The Videogames Tab


(slight updates)

Referenced in an earlier post, this is my most recent encounter with Ixion, the end boss of Biome 2 (this character reminds me so much of Raziel, from PS1's Soul Reaver: The Legacy of Kain). It goes without saying that I die, but at least I made it to its third and final form.

The fire patterns from Ixion are gorgeous! Though, they are very easy to get disoriented in. Particularly considering that you must strafe, jump, and dodge the pattern on a platform. I accidently jump over the edge I think twice in this clip. Derr.... Still, this was my third encounter with Ixion, so I think progress is moving so much faster as compared to Biome 1 which, now, feels easy in comparison to my first 20 hours of play. I have NO idea how I survived form 2.

This clips starts having jumped through the shortcut gate to the last leg of Biome 2. It has been a while since I've made it this far, so I'm a bit out of sorts at first. You see I mistakenly take the nearby portal and land in a FUBAR situation where I port right into a next of those evil kamekazi bat thingies. Luckily, I'm able to port RIGHT back out before getting hit. You can see the red triangles getting all cranky in the lower-right mini map after making the initial jump.

This gateway (unlocked having encountered Ixion in a previous run) allows you to skip the mountain path of Biome 2.

The next clip is a sample Daily Challenge run. This is more or less an abbreviated run through Biome 1. I'm not sure if more Biomes become available in time, as I've yet to clear Biome 2 (see above). In these challenges, you are given a random weapon with predetermined stats, a set of random handicaps and bonuses (shown on screen, top-left), and a free ride through the Biome. Weapon upgrades do not seem to be available during a challenge run. You start at the ship and go until you find the gateway to Biome 2, the Crimson Wastes. As far as I can tell, there are no lock-down rooms as with normal runs and you do not have to fight Phrike.

Your score is determined by kills, picking up loot, and the time it takes to complete the run. Points are deducted for damage taken. Your current score is on a rolling display, top-right of screen. Multipliers are added depending on loot pickups. Once complete, your score is tallied and your user ID is placed on a leaderboard.

Last night's Daily Challenge run.
its coming to pc soon. i havent played it yet cause sci fi games not my thing

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
its coming to pc soon. i havent played it yet cause sci fi games not my thing
yeah, I'm excited to see this hopefully spread to the PC shooter crowd.

This is like Demon's Souls.
In space.
Oh, and with twitchy FPS lobby shooter speed.
...and it changes every time you play.
......and it's so addictive.
.........and rage-inducing.
(and I lurve it)
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

yeah, I'm excited to see this hopefully spread to the PC shooter crowd.

This is like Demon's Souls.
In space.
Oh, and with twitchy FPS lobby shooter speed.
...and it changes every time you play.
......and it's so addictive.
.........and rage-inducing.
(and I lurve it)
i know theres few coming to pc from playstation. gosh lucky i didnt get it i hate playing hard games like demon souls 🥺😩. thought so that why i dont play demon souls lol *

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I recently started a second playthrough of Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice. This way, I am able to play it with my wife and we can both be amped when the sequel finally comes out. As a videogame, it is a little lacking, I will admit. The gameplay leaves a lot to be desired (average swordplay), can be repetitive (a lot of walking around and undercooked puzzle-solving), and it can be difficult to navigate around sometimes. All of that said, the visuals are fantastic. The storyline is captivating and eccentric, and the sound-design is top-notch.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
So. I've been talking up Returnal to a coworker for the past two weeks. He decided to buy it for PC Friday evening. He msged me Saturday to let me know that he has it now and is playing. He was enjoying it. GREAT, I thought, so I asked him to keep me posted on his progress and what he thinks of it. His response: I"'ve cleared the first three levels." In the first 4 hours.

what the living HECK!? I can't even beat the boss of level 2 and I've had it for 20+ hours!!!!?!?!?!

This morning, after our weekly call with a client he stood up to leave the conference room. I called his name. As he turned around, I flipped a bird his way. He just stood there, titled his head and replied, "oh... I've beaten the game." then he turned and left the room.


there's a frog in my snake oil
Still on PCVR. The NMS VR update today looks decent tho
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

A system of cells interlinked
New video card arrives TODAY!

