Christmas Music, your thoughts?


When did it go from being spiritually uplifting to a form of torture approved by the United Nations?

Is it our age, and we've just heard these songs over and over? Is it a reminder of the commercial monster the holiday has become? Is it just bad music?

Some I like. Michael Crawfords "Oh Holy Night" sounds like a live feed from heaven itself. I'm also a mark for The Harry Simeone Chorale version of "Little Drummer Boy", and any Dean Martin gets a pass.

I feel though Halloween has overtaken Christmas in actually being fun, and something to look forward to. Your thoughts?

Heh. Sorry, I mostly like it. Some of it's pretty terrible but about 90% I find warm and fuzzy and like hearing, and hum to myself at various points throughout the year even if it's not remotely Christmasy.

I hate Christmas music. It used to be cute when there would be few Christmas tunes in the Charts, when physical media of these songs had to be bought. Now with streaming from mid November to mid January Charts are stuffed with the same songs across the world and every year. It's torture.

For me, Christmas songs are like The Polar Express. It's good, but I was force fed it way too much to the point I'm completely tired of it at this point. The same applies for a great deal of Christmas songs. That said, here are a couple of my favorites which I still enjoy listening to:


Two of my favorite Christmas pieces of music:

San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.

I mostly like it, some stuff is better than other stuff, I don’t mind Chris Rea and the like. Then again, sometimes I feel like I like all music out there just because it’s music.

This is the only Christmas song that matters

Last Movie Watched: Winnie The Pooh: Blood & Honey (2023).
Last TV Show Watched: Batman: Caped Crusader (S1:E2).

I like a few Christmas songs, mostly ones by popular artists. My favorite is Bob Seger's version of "The Little Drummer Boy."

My second favorite is probably "That Spirt of Christmas" by Ray Charles

But my absolute least favorite song ever made by any artist is a Christmas song and I will inevitably be subjected to it at least once this season and it will absolutely enrage me. It's already been posted in this thread, actually, but fortunately I can just not click play on it. A big screw you to Paul McCartney for creating that abomination.

The Guy Who Sees Movies
I like it, although with limitations. Newer music, jingly-jingle music is like fingernails on slate. On the other hand, the old, Germanic music with manger scenes, angels, choirs, etc, reminds me of the old folks in my Germanic way-back and is real nostalgia stuff.

But my absolute least favorite song ever made by any artist is a Christmas song and I will inevitably be subjected to it at least once this season and it will absolutely enrage me. It's already been posted in this thread, actually, but fortunately I can just not click play on it. A big screw you to Paul McCartney for creating that abomination.

I agree. I work in a store where that is one of the songs on the loop. Somewhere in the netherworld a hopeless soul is entering hell to the background music of Sir Paul singing "Ding Dong Ding Dong ....". at this point they realize there is no God.

I'm listening to Christmas music right now while I drink egg nog. Then, I'm going to watch 2 Christmas movies in a row and drink hot chocolate.

I'm a traditionalist. I like Gene Autry's Christmas songs like "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer", "Here Comes Santa Claus", and "Frosty the Snowman". There are a few other traditional songs I like as well, although I could probably go forever without hearing "Feliz Navidad" or "Jingle Bell Rock" again..

What irks me is that most radio stations will take the top 15 Christmas songs and play them over and over, but they almost always avoid playing traditional Christmas Carols. I suspect that they're afraid of offending non Christians. I love traditional Christmas Carols. To me those carols are representative of the Christmas season, not an attempt to push a religion.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
I'm a traditionalist. I like Gene Autry's Christmas songs like "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer", "Here Comes Santa Claus", and "Frosty the Snowman". There are a few other traditional songs I like as well, although I could probably go forever without hearing "Feliz Navidad" or "Jingle Bell Rock" again..

What irks me is that most radio stations will take the top 15 Christmas songs and play them over and over, but they almost always avoid playing traditional Christmas Carols. I suspect that they're afraid of offending non Christians. I love traditional Christmas Carols. To me those carols are representative of the Christmas season, not an attempt to push a religion.
I'm with you. I love listening to the Christmas music from They have many genres within genres of Christmas music including the older more tradional songs.

How about definitive versions?
Such as: everyone's done White Christmas, but most feel Bing Crosby's is the best & definitive version.

I'd add Perry Como's No Place Like Home for the Holidays
Sandra Dee's Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree
Eartha Kitt's Santa Baby
And of course Adam Sandler's Hanukkah Song (one thing I'll give him credit for)!