MoFo Health Thread


Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
In my case any motivating of me is pointless
When using words - yes. But if I were to kick yo ass you'd lose weight really fast.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
You weren't.... There is no such possibility.
I'd try hard and show you how to lose weight in my made-up contest!

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
I'd try hard and show you how to lose weight in my made-up contest!
But you wrote it's impossible for you to lose a weightwithout put on some again, so what kind of expert are you? I guess our disscussion is about nothing Good bye.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
But you wrote it's impossible for you to lose a weightwithout put on some again, so what kind of expert are you? I guess our disscussion is about nothing Good bye.
Wait and see.

In my search of finding what works, intermittent fasting seems to be the most promising. Without getting in to the weeds, I'm really intrigued by the effect on energy levels, one of my most noticeable issues.

Getting back into it. Gym and hiking and stuff. Yesterday I only had blueberries until dinner, then had dinner and nothing afterward. Getting into tea so I'm not having sugary drinks. Had a big lunch today so am going to eat light for the rest of it. I'm having cravings which are really hard to tackle and sometimes I fail but even then I am mentally forcing discipline on myself and it's been going well. I'm realizing so much of the success in self-improvement comes from taking personal responsibility. Like, no sh*t right? But I was moping around, out of breath and fat, saying stuff like "I'll just have this soda and then quit and start being healthy" instead of taking responsibility and saying


Yeah, a big mental revelation for me was realizing there'll never be a time where stuff doesn't come out, or where I won't rationalize some special occasion that justifies something bad, or whatever. Waiting for a perfect time with no distractions or difficulties is the same as just never doing it.

Just came from my doctor who treated me for some symptoms that were worrying me, that turned out to be 'only' bad allergies.(Actually my regular doc is on vacation but this one seems good too) Very severe allergy year for many, because the spring came so late, all the pollen from every living green thing growing came out all at once. I literally see fluffs of white seedy things marinating the air every time I step outside.

But speaking of healthy eating, after working with a nutritionist for a few months, apparently I have changed to some healthier habits. More vegetables, more whole grains, lean and filling protein, and lots of g%#{|>>m water as a beverage, with nothing but a spritz of lemon juice. No ...or almost no....soda. Well I musta done something right b'/c my doctor was just beaming and bloviating and boasting about
my ' numbers'. In fact my numbers were so good, if she could a, I think my doctor would have wrapped her arms around them and given them a great big passionate kiss
(Musta been a math major before attending medical school) .

I seem to be able to keep in line and be fine with these dietary changes and hope to continue to do so for the future.

But...............about the soda. Sigh.



I sure do hope there's soda in Heaven, cause I ain't getting enough of it here.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
intermittent fasting seems to be the most promising
That's what I'm doing. Lost 2 holes on my belt in two weeks. 6 more to go!

I was diagnosed borderline Diabetes 2 18 months ago. Shocked me to the core as my dad died from diabetes complications. Since that shock I have have radically changed my diet. Firstly I ditched the white poison (sugar) sugary drinks , sweets, biscuits and most desserts. I reduced my saturated fat intake markedly and started to eat more free radical fighting foods like berries, beans, seeds and nuts. I have also cut carbs ditching white bread and rice for the healthier brown.. Also have now added sweet potato to my diet. I even sip a low barb beer.. Do I feel better since starting this diet? Yes I would say I do. My peace of mind has certainly improved knowing I now put healthier food into my body.

I was diagnosed borderline Diabetes 2 18 months ago. Shocked me to the core as my dad died from diabetes complications. Since that shock I have have radically changed my diet. Firstly I ditched the white poison (sugar) sugary drinks , sweets, biscuits and most desserts. I reduced my saturated fat intake markedly and started to eat more free radical fighting foods like berries, beans, seeds and nuts. I have also swapped white bread for the healthier brown.. plus white rice for brown occasionally. My carbs have also been cut with sweet potato added to my diet. I even sip a low barb beer.. Do I feel better since starting this diet? Yes I would say I do. My peace of mind has certainly improved knowing I now put healthier food into my body.
What are you doing as far as exercise, spookie?

