Do you have an internet addiction?


Movie Forums Member
Do you have an internet addiction?

I definitely do and it's dangerous, EBAY!!! I can't stop searching, biding, and buying tons of CRAP. Why do I need 12 new rings? I hardly wear rings, but I got them for 3 dollars. LOL. I need help.

I'm a receptionist in a college - a bad one (bad receptionist, AND bad college lol). There's not exactly a whole lot to do except surf the internet because I have hardly any duties.

I have a routine of visiting several different websites from 9 until 4 when I knock off. My job very rarely interferes with that ritual so it's pretty much constant. Mostly it's trying to be on the cutting edge of new technologies or films. I love finding behind-the-scenes gossip about different shows).

As if that wasn't enough I'm also trying to con my mam (bill-payer in the house because I haven't moved yet) into getting broadband at home because it's such a step down when I want to use it at home compared to the college.
Father of Apollo....Mount Olympus. Don’t f$%£ with me or I’ll shove a lightning bolt up your a$$ - Zeus - Samuel L Jackson, Die Hard With A Vengeance

A system of cells interlinked
Nope. No addictions here (mofo), if there is one thing I DO NOT have, it's addictions (mofo). You won't catch me lurking around on a website while I am hard at work, busily designing stuff people will most likely toss in the trash.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Yep, I am addicted. Going on 11 years now...


Post this picture in the thread and let us know who's gonna duel.
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Views:	627
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ID:	26634  

Revenge of Mr M's Avatar
Get off my island
Yea, I used to be on the Net constantly when I was working as basically a glorified typist but now there's so much stuff to deal with offline, and so little that's new or interesting online... I think the key to unhooking yourself lies in finding more stuff offline to occupy yourself with. For example, take up tae kwon do. Failing that, cut up your credit card.
Mr M Rides Again

MoFo Survivor - r3port3r66 wins!!!!!!

there's a frog in my snake oil
Originally Posted by Revenge of Mr M
and so little that's new or interesting online
Nah, don't agree

But fair play on the keeping your life in balance thing

I'd never have the strength to surf the net maniacally if i didn't run round like a lunatic first (and foremost)
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

Revenge of Mr M's Avatar
Get off my island
^ Ah well, but that kind of stuff is news, you can find the same or similar offline if you look hard enough In fact, that's what you could be doing instead of spending time on the net! Although admittedly, it would take a lot longer... As for stuff like ebay, I always thought it much more satisfying to go out shopping with the other half and pick out stuff yourself... I get something like a warm glow inside

there's a frog in my snake oil
Originally Posted by Revenge of Mr M
Although admittedly, it would take a lot longer...
Xactly . RSS and Google fill me with weird knowledge in quick-n-eventful spades. Leaving plenty of time to play

And hell, i learn how to lead my life a bit better too along the way. Can't be bad


Oh yeah, on the shopping thing, like a lotta things, it's still a lot more fun to immerse yourself in the real deal . (And who wants to be stuck to a screen all day? )

But if it's something like Moby Dick's selling for 6 cents on the net, i am so very much there (The seller's catalogued the stains - and i don't care )

there's a frog in my snake oil
I present to you, my latest deliberate net stumble... ..

Joi Ito, 'father' of Creative Commons, nephew of Mozilla Firefox (and, judging from this speech, Uncle of journalism's future too )

This is a 50 minute talk. This is a serious test of my argument that the web can be ludicrously info-rich, and time-effective too

I wouldn't call it an addiction, Just the fact that there's f*ck all on the telly (and thats saying something when there's 500+ channels to watch!!) so what else is there to do but go online and find useless information, watch crap on youtube, watch random stuff on broadband tv or post in here!

I could quit anytime I want - I swear
getMax - [Online Brainfood]

Chat Rooms are so '07..........just kidding.

Do they still even have chat rooms? I remember hearing about those 20 years ago. Supposedly illicit and immoral activities took place there

“Hell will hold no surprises for you.”
Not at all. I only spend about 18 hours a day online. That's not really that much is it?

Chat Rooms are so '07..........just kidding.

Do they still even have chat rooms? I remember hearing about those 20 years ago. Supposedly illicit and immoral activities took place there
They were a great place to meet underage girls and celebrities... like Chris Hansen!