Marijuana: Do you do it?


king_of_movies_316's Avatar
The King of Movies

To all you experianced weed smokers, do you know why my heart rate goes realy fast when ever i smoke weed? Is this normal and does it happen to you?
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Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
what are your thoughts on marijuana...okay not okay?

Okay for medicinal or occasional use.

Not okay for daily use. People I see doing that rarely get anywhere in life or have any plans for the future other than smoking more.

what about historical uses.....

I have no idea.

seriously..should marijuana be a normal part of our lives?

Not at the present time. For one thing, it's illegal. Why would mood altering drugs be a normal part of our lives even if it weren't? When I see a person who HAS to have a drink EVERY night, I wonder WTF is so horrible about that person's life that they feel a need to do that? Why can't they enjoy their live without drugs?

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Yes they are. That doesn't make them a good thing though.
I agree. But I do think that it could work as an argument for legalizing marijuana. Not that I'm for it - I'm just pointing things out

Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
I agree it should be legalized or decriminalized. I feel the same way about most drugs and prostitution as well. Why have unenforceable laws? Why not tax and regulate these areas?

I haven't had any pot since I was in seventh grade. I couldn't smoke it then. I just couldn't make myself inhale but my parent's brownies were laced with it. That was something I didn't know and they didn't bother to tell me.

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I agree it should be legalized or decriminalized. I feel the same way about most drugs and prostitution as well. Why have unenforceable laws? Why not tax and regulate these areas?

I think you misunderstood me mate. I'm against legalizing marijuana.

I haven't had any pot since I was in seventh grade. I couldn't smoke it then. I just couldn't make myself inhale but my parent's brownies were laced with it. That was something I didn't know and they didn't bother to tell me.
Wauv... That's just wrong.

I got "high" for the first time yesterday. I knew i was high but i was still saying random *****. One weird bit about it, was my mouth was very dry.
Cotton mouth. By the way, I hope you enjoyed yourself.

You ready? You look ready.
I wish I had some now...
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

I heard that if you know you are high, you are not realy high, is that true?
So if you know you're drunk you're not really drunk? How does that figure...?

Incidentally, I didn't get high the first few times I smoked. Not sure why but I think it happens to most least that's what they told me.