Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)

I found it very scary and at times disturbing. It’s not great but one of the better horrors I’ve seen since the conjuring 2. Better than IT, better than Get Out.

The subject matter truely creeps me out on a personal level...Spoilers!! (Sorry I’m using my phone) witchcraft the occult. It interests me and frightened me....when done well of course. This was done well but there are questions and character motivations I want answered. Maybe I’ll wait for ironpony to bring it up.

I would like to applaud the director. His first feature length movies...very well done. a classy entry, the tension was palpable and no reliance on the cheap jump scares. The plot though, leaves me wanting...some answers.

Don’t cringe mofos but the best horror I have seen in recent memory is the conjuring. Nothing has surpassed that since. Masterpiece horrors I would say would be the exorcist, rosemary’s baby and Texas chainsaw...the conjuring just misses that mark - for context.

This film gets 3.5 / 5 impressive enough.

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)

2001 A Space Odyssey (1968)

2001 A Space Odyssey(1968) in IMAX with 77mm print


It Happened One Night

Gerald's Game

You Were Never Really Here
It was that different and better watching it on the bigger screen?

It was that different and better watching it on the bigger screen?

Yes, practical effects on a large screen with incredible sound picks up all the details that bored me watching it at home. And the chapters work better with an intermission

Close Encounters of the Third Kind is another film that I think is practically unwatchable on TV.

Don’t cringe mofos but the best horror I have seen in recent memory is the conjuring. Nothing has surpassed that since. Masterpiece horrors I would say would be the exorcist, rosemary’s baby and Texas chainsaw...the conjuring just misses that mark - for context.
And yet The Conjuring is taken from events that happened . I liked it very much too although it was familiar territory, so perhaps didn't make as much of an impact on me for that reason. I need to see The Conjuring 2 asap.

There are two newish horror films that I always like to recommend, Entity (2012) and The Daisy Chain (2008).

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
It was that different and better watching it on the bigger screen?

Yes, practical effects on a large screen with incredible sound picks up all the details that bored me watching it at home. And the chapters work better with an intermission

Close Encounters of the Third Kind is another film that I think is practically unwatchable on TV.
This just makes me want to get a bigger tv and get a sound bar or sound system. Feel my viewing experience is lacking.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...

Doris Day isn't beautiful (awful hair) but very charming.

This time I've noticed as many moments in this movie could be controversial nowadays. For example Tony, a son of one of the client, who could be accused of attempt of a rape or the last scene, when Rock Hudson is carring Doris Day to his appartment throug whole city against her will. On the other hand I would say Doris Day character is a feminist as she is completely independent and a man isn't a whole world for her.

Those thoughts are aside. Charming movie.

Eat Drink Man Woman (Ang Lee, 1994)

The Martian (Ridley Scott, 2015)

Only Yesterday (Isao Takahata, 1991)

Top Hat (1935)


Not a musical fan but it'd be hard not to enjoy this. It's a feel good movie that put a smile on my face. Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers are very likable and fun to watch.

The White Ribbon (2009)

Great parable tale from Haneke. This could have been set in any community and at any point in time. Here its in a Northern German village where the powers that be are (or seem to be) manipulating the lives of those around them to maintain servitude and ignorance. It's impeccably shot and the black and white filming lends to its other-worldliness/timelessness. I loved this film and Haneke always keeps the grey matter working. Great. 9/10.

The White Ribbon (2009)

Great parable tale from Haneke. This could have been set in any community and at any point in time. Here its in a Northern German village where the powers that be are (or seem to be) manipulating the lives of those around them to maintain servitude and ignorance. It's impeccably shot and the black and white filming lends to its other-worldliness/timelessness. I loved this film and Haneke always keeps the grey matter working. Great. 9/10.
This has been on my watchlist for years but my general dislike to Haneke's films has kept me from watching it. One day I will (and hopefully it'll be a Haneke film I can enjoy).

[quote=Ms. M;1941802]
Doris Day isn't beautiful (awful hair) but very charming.

I'd quibble with this description of Doris

This has been on my watchlist for years but my general dislike to Haneke's films has kept me from watching it. One day I will (and hopefully it'll be a Haneke film I can enjoy).
Know what you mean pahaK, I couldn't stand "Funny Games" or "Benny's video" but really liked "The Seventh Continent" and "Cache": "The Piano Teacher" was decent too...he's definately hot and cold for me but "The White Ribbon" was excellent.

Know what you mean pahaK, I couldn't stand "Funny Games" or "Benny's video" but really liked "The Seventh Continent" and "Cache": "The Piano Teacher" was decent too...he's definately hot and cold for me but "The White Ribbon" was excellent.
I've only seen Hidden and The Piano Teacher – both very good.

Ingmar Bergman said about this film:

"But Balthazar was so boring, I slept through it. This Balthazar, I didn’t understand a word of it, it was so completely boring. A donkey, to me, is completely uninteresting, but a human being is always interesting."

To me, the other way around. Loved the donkey scenes but the human beings, meh. I felt this film was going on forever but it's only 95ish minutes long... really wanted to like this film.

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Blind Beast - 7.5/10
Imagine "The Collector" and "Woman in the Dunes" mixed with a pinch of "Bad Boy Bubby". Could have been better, though.

(3rd try to post this.. I keep getting a message that basically says this site is down, and lets me know my browser, and my middle connection 60 miles away is fine)

Hereditary (2018) - Ari Aster

- I think it was a decent watch with some fine performance particularly from Toni Collette. The style is cool, score is nice too but storyline is kind of disappointing in my opinion. Not bad but not great.
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Blind Beast - 7.5/10
Imagine "The Collector" and "Woman in the Dunes" mixed with a pinch of "Bad Boy Bubby". Could have been better, though.

(3rd try to post this.. I keep getting a message that basically says this site is down, and lets me know my browser, and my middle connection 60 miles away is fine)
Better get searching, that sounds bizzaro extremo!