whats good


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The People's Republic of Clogher
Bacon and ice cream? Sanskrit read to a pony?

What? The thread title doesn't refer to the Lou Reed song?

Welcome to MoFo!
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Thanks Tatty loved that, I am a big fan of Lou, I saw him back in the seventies, he was so stoned he could hardly sing, most people left the venue, in the end someone came and took him off stage he is looking better these days

The People's Republic of Clogher
I'm jealous, nebbie.

I've never seen Reed live and wouldn't mind if he was completely stoned off his nuts. It's a shame that most ex-addict rock singers are such joyless dullards these days, it must be the endless NA meetings.

Lou's still a fantastic songwriter but I wouldn't wanna be trapped in a lift with him...

First time I can remember hearing Lou Reed was when a friend put "Walk on the Wild Side" on a mix tape for me. I dug it, though I didn't usually go for those talk-singing performance-arts-like songs. But it exuded enough style that I enjoyed it.

Granted, that's all I know about him, but I figured based on that alone he'd probably done a truckload of drugs.

The People's Republic of Clogher
I think the first Lou Reed song I digested (as opposed to just 'hearing' - WOTWS is pretty ubiquitous) was I Love You Suzanne from nineteen eightygodIfeelold

His record company was obviously after some of that Dancing In The Dark money 'cos the video featured a fantastically embarrassed looking cap-sleeve t-shirt wearing Lou dancing with a girl he'd plucked out of the crowd at a live show. I wondered who this strange, slightly monkey-faced guy was.

Then I bought Transformer a few years later and then New York in '89 (1989 was my Year Zero for music, by the way) and was hooked. Polar opposites of records - Transformer is filled with classic pop songs and New York some of the best songwriting I've ever heard.