Do you guys even bite at Oscar bait movies anymore?


There was a time I felt compelled to see all the big nominees for the yearly oscar nominated shows but now I feel like it's most too much work and I don't have anyone of importance to share my achievements with. Like the weird leopard person who cares for things that no one even notices. Like this old friend who would make it a point to let it be know that " no one knows what your talking about, ***** " .

I usually try to watch most Oscar-nominated films, unless I have reason to believe I’ll dislike something, in which case, I leave it until later. Eventually, I do tend to catch up with them all. If anything, I’m more sold on this year’s selection than some of the previous years’.

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
I try to never treat any movie as potential Oscar bait. If it interests me, I'll check it out. I don't even know what the term means anymore anyway.

I usually try to watch most Oscar-nominated films, unless I have reason to believe I’ll dislike something, in which case, I leave it until later. Eventually, I do tend to catch up with them all. If anything, I’m more sold on this year’s selection than some of the previous years’.
Your too beautiful, you need to be out doing more important stuff.

I try to never treat any movie as potential Oscar bait. If it interests me, I'll check it out. I don't even know what the term means anymore anyway.
The term to me applies to the notion that other people feel a way about art and find it important and they demand you feel the same way.

I do. I want to see all this year's Oscar nominees before the ceremony. I've seen 41/53 so far.
I admire your foolish pursuits, I was exactly like you a short time ago.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Yeah, I no longer have a group of people in front of whom I can ostensibly hate a film either. I mean, apart from MoFos, but give me a break... So... what's another reason for watching films that are mediocre at best?

PS: Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re not a poor man’s version of me. You’re a unique version of yourself. And by unique, I mean funny. And by funny, I mean laughable.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Your too beautiful, you need to be out doing more important stuff.
Aww, thank you! I do try to get out more these days. Went clubbing with friends over the weekend for the first time in years, and it was great. So I’m getting there

I do. I want to see all this year's Oscar nominees before the ceremony. I've seen 41/53 so far.
Same. I'm well on my way to having watched them all before the ceremony - including all the shorts.

Aww, thank you! I do try to get out more these days. Went clubbing with friends over the weekend for the first time in years, and it was great. So I’m getting there
Good girl.

Yeah, I no longer have a group of people in front of whom I can ostensibly hate a film either. I mean, apart from MoFos, but give me a break... So... what's another reason for watching films that are mediocre at best?

PS: Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re not a poor man’s version of me. You’re a unique version of yourself. And by unique, I mean funny. And by funny, I mean laughable.
I dunno, some of the mentioned "mediocre" films can produce a surprise enjoyable experience. In the past few years I have found more fun experiences in less than thought of movies. As for the mentioned being hard on myself, it's difficult, i'm my own worst critic.

How many have you seen so far?
I've 12 titles left to go.

The trick is not minding
Yes, I do plan on watching them, but not necessarily prioritize them, depending on the film of course.
Oscar bait doesn’t mean anything anyways. The film could be good or bad. One won’t know unless they watch it.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
The term Oscar bait does contain an implicit jab at the film, pointing out that its makers produced it with the Academy in mind. If you focus on winning an Award versus actually making a good film, it's highly likely your film is not good.

The term Oscar bait does contain an implicit jab at the film, pointing out that its makers produced it with the Academy in mind. If you focus on winning an Award versus actually making a good film, it's highly likely your film is not good.
Hi, I'm David O Russell, I would like to speak with you about giving me awards.

Trouble with a capital "T"
There was a time I felt compelled to see all the big nominees for the yearly oscar nominated shows but now I feel like it's most too much work and I don't have anyone of importance to share my achievements with...
Me, I never feel compelled to do anything I don't want to and I don't want to watch a bunch of new Oscar contenders that I won't like. Time is important and I'd rather watch an old noir than Oscar noms.