The 2016 Mofies - THE CEREMONY!


Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
Got home late and just finished reading through the thread. Congrats to all winners, especially Cosmic and Vicky/Cricket. Just wanted to express how nice it was to be nominated for the newest mofo category, thank you to all who voted for me ( what few there was ).
Why not just kill them? I'll do it! I'll run up to Paris - bam, bam, bam, bam. I'm back before week's end. We spend the treasure. How is this a bad plan?

Penitentiary winning , and Cricket & Gatsby losing to SC over funniest are the last stabs of embarrassment to the voting process in 2016.

At least they got Vick & Crick right. Congrats my bitchy and funny leaders!!! What do you assign TONGO to do?

At least they got Vick & Crick right. Congrats my bitchy and funny leaders!!! What do you assign TONGO to do?
Please make me proud with your decision here, Madame President.

Tongo's a gorilla, so he can sit in the corner pooping into his hand, and then chucking it at people who piss him off.

TONGO was good. Me no bother shiny happy people.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Genuinely surprised I got bronze on most creative. Even more surprised I came in third for President. I would have put my bottom dollar on last place.

I guess I need to step up my review game, damn Iro stealing my Heinsberg persona and everything.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Welcome to the human race...
I'm thinking of taking a break this year so we'll see who's going to step up and try to claim (or reclaim) the title.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I guess I need to step up my review game
if you are feeling lazy or behind on reviewing, always remember that I'm still here trying to finish my reviews for the movies that I saw last year... no wait, now it's yet another year in the past. You heard me, my Film Diary 2015 still going strong (read: at least I can CPR it back to life now and then... the Living Dead Diary, I call it now)

Congratulations to all the winners. I particularly like MIss Vicky as President and Cricket as VP. Both people not afraid to stand up for what they think is right but a sense of humour too. I like 'em both

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
OK. First of all, I didn't think I was that out of touch with what has been happening here. The nominations AND the ceremony happened without my knowledge?!


Thank you so much for this! I really appreciate it. I didn't really ever anticipate getting nominated again for anything. But to also get the top spot?! That was a really nice surprise. Thank you!

I just think it is funny, though, how nobody who commented after that one was announced said that they voted for me. So, to all of the voters who choose to be anonymous , I will make sure to get back here as much as I can in the very near future.

Thank you.

And congratulations to all of the others who placed in the top 3 spots this year.

(I really liked that gold, silver and bronze idea, by the way ).
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

What about something like this for next year?
I've done them in green to match MoFo's aesthetic.




Think I got it

Oh, a few cutesy little medals. BIG DEAL! I had to creatively deal with two Survivor games.

Yeah, SC robbed me of my creativity.

I am so getting it next year.
Get yourselves prepped for a lot of crap pictures this year.

Rodent, haven't you won Creative MoFo before? I had never won it until now.

Rodent, haven't you won Creative MoFo before? I had never won it until now.
A few times. For a while I wanted to claim it this year, then I remembered I don't like the Mofies, so I took myself out of the running.

I can't remember, I think I got it last year.

Anyway, I've been writing quizzes and stuff as well as avatars and banners, MoFies, fan art and other stuff in between like thread list ideas et al... and SC steals the award because he started a Game Thread.