Comic Book Movie


The next countdown is the one for comic book movies and I think I have a lot of catch up to do. I think that's all I've seen so I'm curious to see your recommendations

Robocop (not sure)
Battle Royale
Batman Begins
Sin City
V for Vendetta
X Men
X Men Last Stand
Spider Man
Spider Man 2
Spider Man 3
The Dark Knight
Iron Man
Star Trek (not sure if it's based on a comic)
Iron Man 2
Kick-Ass (not sure if it's based on a comic)
The Dark Knight Rises
Thor 2
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

I'm pretty certain RoboCop is not eligible; that would be my clear cut number one pick. I would recommend checking out The Crow and X Men: First Class.

Let the night air cool you off
Anime based on manga you should see:

Porco Rosso
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind

The Lone Wolf and Cub series is based on manga, you should definitely watch those six films if you can.

Lady Snowblood part one and two are worth a watch, especially if you like the Kill Bill movies. You can tell Snowblood was a big influence.

When the Wind Blows should be seen by everybody, it's an emotionally riveting piece of animation.

The Addams Family is a personal favorite, but I don't know if anybody loves it as much as I do.

If you want some good action, I'd recommend Dredd and The Punisher (1989)

Warren Beatty's Dick Tracy should be seen for how crazy it is.

Let the night air cool you off
I've seen Nausicaa and I can't find Porco Rosso.

The rest, I put on my watchlist !
I just missed Nausicaa the first time I guess. I see it now.

I hope you enjoy!

and I hope this works for Porco Rosso, personally I've never used this before.

Four that I suspect are overlooked:

Ninja Bugeicho (1966)
The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (1943)
Where the Wild Things Are (2009) (yes, "picture books" count)
Mystery Men (1999) (features characters from the Flaming Carrot continuity, I believe)

Kick Ass and the Kick Ass 2 are though. You said you weren't sure about those either but they're eligible.

The rest of your picks are fine... just remember not to reveal your actual list when you've completed it

The next countdown is the one for comic book movies and I think I have a lot of catch up to do. I think that's all I've seen so I'm curious to see your recommendations

Robocop (not sure)
Battle Royale
Batman Begins
Sin City
V for Vendetta
X Men
X Men Last Stand
Spider Man
Spider Man 2
Spider Man 3
The Dark Knight
Iron Man
Star Trek (not sure if it's based on a comic)
Iron Man 2
Kick-Ass (not sure if it's based on a comic)
The Dark Knight Rises
Thor 2
I would recommend the following animated comic book based films:

Galaxy Express 999

A must watch, from the 1970's, a classic, even though the animation is extremely dated. It's a
movie, maybe even
if I am in good mood.

Only Yesterday

Isao Takahata's absolute masterpiece is based on a comic book. It was the first film that made my cry and is in my top 30 favorites.

The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya

This is a great movie, I rate it
. It's really great and it is on youtube for free (that's not the trailer).

Whisper of the Heart

A rate this masterpiece
, it's in my top 30 favorites. Also based on a manga.

In addition:
- K-ON! The Movie

A bit weaker than the others but still very fun to watch, I rate it as

- Ghost in the Shell (I and II, and there is also another one that I forgot the name that is very good).