I remember my dad's Dr. telling us that he had patients who reversed type 2 Diabetes by adding as little as a half hour of aerobic exercise a day to their dietary changes, which was enough to get them to the point, in just a few months, where they no longer needed drugs to control their insulin levels.

@lenslady: I sure do hope there's soda in Heaven, cause I ain't getting enough of it here.

LL dont wanna butt into your life but you will be healthier staying away from hi sugared soft drinks. Some of the major manufactures are now producing their cokes with a natural plant deritivative sugar altenative.. Stevia. Now whenever I feel like a Coke I do not have to feel quilty.

That's what I'm doing. Lost 2 holes on my belt in two weeks. 6 more to go!

That's great news! I've been on it for over a week and I'm surprised how painless it has been. It has made me realize how often I eat because I need something to do and not because I'm hungry. Another side effect is that I know drink black coffee.

The weight loss benefits are nice, but I think there may be even better things that come from it. A reduction in insulin sensitivity and increase in growth hormone are reported benefits. I have noticed my energy level being impacted the most. Supposedly in the fasted state you pull on your body reserves, which results in a steady, even supply of energy.

On a side note, Zevia cream soda is horrendous. It was not my first choice, but flavored drinks don't often work well without sugar. I'll try the cola before I give up, but they might not be any good to begin with. It is pretty much water, stevia and flavoring. The lack of a periodic table of ingredients (like regular soda) may explain a lot.

I started my routine again. I am switching to lower weight, high reps (push, pull, legs) followed by 30 mins on the treadmill.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
For those who drink soda, coffee, or anything with caffeine - QUIT!

I've been drinking 3 cans of Dr. Pepper every day for the last 3 years, and before that (just not every day). I noticed months ago that any little change to quantity or even spacing each can during the day = migraine, so I drank 2 yesterday, and had a headache by night. When I woke up today, the first thing I did was drink this 8oz Root Beer can sitting there for months. I figure cold turkey is the best method, since you're going to experience the headache and/or vomiting feeling, might as well.

Some tips I read included peppermint, which they say helps headaches, but it has helped my stomach just as much. I also read about putting your feet in hot water, and putting anything frozen on the back of your head. A hot shower was helpful, and just those few things in the last 30 minutes has helped a tad. I have syrup/concentrate/cordial (depending on your country) that I've been mixing with club soda, as well as juice (real and fake), and when they're done, I'll try to stick with the pomegranate and carrot juice.

For those who drink soda, coffee, or anything with caffeine - QUIT!
I'd say it's the sugar in those drinks that's far worse than caffeine. No, I'm not a doctor but I play one on the internet

I quit drinking soda pop on new years eve over 20 years ago. I was never a soda addict, and I swear lots of people are. On occasion I will split a soda with my wife if we go to a restaurant, but that's once or twice a month. Too much sugar causes your body to dump insulin to lower blood glucose, which then causes your blood sugar to dip too low. That's why people who eat or drink a bunch of refined sugars all at once will get feeling lethargic, until they get their next sugar fix. It's even worse if someone drinks a sugary drink on an empty stomach.

I have always wondered about caffeine withdrawals. Most days start with a couple cups of coffee and some days I'll have a soda or two. If I don't have to be up and out the door, I might not drink coffee. To my knowledge, I have never had the withdrawal headaches. Physiology may have a lot to do with this, because I'm not very sensitive to caffeine.

Now that I've cut whole grain out of my diet, the coffee serves a higher purpose!

There is now talk in OZ about a sugar tax. I say NO!! This is no more than a way to screw the consumer of his hard earned in the guise of wanting to curb childhood obesity. You wanna do that.. then .. hello.. legislate for the manufacturers to remove all harmful sugar or at the very least.. reduce its quantity..from soft drinks, confectionery and anything else kids drink or eat. Dont hit the health conscious adult with another tax.