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A system of cells interlinked
You know... Elden Ring is running like a champ at max settings, so I am in no rush!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

You know... Elden Ring is running like a champ at max settings, so I am in no rush!
have u finished elden ring yet? i heard the bosses are hardest? im thinking to get tiny tina's wonderlands, i know its like borderlands but i havent finished borderlands trilogy yet :/

A system of cells interlinked
have u finished elden ring yet? i heard the bosses are hardest? im thinking to get tiny tina's wonderlands, i know its like borderlands but i havent finished borderlands trilogy yet :/
Not even close. I can only get time to play on the weekends, so I am slowly working my way through the game, which is enormous! I am just near the end of the Raya Lucaria Academy area at this point. The bosses are definitely challenging, so far anyway.

Not even close. I can only get time to play on the weekends, so I am slowly working my way through the game, which is enormous! I am just near the end of the Raya Lucaria Academy area at this point. The bosses are definitely challenging, so far anyway.
oh how far are u in the game. im like that with assassins creed vahalla also going slowly though the game to do side missions and doing collectbles etc . oh yea i remember seeing that part on youtube. thats y i dont play elden ring too hard for me lol

I started playing elden ring on my PC but it was running so badly that I couldn't play it optimally, in Brazil good gaming PC is so expensive that I decided to buy a PS5 just for elden ring. The game is optimized for PS5 so it runs very smoothly.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Sill just doing mainly this...

Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

A system of cells interlinked
I started playing elden ring on my PC but it was running so badly that I couldn't play it optimally, in Brazil good gaming PC is so expensive that I decided to buy a PS5 just for elden ring. The game is optimized for PS5 so it runs very smoothly.
I built a top notch PC recently EXCEPT for a new GPU, because the pricing and availability is so awful lately. Luckily, my old 1060 6GB card runs the game really well at max settings. Oddly, I know people with newer cards (for instance a 2060 Super) that seem to have trouble with it. Not sure what they had for a CPU etc.

Just finished Zero Horizon Dawn... I cant believe I slept on this game. Looking forward to the new one once I take a bit of a break.
Movie Reviews!!
Being John Malkovich

I had 5 Swatches on my arm…
In an effort to stay up and get my sleep cycle back to (ab)normal, I fired up Gran Turismo.

Played till about 6 in the morning doing nothing more than license tests. Spent an hour or two each on two separate ones. Fail, retry, fail, retry, fail, retry, GOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLDDDDD!!!

No. Still no interest in playing Souls type games 🤗

I died more times playing 30 hours of Elden Ring than the 134 hours I clocked on Odyssey. In fact, on Odyssey the only bosses I died more than twice before beating were the two legenary boars (which were seriously unbalanced to the rest of the game, which felt like a theme park ride).

Elden Ring is a real game instead of the ancient greece theme park ride that Odyssey is: it is something you really have to focus to beat. Elden Ring is also a real RPG: it does not have level scaling and you have to be careful doing you build.

I died more times to a certain cave bandid than to a Dragon boss. It is really unpredictable how you can die since big enemies make you take them seriously but even now, at level 50, a couple of mid-range soldiers can still easily kill me.

My worst time, however, is dying inside a dark cave by failling into holes. I lost 12,000 runes because I feel into a hole and then I feel into another hole trying to get my runes back. Then I thought "screw it" and I didn't try to go back to that cave to get the runes.

"careful doing Your build"... and then me trying to be every class at once .

Game's great. Very manageable so far. Am somewhere at academy roofs. No rush.. almost 50 hours in, but thats with some extra coop sillying around and helping few players.

PC port ok. Runs better at max settings than God of War on original preset.

Elden Ring be like: "You already explored all those ruins, catacombs, and caves? Here are some more for you."

(For someone that technically hates any kind of claustrophobic dungeon stuff that is (basically) any RPG) I can stomach the design and puzzle challenges from the mid to late catacombs though; a breath of fresh air from the earlier areas (with their almost-monotonous dungeons), still with interesting items to pick at on the way. Like, be sure to always check down below the elevator or something like that xD.
Started NG+ and I know I still missed much stuff, whether from certain portions of areas, items, or enemies drop from the previous playthrough. Like I realized a few missable stuff in one area that should be grabbed before the main story progressed far. There were also conscious choices though as there was this meme-material weapon but the enemy drop-rate was little to none and the ordeal just to get close is just, forget it...

