic name

It's like saying Star Trek is racist toward whites because they had a black actress playing Uhura in 2009 reboot.

This strikes me as an obvious misrepresentation of what you're responding to. Eye rolling at casting quotas (real or imagined) isn't the same thing as saying "white men should always and forever be the main characters."

Personally, I have zero issue with the casting and am surprised it's even a thing; I don't think it's gimmicky and I don't think anyone's trying to make a point with it. But whether you disagree philosophically (IE: it's not a problem when it happens) or factually (IE: it's not happening here), we should be able to disagree with what's actually being said, rather than some extrapolated straw man version of it.

Nobody's saying white men should have a casting monopoly: they're saying they're wary of casting that may be done for reasons outside of the telling of the story itself. That's not an inherently illegitimate position, even though I think it's an unfounded fear in this case.
Agreed, I don't think SC was being racist/sexist. I believe people have a right to voice an opinion regarding that as long as it's not malicious or abhorrent, which definitely wasn't the case with SC's. I also think it's funny that saying "I don't mean to be racist or sexist" pretty much guarantees that someone will call you a racist or sexist.

As for me, I don't have a problem with the casting. Star Wars has always had a diverse cast so I don't see no problems with these actors getting top bill.

It's only when things are OBVIOUSLY trying to be PC that it kinda irks me.

NOBODY is really that thrilled about the new cast.
Speak for yourself dude. I think they look great. Already see a lot of chemistry between them, the actors that I have seen in movies before are all great and I have hope for the new ones like Ridley.

Tickets sold out yesterday and the websites all near crashed with the sheer amount of people after tickets...

And now Ebay has come alight with tickets going for as much as $10,000 each.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
About Tree Fiddy (billion that is).Basically impossible, if it's good though perhaps 1.5 billion

I watched the trailer, and then I watched again.. and again.. and again. It looks amazing;
I'm not trying to be sexist or racist, but this is yet again another female Mad Max/female Ghostbusters thing going on here.
I really don't care if protagonist is a man, woman, black, white, or is green-no-gender-alien - I just care if character is interesting and well-acted.

A system of cells interlinked
Tickets sold out yesterday and the websites all near crashed with the sheer amount of people after tickets...

And now Ebay has come alight with tickets going for as much as $10,000 each.

I think I will just wait a week or two to see the flick...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

What's funnier is that the entirety of Star Wars is multicultural... and people suddenly want to put some sort of modern PC spin on casting the new movie.

Mace Windu
Lando Calrissian
Watto was clearly Jewish
Jar Jar was played by a black dude with an Islamic name

It's like saying Star Trek is racist toward whites because they had a black actress playing Uhura in 2009 reboot.

LOL! Watto was clearly a flagrant Jewish stereotype.
Now why "Jews" or Jewish stereotypes would exist in another galaxy is a philosophical question - perhaps Jehovah is universal and his establishment of "chosen peoples" creates cultural similarities? Or maybe it's a case of Panspermia? Or ancient astronauts who colonized Earth were not the Anunnaki but rather from the ancient tribe of Israel?