Spider-Man: No Way Home

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Early reviews are excellent...
It is amazing!
I've always heard people's criticisms twice as loudly as their praise.

Sam Raimi.

Why give Disney credit? Fans are showing up for the Sony elements of three generations of spiderman. And his foes Tom Holland's trilogy is Sony! He called Rothman, his boss, at the premiere for no way home Sony has announced plans for him to appear in venom 3. I don't think Disney values tom the way Sony does. You don't see Disney saying tom is going to be in fantastic four or the x-men or anything right now and after he destroyed every phase four-film at the box office in one weekend.
what about the amazing spiderman 3 i heard its in the works?🤔

what about the amazing spiderman 3 i heard its in the works?🤔
I hope it happens. Andrew was good in the role. He isn't my spiderman that will always be Tobey, but the Morbius trailer showed the amazing spiderman Oscorp so he could be in that universe. He could be some decent insurance if tom holland leaves the role.

I hope it happens. Andrew was good in the role. He isn't my spiderman that will always be Tobey, but the Morbius trailer showed the amazing spiderman Oscorp so he could be in that universe. He could be some decent insurance if tom holland leaves the role.
i dunno about me cause im not a fan of andrew garfield :/ same here tobey mvguire always my favorite spiderman. oh yea i saw that never know who ever gonna pop up. thats true cause andrew should do more spiderman movies like they should give him a chance

I'm Speechless & Overwhelmed. No amount of words can describe the emotions i felt today. This is one of the greatest fan service I've ever witnessed. And thus marks one of the greatest MCU movie ever made.
What they pulled off is nothing sort of mind blowing and commendable.
Hats off to everyone involved and for making this dream a reality.

Never seen any holland spideys but i will ive heard nothing but good things. i dont think ill start with this one though because im kinda turned off by them bring back the old actors from raimis films, just want them to leave those alone and i hold raimis first 2 in high regard.

But raimi did praise this movie.

"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
I liked it. It was a pretty entertaining movie that my 9 year old son loved. But like many Marvel movies it is massively overhyped. I still think the best Marvel stuff out their is Daredevil and The Punisher. Absolutely brilliant series from Netflix.
Optimus Reviews
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"Banshee is the greatest thing ever. "

Spider-Man: No Way Home is like the proverbial blind squirrel that finds a nut every now and then, except that it doesn’t so much find them as it steals them from another squirrel’s hoard. The massive combined gravitas generated by Willem Dafoe, Alfred Molina, and Jamie Foxx would be enough to save any other movie; the problem is that this film is not theirs to save, and it’s barely a film at all to begin with – it’s more like the superhero equivalent of that Pink Panther movie they made with spare parts from previous Pink Panther movies.

If I want Willem Dafoe as the Green Goblin, why not just revisit 2002’s Spider-Man? Similarly, if I have a hankering for Alfred Molina as Doc Ock, why not just rewatch 2004’s Spider-Man 2? The latter was, according to Roger Ebert, “the best superhero movie since the modern genre was launched with "Superman"”. How the mighty have fallen. It’s great to see Dafoe and Molina sharing screen time, but once the novelty – or rather the nostalgia – wears off, we are left with only a reminder of how comparatively superior Sam Raimi’s trilogy was, as well as a testament of how downhill things have gone since then.

When Molina finally arrives, following an excruciatingly dumb, seemingly endless first half hour, he does so like a godsend; unfortunately, as much as we welcome the company of someone with a gleam of intelligence in his eyes, Doc Ock’s edge has been dulled by poor stylistic choices – first, his mechanical tentacles are 100% computer-generated (as opposed to Spider-Man 2, which used CGI to enhance, but not fully replace, a set of prop tentacles), and second, Molina was digitally de-aged (as was Dafoe), though in this case, unlike for example The Irishman, the unintended uncanny valley effect might have been a blessing in disguise; after all, Doc Ock is supposed to be a comic book villain, so that grotesqueness actually becomes him.

All things considered, everything and everyone endemic to the MCU Spider-Man is as flat and artificial as cardboard (our sympathy inevitably lies with the villains because, goblins and octopuses though they may be, they remain at all times more human – and certainly have a cleverer sense of humor – than any of the heroes with the exception of Tobey Maguire, and while Spider-Man may prevail over Norman Osborne, Dafoe totally obliterates Holland in terms of acting); at the same time, all the best parts are almost exclusively lifted from the work – and not even the best work at that – of a much more talented filmmaker. To put it bluntly, Spider-Man: No Way Home has absolutely no reason for being.

I loved this movie. I loved the way it brought bits and pieces of all the other movies. Loved the returns of Willem Dafoe and Alfred Molina. Especially loved the bringing together of the three different Spidermans. I LOVED that scene where the three of them are sitting around during some down time, shooting the breeze about their various powers and various adventures they've had as Spiderman.

Spiderman never registered with me, besides it being the only thing to watch at times.

I’m with Tom Holland as feeling like the best one. He just has a natural ease to him that works. Granted, I haven’t watched any of his Spiderman movies, just going on trailers and his appearance in other Marvel films.

Oh yea. How bout some Mysterio spoilers! 😝
I was talking about this with a friend the other day and I realized that out of all the marvel/superhero franchises, I have enjoyed the Spiderman movies the most.

I had 5 Swatches on my arm…
This isn’t a road I wanted to walk alone. “cue Seager” 😄

I turned down an offer to see the new Marvel movie to the surprise of my friend. Told her, “I’ve got one left in me and then I’m done.” The Marvel sprawl is part of it, along with lack of originality.

Victim of The Night
I was talking about this with a friend the other day and I realized that out of all the marvel/superhero franchises, I have enjoyed the Spiderman movies the most.
Yeah, I think the Spider-Man franchise, since it entered the MCU in Civil War, is the only one that hasn't either ended or shit the bed.