That being said I don't really bother to sum up that playthrough anytime soon, instead, lately, I've been circling around with new play-through characters, trying many different things that I missed before, and experimenting with stuff--intentionally or unintentionally allowed by the game like some teleportation glitch xD that makes many things so convenient. Once you know what/where/how to get, much of the game turn kind of trivial, and the modest challenge is just not to make the character over-leveled so early in a sense,
(while shamelessly still using my favorite late-game weapon, so far xD )

Out of nowhere, probably a little bit inspired by some speedrun or any handicapped challenge that I watched, I challenge myself with how far my new character can go with just sl25, with everything available that I can use in-game; including strategically fair fight, cheesing, glitching (and cheesing via the glitch). With my lack of skill, somehow I can beat Leyndell Capital xD. Now the question is do I skip the Fire Giant that after the current patch is so hard to cheese right now, or straight to Farum Azula, which is a crazy area to low leveled wandering around; or finally try my hands on some legit zip stuff (is that even possible to try idk). But that seems like to skip everything though, while kind of tempting to try.
"Фильм призван вызвать духовную волну, а не взращивать идолопоклонников."

Have summarized some of my random thoughts on making travel in the Land Between less intimidating and stressful.
Basically, it's just plebian's tips, either I figured by myself playing the previous games and via other guidances as well; so if Elden Ring (current and future) players here find this just plain obvious, or trivializing/ruining the challenge of own playstyle, disagreement or whatever, just plain ignored it.

- Depending on how good the player is (on dodging, parry, and stuff), prioritize investing in vigor (hp) when leveling up. This is like one of the hottest memes adding a layer of how unbalanced things are in this game. The far players delve into the game, the enemy's damage becomes so variably unforgiven.

- Compartmentalize your run. Which is for exploring, clearing up areas, progressing the story, or which is for grinding/farming, obtaining (certain) items, etc. It might sound counterintuitive and relatively could be time-consuming because of the roundabout, but technically the suggestion is to make things less stressful by making the player not so burdened with the runes they have.
It doesn't have to be that way all the time but just as an alternative option or strategy like when encountering a tight spot. I mean, imagine nakedly just running straight to an item that guards by a bunch of tough enemies, before just goes suicide right onto a cliff, without any financial things to worry about.

- That being said, dead as a mechanic in this game, not only implemented as a learning curve (against enemies) but also to scout freely and outsmart/bypass the challenges.

- Imagine the mechanic of the site of grace (the checkpoint) the same as the base in baseball. The progress is safe as long as the player touches it.

- You don't need to fight everybody in like every situation. It's basically a common symptom for some clueless new players from my experience. To be fair, it's fine at first, trying to face any kind of enemy; but if the player keeps it as a playstyle that way, a chance just leads to frustration and blaming the game.
I mean, this lobster is straight BS

- From the point above, know the nature of the enemy placement.
By the role (and lore): some enemies (bosses) are mandatory and some are optional. Some optional enemies also can be mandatory depending on the circumstances.
By the strategic design: group, ambush, blind spot placement, etc.

more nuances:

- Depending on the playstyle or build, for traditional close combatants don't hesitate to use the variation of (charge) heavy attack, jump attack, guard counter (shield+R2), rather than just keep spamming R1 (light, fast attack) all the way. Besides the damage, many enemy postures can be broken (successively filling its invisible bar), opening the chance for a riposte.

- Some enemies are built to effectively be strong and weak against certain types of damage or weapon. If for example, the enemy skin deflects your dagger, that is the better time to use some club or any kind of weapon that gives strike/blunt damage.

- some more probably will add later...

there's a frog in my snake oil

^^ignore the VR glitch in the screenie, and little Keanu Reeves in the background there^^

Lotta fun leaping around Cyberpunk with my new bionic double-jump legs. Like how you can just randomly hop and grapple up to a high walkway where a local gang is up to no good. (And just all the classic options for 'rooftop approaches' it opens up).

Am leaning towards electric katana for all the lower tier guys now. Saves on bullets, and still has that potential to challenge if one of them turns out to be a katana-wielder stuffed with his own movement hacks. That moment when they stop your rampage flow with a flurry of matrix dodges and a cinematic block

Just loving all the 'AAA open world' beats here generally though...