I was on a budget, so I couldn't really go over the top, but upgrading to anything from my 10 series GTX card will be an improvement!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

The Adventure Starts Here!
New video card arrives TODAY!

I was on a budget, so I couldn't really go over the top, but upgrading to anything from my 10 series GTX card will be an improvement!

Tell me more!

A system of cells interlinked

Tell me more!
Well, the term budget is relative to how absolutely stupid prices were even 6 months ago due to scarcity etc. Getting into a card these days for $350 seems like a steal, even if it;s really just getting a card at regular price!

The Adventure Starts Here!
Well, the term budget is relative to how absolutely stupid prices were even 6 months ago due to scarcity etc. Getting into a card these days for $350 seems like a steal, even if it;s really just getting a card at regular price!
Granted, I've upgraded various parts of this since I bought it four years ago (!!), refurbished (now have 24GB RAM, a bigger SSD drive, a bigger power supply, and a better graphics card), but my whole original computer wasn't much more than your new graphics card.

Might be time to upgrade stuff, but since everything is still working exactly as I need it to, including games I play, I'm in no hurry for the next computer or card. Strange, really, because I love getting a new computer or computer accessory/upgrade! Been happy with my setup for four years now! So unlike me!

A system of cells interlinked
Still on PCVR. The NMS VR update today looks decent tho
I saw another big update came out for NMS also? I haven't popped in to the game for a while - maybe it's time!

A system of cells interlinked
Granted, I've upgraded various parts of this since I bought it four years ago (!!), refurbished (now have 24GB RAM, a bigger SSD drive, a bigger power supply, and a better graphics card), but my whole original computer wasn't much more than your new graphics card.

Might be time to upgrade stuff, but since everything is still working exactly as I need it to, including games I play, I'm in no hurry for the next computer or card. Strange, really, because I love getting a new computer or computer accessory/upgrade! Been happy with my setup for four years now! So unlike me!

I hear that, believe me - One year ago, I replaced pretty much everything in my computer except the GPU - so that's a new Motherboard, RAM, CPU, A tower CPU Cooler and fans, all new case fans, an M.2 hard drive... and it didn't cost me much more than my GPU cost me this week. Of course, last year, this same GPU was going for WAY more than they are now, so getting one then wasn't even on the table.

However, I am STILL rocking my same case I have had for a couple of builds now... Case design has gotten a lot better, so I should probably swap into something more modern soon, but...not yet!

A system of cells interlinked
Card is up and running!

Played some Cyberpunk 2077 at Ultra settings with Ray Tracing and DLSS engaged. Frames locked in at 60FPS the entire time, which is my current monitor's limit. When I unlocked the frames they went up into the 80s with Ray Tracing on, but the monitor started tearing due to its 60 FPS limit. I will replace the panel sometime down the road, but for now, 60 frames seems just fine.

My previous card couldn't run the game at Ultra, and it didn't have any of this fancy new tech, so now the game looks crazy good and runs like a dream. I did several missions, got into firefights etc. and good! This is such a great game, even if its launch was rocky. Glad I waited to pick it up.

Japan Town at night is breathtaking.

there's a frog in my snake oil
I'm on a Quest 2 yeah. (I hear they've given extra love to the new PSVR2 support tho)

I'm on a Quest 2 yeah. (I hear they've given extra love to the new PSVR2 support tho)
thought so, im thinking to get it when i can trade my psvr 1

there's a frog in my snake oil
thought so, im thinking to get it when i can trade my psvr 1
It's cool. It's also a bit of a 'Jack of all trades, master of none' kind of thing. It's not as comfy to use when plugged into a PC as a dedicated PC headset. And as a standalone a lot of the games don't have the same visual oomph. But still a great bit of kit for all that.

Currently I'm not using it much. But that's a lot more to do with the slow roll in the software world. Hardly any exciting / fully formed titles in the pipelines :/

(If you do get it, def get Nock though. The 'bows and arrows on ice' version of Rocket League )


EDIT: I'm still spending most of my gaming time doing 'documentaries' on Star Citizen at the mo... (And like, playing actual park games, before my body completely insists that I'm not 30 any more ).

Here's the latest one, which is totally relevant because it's partially about a film...

(And I'll definitely be doing one about their promised VR support at some point )