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Quentin Tarantino vs. Paul Thomas Anderson


Quentin Tarantino vs. Paul Thomas Anderson
39 votes
Quentin Tarantino
23 votes
Paul Thomas Anderson
62 votes. You may not vote on this poll

Tarantino ez

is thouroughly embarrassed of this old username.
I find Tarantino's dialogue unbearable so PTA kinda gets my vote by default.
Favourite films list:

Both mainstream film buff darlings. Both with some hits and misses.

I choose PTA because, upon a rewatch, Magnolia proved to be better than anything Tarantino ever did.

At least PTA is much more subtle about his influences and doesn't just refry much better pulp and exploitation films from the past. I like Tarantino but sometimes you just gotta admit you will never top Lady Snowblood, even if you have Uma Thurman's feet at your side.
San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.

Well this is tricky

Boogie Nights is in my top 10
True Romance is in my top 20
Magnolia is in my top 30
Kill Bill vol 1 is in my top 50
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is in my top 100
Phantom Thread is in my top 200
Django Unchained is in my top 200
Kill Bill Vol 2 is in my top 200
The Hateful Eight is in my top 200
Inglorious Bastards is in my top 200
Pulp Fiction is in my top 300
The Master is in my top 300
Reservoir Dogs is in my top 300
There Will be Blood is in my top 500
Jackie Brown is in my top 500
Deathproof is in my top 500
From Dusk Till Dawn is not in my top 1000
Hard Eight is not in my top 1000
Punch Drunk Love is not in my top 1000
Inherent Vice is in my bottom 1000

PTA has the highs but he's also got the bottom three, Tarantino's best work was as a writer not director. The only film that I wouldn't recommend from either director is an Anderson film. I'm wowed by Anderson's work on first viewings but I can rewatch Tarantino's films.

RIP 2002-2010
PTA definitely. More later when I have more time, but his films just have a joyousness to them or a vibe that actually changes my mood as and after I watch them that just seems to linger the way few filmmakers can craft. I just watched Licorice Pizza and it's wonderful and an A+ film. Tarantino is a great craftsman and sampler and makes jazz and gumbo with each picture, and contrary to what many believe, I think he's getting better with his more recent films, but they never reach the emotional heights and lows of a PTA film that can make me cry like a bluthering idiot or put a smile on my face wider than the Grand Canyon.
"A candy colored clown!"
Member since Fall 2002
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Tarantino, for sure.

PTA is a great visionary, storyteller and director. At least, that's how he started off (Boogie Nights, Magnolia, Punch-Drunk Love) before he lost me starting in the 2000's with movies that I just couldn't get myself to enjoy or understand: The Master, There Will Be Blood, Inherent Vice, and Phantom Thread.

Licorice Pizza was okay.
“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!” ~ Rocky Balboa

RIP 2002-2010
Tarantino, for sure.

PTA is a great visionary, storyteller and director. At least, that's how he started off (Boogie Nights, Magnolia, Punch-Drunk Love) before he lost me starting in the 2000's with movies that I just couldn't get myself to enjoy or understand: The Master, There Will Be Blood, Inherent Vice, and Phantom Thread.

Licorice Pizza was okay.
I think PTA hasn't necessarily gotten better... I think he's always been great, but I think he's changed his style up a bit and content and tone with stuff like The Master, Phantom Thread, and There Will Be Blood, each of which are just great, great movies. Compared to his films like Boogie Nights and Magnolia and to some extent Punch Drunk Love, he holds the camera much more still and there's less of a frantic energy and scenes tend to draw out a bit longer and he's digging more into "serious" or "historical" subject matter, rather than the ensembles of an Altman like movie. I think all his stuff is brilliant and he's one of my top 10 directors of all time, and if I didn't think it before (I did) Licorice Pizza confirmed it for me that minus Werner Herzog, and now that Godard has passed, he's the greatest living director for my money, and yes I'd even say he edges out... just barely, barely, by a tiny thread Martin Scorsese for me. I know, I know. It's the difference between an A+++ and an A++ and 9/10+ filmmaker.

I still need to watch Inherent Vice, although maybe part of me is avoiding it out of a fear that it won't live up to the rest of his stuff.

I looked at PTAs IMDb page and havent seen any of his movies so I cant make a choice here but right off its easy to say theyre completely different. Tarantino is a one-two punch kind of film maker that isnt there churning out movies as a career like PTA does. Tarantino is going away and his filmography is short and sparse. PTA will be there until the end and will have a lot more hits and misses, developing his craft through constant practice. So, from that approach alone you can say they are going to be fundamentally different.

I will check his stuff out now that I know about him.

Welcome to the human race...
All I'll say is that I managed to rewatch QT's filmography in the lead-up to Once Upon a Time in Hollywood but didn't go through with my plan to rewatch every PTA film in the leadup to Licorice Pizza.

I looked at PTAs IMDb page and havent seen any of his movies so I cant make a choice here but right off its easy to say theyre completely different. Tarantino is a one-two punch kind of film maker that isnt there churning out movies as a career like PTA does. Tarantino is going away and his filmography is short and sparse. PTA will be there until the end and will have a lot more hits and misses, developing his craft through constant practice. So, from that approach alone you can say they are going to be fundamentally different.

I will check his stuff out now that I know about him.
Considering that both QT and PTA have released the exact same number of features (counting Kill Bill as one film here, otherwise QT is technically more prolific) over a similar timeframe, I don't think you can say that one is "churning out movies as a career" while the other isn't. Even accounting for QT's "ten films" claim, we still have to wait and see if he sticks to that.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

All I'll say is that I managed to rewatch QT's filmography in the lead-up to Once Upon a Time in Hollywood but didn't go through with my plan to rewatch every PTA film in the leadup to Licorice Pizza.

Considering that both QT and PTA have released the exact same number of features (counting Kill Bill as one film here, otherwise QT is technically more prolific) over a similar timeframe, I don't think you can say that one is "churning out movies as a career" while the other isn't. Even accounting for QT's "ten films" claim, we still have to wait and see if he sticks to that.
PTAs filmography is more extensive, but I cant tell what ones are his own or considered his.

Top of the credits PTA shows 49 as director, 21 as writer and QT shows 21 as producer, 27 as writer.

PTA. It's not even close.