Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Presence of Mind (1999)

Pretty decent filming of The Turn of the Screw (take with a grain of salt as I haven't read the book). As a European movie, it's quite a bit more direct in its sexual innuendo than say The Innocents. The Spanish villa is just as great setting as well. I'd say it's on par with the more famous filming (they both have pros and cons).


Time Lapse (2014) Sci-Fi, Thriller

Entertaining with gripping atmosphere, I was quite satisfied with the ending. Some of the delivery of lines weren't great, but the plot made up for it.

Never thought I'd see an R and R flick this well done.
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I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Fargo (1996)

Seen this once before and never took to it so thought I'd have another go. Sad to say, same result....effected acting and twee predictable story-line. OK for a bit of whimsy but fail to see the acclaim this gets. The Man Who Wasn't There 5 years later being a far superior film all round.

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The Anderson Tapes - 4/10
The first 5 minutes were great, then it was no good.. Boring... I don't think I've ever made a comment on the score, but it sucked.

When my eyes and mind start to wander, I know I'm going to feel bad.

Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief (2015) - 7/10. Felt in the mood for some documentaries today. So turned this on and it was a fascinating watch. It was a bit by bit deconstruction of the baloney they sell. And does not paint John Travolta and Tom Cruise in a good light though. It doesn't shy away from naming names.
My Favorite Films

An Honest Liar (2014) - 6.7/10. A delightful look into the life of James Randi and his fight against scammers and evangelists. Also his personal life too. Although it doesn't dwell on the personal side too much. Wonderfully done.

The Union: The Business Behind Getting High (2007) - 7/10. Another good one. An inside look into the Pot business and how it worked back then. I thought it wouldn't be too political, but it absolutely was. Looking at it now, it's kind of nice to see how the world's opinion has changed in the past 13 years on marijuana. Good watch. Although I would have liked it if there was a counter argument presented in the movie, coz this was all pro-weed. But then again, since we get so much from government and law enforcement, this documentary didn't need to have it.

It's an exploitation sub genre where somebody gets raped and then they or someone they know gets revenge on the rapists. They're usually awful films but occasionally you get a really good one.

Behind You (2020)

+ unlike most modern B-horrors this actually looks like a proper movie
+ acting is OK
- the script is immensely cliched, predictable and stale
- actually it kinda feels like they didn't have a script but went with what cliche popped in the head at the moment

Also, is that Matthew Whedon Joss Whedon's brother (according to Wiki he has a brother of that name)?

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All the Way - 5/10
I always watch movies about American Presidents, but this was another piece of baloney. There were some awful scenes. If you aren't going to be accurate, be talented. It is pathetic to NOT know Stokely Carmichael was from the Caribbean and spoke with a heavy accent. Judging by what I saw, I doubt they knew a thing about them, or anyone else.
Enough of the redundant saccharine music pretending to be triumphant. I did like the archival footage. You could take any two hours of archival footage of the LBJ years and it would have been better than this.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.

What We Become (Bo Mikkelsen, 2015)
Richard The Lionheart (Stefano Milla, 2013)
A Champion Heart (David de Vos, 2018)
F/X (Robert Mandel, 1986)
+ 7.5/10

Movie special f/x man Bryan Brown gets involved with crooked Feds and murder and tries to extricate himself with the help of his monsters and gags.
Once Upon a Time in London (David Silverman, 2019)
Faith, Hope & Love (Robert Krantz & J.J. Englert, 2019)
Sand Storm (Elite Zexer, 2016)
Fantasy Island (Jeff Wadlow, 2020)

She's helpful but ain't no Tattoo.
Plastic Bag (Ramin Bahrani, 2009)
The Rachel Divide (Laura Brownson, 2018)
December (Gabe Torres, 1991)
My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done (Werner Herzog. 2009)

Strangely watchable, but you've been warned.
Super Sucker (Jeff Daniels, 2002)
Uncorked (Prentice Penny, 2020)
Delphine (Chloé Robichaud, 2019)
Foul Play (Colin Higgins, 1978)
+ 7.5/10

Creative use of the letter F in Scrabble extends over three plays.
Charley-One-Eye (Don Chaffey, 1973)
Misbehaviour (Philippa Lowthorpe, 2020)
+ 6/10
The Mouth Agape (Maurice Pialatr, 1974)
One Day in the Life of Noah Piugattuk (Zacharias Kunuk, 2019)

Two men - and two civilizations [the Inuit and the Canadian White] - who cannot understand each other, mostly concerning freedom and citizenship.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Cold in July (2014)

Good late night watching. Story was passable, acting was good...can't moan. Nice to see Sam Shepard getting a main role.