Casing a main story heist with a dishonoured cybernetic bodyguard, getting into lore chat with him while industrial containers float by. Using judicious hacks and stealth to break into a sprawling complex. (This whole game kinda feels like what Watchdogs was supposed to be on the hackable world front, I'm guessing). I swear I even heard him off talking to random residents once after I left him casing an area on his own between jobs. (I was too busy interfering in a drug-deal-gone-wrong to go and check though )

Then there's the fleshed out nature of the 'gigs' for fixers in each locale. Full of set pieces, bespoke location uses, tasty weapon pay offs or changes to the world. (New contacts unlocked etc). They could almost be main storyline fare at points, but they're just littered everywhere.

Mainly though, it's the ability to just hear / scan trouble, and leap towards it like a bionic spiderman that's a lotta VR fun at the moment though

there's a frog in my snake oil
Picking armour based on stats rather than looks has variable results

Here's an example of the verticality / elevation which I'm enjoying. The city is littered with both gang clusters, and inviting ways to get yourself higher.

So in this case I could just cyborg-leap onto the roof of a pedestrian overpass, and then hop round the back of the target building over some tin roofs. But other times you find yourself hop-scotching up air-conditioning units and leaping from rooftop to rooftop to case a joint. Or even zipping up to a higher motorway, or taking a lift up to a promenade, so you can drop down and surprise them with sniper or samuari sword

It's just verticality city. Throw in the decent range on the hacks which you can rain down on them, and the unknowable size of the gang arrayed before you, even though this is essentially just an 'encounter the cave' / 'stake out the village' staple, it plays out fun at the mo

(As a bonus, this talking gun hologram also looked very odd in VR )

Ended this session by rewarding myself with a flasher ride. Chosen partially because I enjoy the flighty way it can be encouraged around corners at various speeds. And partially because it just feels cool to look up to check the red speedo as you drive

I had 5 Swatches on my arm…
When you have 30 mins to play and get smacked in the face with an update….

A system of cells interlinked
Elden Ring UPDATE @ approximately 75 hours in...

I am quite a bit behind everyone else in hours and progress, as I find myself restricted to only playing on weekends. That said, I have completed all dungeons/catacombs/caves etc, as well as all the area and world bosses in Limgrave, Liurnia of the Lakes, Weeping Peninsula, Ainsel and Siofra underworlds, Ruin-Strewn Precipice, and am I am guessing about 3/4 of the way done with Caelid.

What a game. I am around level 68 or so, and so far the challenge has been pretty much perfect the entire time, with only a couple of bosses that had me gritting my teeth and doing over 10 attempts. I have ventured into a couple of other areas, either by choice as I pushed out past some of the areas I have cleared, or by another method, like one of those confounded teleporter traps. I was quickly sat on my ass by the enemies in those areas, so I turned tail and ran right out of those zones. I also tried to pick a fight with that big black gargoyle looking chap outside the beast clerics lair up near the top of the map, and he proceeded to golf me across the screen, taking about 3/4 of my HP with one hit. Not ready for him yet!

The larger, main castles and dungeons have all been exceptional. Dripping with atmosphere, constructed with clever and challenging design with plenty of secrets to discover, each with a couple of challenging multi-stage boss fights. I am looking forward to the large castle I am approaching in Caelid, which I should reach in my next session.

I do have a couple of small frustrations I wanted to list:

The NPC and quest systems have always been cryptic and obtuse in Fromsoft games, which worked in the confines of the more restricted, smaller scope games of the past. Elden Ring has taken a few steps in the right direction, with RR martin's involvement and the dev's realization that the previous system wouldn't work in a larger, open world game. Still... Keeping all the NPC quest progressions moving without a wiki is difficult at best. With no journal or notes section in the game, and me having to lay off my playing for a week at a time, I soon found myself scratching my head, trying to recall who said what, and where they had inferred I should go. Was it the wolf guy that said to find the house on the cliff? Did the blue witch chick tell me I should believe the weird guy in the nearby tower, or that I shouldn't trust him? Which church was I supposed to go to to find who again? Most troubling, was a quest that has ended up stuck because I cleared an area boss before I was invaded by a random NPC who would have dropped an item I needed to give to another NPC. Sure, I can do that quest on my next playthrough, but, I had no way of knowing I needed to finish that quest up to that point before downing a boss. It's a side quest, and really, just a bit of story, but I would like to know what happens to the weird blind lady that eats eyeballs.

Secondly: Birds and dogs. I hate them. All of them!

Finished the game, except that Malenia is too hard , but well she is supposed to be.

Edit: I am near level 200, still unable to beat her. Problem is that after level 100+ your stats do not increase much for each new level and I have maxed out my equipment, so my character cannot get much stronger, the only way to beat Malenia is by actually being good!