25th Hall of Fame


Thanks friends, this sure was something lol. Only three I'd consider duds so I guess it could have been worse

01. Chimes at Midnight

02. Themroc

03. About Elly

04. The Truth

05. BlacKkKlansman

06. Les Miz

07. Sundays and Cybele

08. Bicycle Thieves

09. The Long Goodbye

10. American Movie

11. The Green Years

12. Vertigo

13. Whiplash

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

3rd Place
About Elly (Asghar Farhadi 2009)

105 Points
I LOVE that gif!!

CONGRATS @Rbayer for the WIN!!! with Vertigo along with the usual THANKS and ACCOLADES to our Host, our Rocker, our Roller, CR!!!!!!!

Seeing my Vote will explain my review for About Elly since I placed it as low as I had and truly feel it didn't belong so low. With a second viewing, I'm sure it would have risen to around #7 and only because of my enjoyment of the films above it. Including my own that I unabashedly loved, hence the #1 spot for it.
Two and three was a bit of a battle and much like the final results for the HoF was a tight call.
7,8 and 9 were almost interchangeable - ALMOST
and with my placement of Vertigo at #10 says a lot for a Hitchcock film from me. Though I don't think a secondary or third would change it much. Especially against my top six for this Hall of Fame.

1) The Truth #8
2) Sundays and Cybele TIE #4
3) Bicycle Thieves #2
4) Les Miserables #6
5) Chimes at Midnight #7
6) The Green Years #11
7) Whiplash TIE #4
8) The Long Goodbye #5
9) BlacKKKlansman #9
10) Vertigo #1
11) About Elly #3
12) American Movie #10
13) Themroc #12
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Whoa, I think I never disagreed more with the final ranking! Still, really happy Vertigo won this, Hitchcock's best film deserves to be in the HoF (as do #2, #3 ... #50)

My list:
  1. About Elly
  2. Whiplash
  3. Vertigo
  4. Bicycle Thieves
  5. The Green Years
  6. Chimes at Midnight
  7. Sundays and Cybele
  8. The Truth
  9. The Long Goodbye
  10. Les Miserables
  11. BlacKKKlansman
  12. American Movie
  13. Themroc

Thanks CR and congratulations all for such a smooth HoF.

I don't really have anything to say about the final placement of the films on the list, as nothing was too surprising, and I don't have anything new to saw about any of the nominations.

I did notice that a couple people put BlacKkKlansman at #5 on their lists, which was amusing since that's where I put it too haha. Here's what my ballot looked like:

01. About Elly (2009)
02. La Vérité (1960)
03. Vertigo (1958)
04. Whiplash (2014)
05. BlacKkKlansman (2018)
06. Les Misérables (1935)
07. The Long Goodbye (1973)
08. Sundays and Cybèle (1962)
09. Bicycle Thieves (1948)
10. Os Verdes Anos (1963)
11. Chimes at Midnight
12. American Movie
13. Themroc

Congrats Rbrayer, and thanks again CR for being an excellent host!

No big surprises except how low American Movie was. I would have liked to have seen The Truth do better.

Thank you very much CR and congratulations to the winner! F**k the losers!

Sundays and Cybele
Les Miserables
The Truth
Bicycle Thieves
The Long Goodbye
About Elly
American Movie
The Green Years
Chimes at Midnight

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
This was a solid HOF and I really look forward to Spelingerror hosting the next one!

Here's my ballot:
1. About Elly
2. Vertigo
3. Whiplash
4. American Movie
5. The Long Goodbye
6. Black Klanssman
7. Les Miserables
8. The Truth
9. Sundays and Cybele
10. Bicycle Thieves

11. Chimes at Midnight

12. The Green Years

13. Themroc

rbrayer's Avatar
Registered User
Congratulations! rbrayer...Vertigo is now the official winner of the 25th HoF and it's movie poster will soon hang in the Hall of Fame Museum

Thanks! Everyone! for joining!
Super good noms this time...and I almost won too
Amazing! I'm now 2/2 in HOFs. I am going to retire undefeated...

Kidding, but I may take a break from #26. We'll see! Thanks to everyone for participating and especially to Citizen Rules for his all his hard work in organizing and running this!

rbrayer's Avatar
Registered User
My ballot:

1. Vertigo
2. Bicycle Thieves
3. The Green Years
4. Chimes at Midnight
5. Les Miserables
6. American Movie
7. The Long Goodbye
8. About Elly
9. Whiplash
10. Black KKKlansman
11. Sundays and Cybele
12. Themroc
13. The Truth

So obviously after #2 I was in a different place than most voters. FWIW, #12 and #13 are the only ones I actively disliked. Sundays was OK, Black KKKlansman had its moments, and there are things to admire about Whiplash, certainly. #4-7 could have gone lots of ways for me, all great movies. I really liked About Elly but I don't think it was quite in the class of my #1-7.

edit: I forgot to say, I am so glad I did this. I saw two amazing films for the first time (The Green Years, which, who knows if I ever would have watched, and Les Mis) and one very very good film (About Elly). Also, the rewatches of Vertigo, Bicycle Thieves, American Movie, Chimes, and The Long Goodbye, all gave me new, interesting insights into the films - I'd be unlikely to have rewatched otherwise. And I got to check off Whiplash. Loved it. I hope I can do the 26th - my guess is without the need to finish another HOF (the Asian one) this could be less constraining an exercise. We will see. Whichever is my next main HOF, 26 or 27, I know my nominee, and it likely won't win .

Trouble with a capital "T"
Amazing! I'm now 2/2 in HOFs. I am going to retire undefeated...

Kidding, but I may take a break from #26. We'll see!

Thanks to everyone for participating and especially to Citizen Rules for his all his hard work in organizing and running this!
Go for 3/3

I'm so glad when someone new to HoFs, joins and loves them. Hope to see you in the 26th!