Who ARE these people? (movie trivia)


Good job, Artie! OK, the've all been got now.

Yes, Jesse Dixon is the cruel schoolmate young Carl kills, along with his own Momma, when he finds them going at it in the kitchen one fateful evening. Kills 'em with a kaiser blade. Some folks call it a sling blade, he calls it a kasier blade.

Bill Roundtree is indeed the man McCabe (Warren Beatty) is rumored to have killed in Altman's Western.

And finally!: Mr. Bone is the ridiculous impromptu name Susan (Katharine Hepburn) gives Dr. David Huxley (Cary Grant) to keep his identity secret from her influential Aunt while they search the grounds for the Brontosaurus intercostal clavicle that the dog George has buried. And then not one but two leopards get out.

As for John Galt. Hmmmmm. I'll have to think on that one.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

So Hold's.
How long'd we take, and who got the most? Were we faster than anywhere ever before?

(My guess is Artie).

I've been posting who answered which one in the running tally on the first page. Yes, Arthur had the most, with ten. Silver Bullet had six, filmfreak got four, Patti and Commish each had two, and L.B. Jeffries knew one.

I have no idea if it was the fastest ever done, as I don't keep track of such things. And besides, how much longer would it have taken without the hints for the last three?

Anywho, good job all who played (all six of you).

I'm still noodling through Artie's. Anybody else have names to add in the same vein?

And besides, how much longer would it have taken without the hints for the last three?
Good point. And I really only got five from memory, if you wanted to get technical anyway.

Got any more of those names?
Like another list?

If you're trying to figure mine out, stop right now. It was sort of a joke. John Galt isn't even from a movie; I was just trying to see if anyone would catch the reference to Ayn Rand.

My mind is drawing a blank trying to think of real ones.

I'm not sure if this character has a last name, but he probably does. Argh. But anyway:


Not a speaking role (not even sure if you see him) but the whole film is a direct result of something that happens to him.

Alex was a speaking role, as there were flashback scenes scripted and shot. The actor who played Alex, and is still visible (though unrecognizeable) in glimpses of his body as it is dressed under the opening credits, was none other than Kevin Costner. But, director Larry Kasdan decided to cut the flashback scenes out. He made up for it by giving Costner the showy scene-stealing part of Jake in his next film, Silverado.

Oh, and in case you haven't figured it out yet, "Alex" is the dead man who's old college friends have gathered for his funeral in The Big Chill.

I didn't think much of it either. The actors are all good and fun enough to watch, but a very overrated movie by Baby Boomers. It's like a TV-movie version of John Sayles' The Return of the Secaucus 7 (1980).

But, none of that stopped me from recognizing it.

i didn't flip over The Big Chill either......despite ravings by so many people.

i did have the soundtrack though.......listened to it so much that i can't stand hearing some of the songs.........like A Whiter Shade of Pale.
on dance seul, on dance seul.....

Originally Posted by The Silver Bullet

I was such an annoying little girl who thought she knew things.
But you've blossomed into such a lovely and malleable young woman.
You were a demon and a lawyer? Wow. Insert joke here."

Mother! Oh, God! Mother! Blood!
Originally Posted by The Silver Bullet
New One!!!

Lloyd Wilson
Almost 2 years, and no answer. Haven't seen the movie, but a "Lloyd Wilson" is credited as a subway foreman in the film Six Weeks (1982), starring Dudley Moore. Is this the correct answer?

Was this an alias?
NEW (as of 1/24/05): Quick Reviews #10

Originally Posted by Sir Toose
Who are:

1). John Matrix
Arnold’s character in Commando

3). Arthur Radley
Duvall's character in To Kill A Mockingbird
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

John Matrix = Schwarzenegger in Commando
Joe Huff = Brian Bosworth in Stone Cold
Arthur "Boo" Radley = Bobby Duvall in To Kill A Mockingbird
Roy Batty = Rutger Hauer in BladeRunner
Burke Dennings = Jack MacGowren in The Exorcist

QUESTION: what does any of that have to do with my old game, as these are all characters who are named outright? Make your own bleedin' thread.