Robin Williams RIP


Oh, I just watched that Kevin Spacey movie, Shrink. Probably nobody's seen it. Don't need to. Anyway, Robin Williams was in that. He played an actor seeing a shrink (Kevin Spacey) because he had a sex addiction or something like that.
I've seen it. I remember Williams in that.

Let the night air cool you off
I could continue my Altman streak with Popeye.
Good choice. It's a fun, underrated film. It's weird as hell too. It also has this gem of a line "I ain't man enough to be a mother."

This one really hit me where it hurts.

I always felt empathy for Robin's characters, great actor and comedian.

Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

It has been said before that the comedian is often the saddest person in a room full of laughter. His standup was unmistakable and the world never got enough of him and Jonathan Winters.

Tell me if anyone hears any good Robin Williams suicide jokes. This is the kind of thing you (or at least, I) need a good laugh over. Robin would have wanted people to laugh about it.

the saddest part about this, to me, is that it's only after a person is gone that people really celebrate them

i mean, everyone is talking about Robin Williams now. but in his last few years, while people certainly still recognized him and knew who he was, it's not like he was a hot topic of conversation or front page news

if he hadn't killed himself, people wouldn't be posting all about Robin Williams and watching his movies now

maybe that's why he did it. The longing to be recognized and celebrated. This could be a difficult thing for someone to cope with who has tasted maximum fame... may be a total shot in the dark, as i know little about the man Robin Williams. But it's easy to see how, especially those in the acting profession, might crave a taste of recognition. acknowledgment. And he wasn't likely to get that to this degree, unless he did what he did.

And it just makes me think, it's a strange world. Are we all capable of sharing appreciation for each other while people are still alive? Or are we all hogging each other's spotlight, in a sort of selfish way. Maybe the answer is to find it within ourselves to appreciate each other more than we do. Be willing to look outward and appreciate those around us, as opposed to focusing so much inwards on the self. Perhaps some people don't need that acknowledgment to be happy, yet maybe some people do.

Anyhow, those were my thoughts about Robin Williams

The Brave Little Weeman Returns!
This is terrible. So bad. So, so bad.

RIP Robin Williams, so many childhoods shattered.
"This aggression will not stand, man" -The Big Lebowski


Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
I was really, really hoping this wasn't true.

R.I.P Robin Williams.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

Originally Posted by nostromo87
maybe that's why he did it. The longing to be recognized and celebrated.
I dare say it's possible that on some level, that could have factored into his decision to do it. He is ROBIN WILLIAMS afterall. He may go dormant at times, but Robin Williams is like a God. He WILL be a God now. He is the Charlie Chaplin/Groucho Marx of our generation.

And actually, this makes me wish I had seen all of his movies. And owned them. Or at least see Good Morning, Vietnam. I need to see if I can... find that somewhere to watch.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Hoffman died - everyone would watch his movies
Now Wiliams dies - everyone will be watching his movies for a while

Same goes for music and Winehouse & Jackson.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Really truly sad. I hope he gets some peace now. There was always a sadness about Robin that even showed through all the mania.

He was gifted. Good Will Hunting, Good Morning Vietnam, One Hour Photo and of course, The World According to Garp are my favorites.

RIP all the good ones are leaving us.

Wait a minute. I've been thinking Robin hung himself, but that's not what asphyxiation is. That's where you use the plastic bag over your head. Sorry for being graphic, but I don't know why I immediately thought "hanged himself." It must have just seemed more dramatic.

even though i think Dead Poets' Society is pretty bad, his performance makes it watchable. i haven't seen Good Will Hunting in a long time, but i loved it at the time and i think his performance was my favorite part then too. he's never been a favorite comedian of mine outside of a few bits and Mork and Mindy, but i've always had serious respect for him, mostly based on his dramatic roles and things like his fantastic guest appearance on Louie. in interviews he always seemed like such a down to earth and honest guy who just liked acting out occasionally.