Who should play Bond after Craig?


I agree. I liked him in all I've seen. Thor (Dark World), The Avengers, and I love Snowhite and the huntsman.

But my and Roger Moore's pick is Ewan McGregor. Roger said they won't consider him bc he's too short and that he bearly made it bc he was too skinny.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Tom Hardy most definitely. That would be amazing.

If he hadn't already turned it down back when Daniel Craig was cast, Clive Owen would have been ideal, but I think he'd be too old now.

So yes. Tom Hardy.
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I'd watch Michael Fassbender in anything and he'd make an excellent Bond, but I wonder if a German 007 might be a bit much for some fans to take!
You're talking about a german that played a jewish holocaust survivor in x-men.

Seriously if people can swallow that I think they'll be okay with him playing british.

as for who I would cast.. hmmm.. idk lots could do it
christian bale
guy pierce
matt mcconaughey

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I'd go with Tom Hardy. I think he would fit the role great.
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You're talking about a german that played a jewish holocaust survivor in x-men.

Seriously if people can swallow that I think they'll be okay with him playing british.
Yeah, a lot of Jewish holocaust survivors were German.

as for who I would cast.. hmmm.. idk lots could do it
christian bale
guy pierce
matt mcconaughey
None of these. Especially not McConaughey. I was joking about people not swallowing Fassbender as Bond because he's half German, but I really think there might be a few people up in arms if they gave the role to an American.

I really think Fassbender would be the best choice, but I'm seeing Tom Hardy's name mentioned a lot. He did a bit of spy work in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.

I would have to say Michael Fassbender. In X-Men First Class there is a scene in a bar with two German people, after seeing that scene I could see him being a great Bond!
X-Men: First Class was a great showcase for what Michael Fassbender can do. My favourite bit, and it involves the editing and direction as well as his performance, is where Erik kills Shaw. I think a lot of people are thinking of him because of the Bond film influence on that film, as well as his ability to play light and dark. I'm not convinced he's the right person for the role, though – I prefer him as Magneto.

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Please please let's hope Craig stays. He's up there with RDJ and Tony Stark in that I can't picture anybody else in the role right now.

I'd hate to see Craig go any time soon.
But after him I Think Tom Hardy is my nr 1 choice. After him I'd say Idris Elba.
I saw someones list where they'd included Andrew Lincoln, and I like the idea. I had to remind myself that he actually is British. I've gotten used to his American accent in The Walking Dead.

Idris Elba and Clive Owen would both be stellar picks, but they may be too old by the time Craig retires.

I think the recent talk of Tom Hiddleston is utterly ludicrous, I really do. For me there's still no standout candidate for it and I think an unknown might well be the best option.

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It's funny actually because when Pierce Brosnan was axed, I thought Daniel Craig would be good as Bond way before anyone mentioned his name! This is because I saw him in The Mother and it was the first time I'd heard his real, quite posh, voice. Prior to this I'd only seen him in roles where it was different, particularly Our Friends in the North, which is one of the best things he's done.

That's the only time I've correctly predicted who would get a part. This time I don't know anybody suitable but yeah, Michael Fassbender's the best person I can think of (for anything, let's face it – I'd rather he played Doctor Who).

Hm. I really like Tom Hardy, but hes so good an actor that playing Bond imo would be a waste of his true acting talent.