Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice


Superman with red eyes seems obvious that he has been corrupted in some way, no?
My guess is its a plot by one of their mastermind-like super villains -coughlexluthorcough- to make it seem to each the other has to be stopped. Batmans calling him out with the signal, and just how powerful is Superman? He saw it in Metropolis and was there before Bruce looked up.

What would be ideal is if in the next scene out of nowhere Oliver Queen fires his kryptonite arrow in Supes leg, and he falls like a sack of potatoes. It was Batmans plan all along, and the audience would be pissed, but it would be an authentic nod to Dark Knight Returns when that gambit failed. Heck they could even use the same actor from Arrow, that show could use a hollywood push.

Superman with red eyes seems obvious that he has been corrupted in some way, no?
Heat vision...?

Am I the only person who knows anything about Superman or has seen any of the other films?

No, but I think gandalf and others are assuming that something has to put the two in conflict with one another, given that it's called Batman vs. Superman and all. And while Superman certainly does have laser vision, that seems an odd time to charge it up unless he's thinking about attacking.

At the end of MOS, the Military are after tracking Superman but Supes won't have it.
Wayne Enterprises helping research Military equipment by reverse engineering the Kryptonian tech that was left behind from MOS.
Batman utilising that tech to hunt Supes.

That particular teaser trailer, to me, says that Batsy has done something to piss Superman off to bring Superman out into the open. Batman has been hired, or has offered his services to someone, to get Superman.

Seems like Batman is saying "I pissed you off... You want me, you sonofabitch?... Here I am"
And Supes has appeared with, literally, rage in his eyes.

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
I also think Batman is "calling" Superman in some way.Superman probably didn't start it first...In TDKR Superman did go after Batman but few important things are different so in the movies Batman will probably be first one to make a move.Teaser is looking very atmospheric and dramatic to me,just look at them.Batman did something,something big...You don't get look like that without a big reason.
“By definition, you have to live until you die. Better to make that life as complete and enjoyable an experience as possible, in case death is shite, which I suspect it will be.”

No, but I think gandalf and others are assuming that something has to put the two in conflict with one another, given that it's called Batman vs. Superman and all. And while Superman certainly does have laser vision, that seems an odd time to charge it up unless he's thinking about attacking.
Yeah something set Batman off, the events in Man of Steel.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
The red eyes clearly indicate corruption of Superman, and it isn't laser vision red eyes. It has an air of evil about it. Batman on the other hand has white eyes clearly indicating good.

It clearly isn't the fact that Superman/Zod trashed Metropolois that has put them into conflict.

Clearly Luthor has got to Superman in some way and Batman is coming in to turn him good again.

Is this not totally obvious to everyone?

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
The red eyes clearly indicate corruption of Superman, and it isn't laser vision red eyes. It has an air of evil about it. Batman on the other hand has white eyes clearly indicating good.

It clearly isn't the fact that Superman/Zod trashed Metropolois that has put them into conflict.

Clearly Luthor has got to Superman in some way and Batman is coming in to turn him good again.

Is this not totally obvious to everyone?
I agree,maybe little things are different but we think same about this.I would change only one thing in your post,I think things that happened in MOS started all of this and then Batman is like wtf is this guy and Superman later on becomes "evil".Because its obvious Superman knows who Batman is(not identity just Batman) and he comes to his invitation,he knows what Bat symbol is so yea...They probably met before this and Superman was normal,corrupted later on.

EDIT:Bat's probably has a plan for this,I mean you don't invite strongest guy on Earth without a plan.I think this is the place where clash happens,just look at them,they don't look like they will chat.

Superman definitely looks pissed if not corrupted. Making a case for the corrupted side, Batman isnt wearing his normal garb. Hes got his "Im gonna be hit by the most powerful man in the universe" garb on, and that means hes gearing up for a fight. In all honesty if they really want to grab the audiences attention, the "Superman's Corrupted and only the Batman can stop him" angle is the way to go.

Not that Batmans popularity needs another push, but would it really be that intriguing if Batman was the one corrupted? Not even a little, in fact whoevers doing the corrupting would be astonished to see there'd be no change whatsoever, his Batassedness would repel it

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
Superman definitely looks pissed if not corrupted. Making a case for the corrupted side, Batman isnt wearing his normal garb. Hes got his "Im gonna be hit by the most powerful man in the universe" garb on, and that means hes gearing up for a fight. In all honesty if they really want to grab the audiences attention, the "Superman's Corrupted and only the Batman can stop him" angle is the way to go.

Not that Batmans popularity needs another push, but would it really be that intriguing if Batman was the one corrupted? Not even a little, in fact whoevers doing the corrupting would be astonished to see there'd be no change whatsoever, his Batassedness would repel it
Hahahah,man that last part,It made me laugh,thanks! I agree with other parts also.

The red eyes clearly indicate corruption of Superman, and it isn't laser vision red eyes. It has an air of evil about it. Batman on the other hand has white eyes clearly indicating good.

It clearly isn't the fact that Superman/Zod trashed Metropolois that has put them into conflict.

Clearly Luthor has got to Superman in some way and Batman is coming in to turn him good again.

Is this not totally obvious to everyone?
Did this really not happen?

Or all of these?

Or all of these?

He's gearing up his heat vision because it looks cool. The film will start off with them hating each other then having to work together. There's no corruption.

I never took the red eye's to indicate an evil or corrupted state for Superman. It seems too early in this film version of the character to go this route. The heat vision or laser eye or whatever it is in this universe, is all I take that for. It may not even be for Batman, but maybe some group or tech that he has for support.

The TDKR storyline keeps popping up in my head. To some effect I see Supes siding with the US D.O.D. or the President or etc. Batman may have uncovered some nefarious plot (influenced by Luther maybe) that has Superman duped and leads to this conflict.

To all those that say its his normal heat vision and not fury, or corruption - why does Batman look like the Michelin Man? It instantly reminded me of TDKR suit he wore to fight Supes.

It was just announced that unless you were able to make it to the Warner Bros. panel at San Diego Comic-Con over the weekend, Warner Brothers has absolutely NO plans to release the early footage of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice to the general public.

Speaking with Variety, Warner Bros. exec Sue Kroll explained that the sneak peak for Batman v Superman was solely meant for fans at Comic-Con.

"That’s just going to live in that hall. We’ll post extended trailers and stills, but that presentation, that was just for those fans,"

Source: IGN

I saw the BvS footage, but it is driving me crazy not be able to see the Ultron stuff. Marketing 101.

but it is driving me crazy not be able to see the Ultron stuff. Marketing 101.
I read the description. It sounds pretty cool. I heard the audio for it though. Didn't do as much watching it. I tried putting visuals in my head....didn't work lol.

I read the description. It sounds pretty cool. I heard the audio for it though. Didn't do as much watching it. I tried putting visuals in my head....didn't work lol.

the audio only made it worse for me