Maniac (Netflix)


This might just do nobody any good.
This could be good.

Directed by Cary Fukunaga and starring Jonah Hill (ew) and Emma Stone, Maniac tells the story of two strangers who find themselves caught up in a mind-bending pharmaceutical trial gone awry.

Also starring are Justin Theroux, Sally Field, Julia Garner and Sonoya Mizuno.

No release date yet but it’ll probably come out late in the summer or early in the fall. Expect lots of reality altering sequences and Legion comparisons.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
MY I didnt recognise Jonah

Started watching the original series (also on Netflix) and so far, so good. The concept has a ton of potential, which makes me wonder why it never went much further than 1 season. We'll see how far the Netflix version goes. Also, looking at the photos I wonder if Emma Stone is playing Hakon, or if she's another patient he falls in love with or something. Hope it's not the latter.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Started watching the original series (also on Netflix) and so far, so good. The concept has a ton of potential, which makes me wonder why it never went much further than 1 season. We'll see how far the Netflix version goes. Also, looking at the photos I wonder if Emma Stone is playing Hakon, or if she's another patient he falls in love with or something. Hope it's not the latter.
Wait... so there are TWO versions of this? Now I'll have to go look for it. I binged the whole season with Jonah Hill and Emma Stone about a week ago. Loved it, but I'm not entirely sure why. I guess I loved the quirks that reminded you we aren't EXACTLY in our world or our time (older cars, phones, computers, etc.). The sanitation robot was hilarious, and Justin Theroux is totally worth the price of admission here. Emma Stone is great too.

Jonah Hill was... uneven. In some spots he felt like the perfect choice for this role, but in other scenes I just wasn't feeling it.

And having seen the whole thing, I can see why it's just one season. But now I'm curious to seek out whatever other version is out there to see what's different.

Wait... so there are TWO versions of this? Now I'll have to go look for it. I binged the whole season with Jonah Hill and Emma Stone about a week ago. Loved it, but I'm not entirely sure why. I guess I loved the quirks that reminded you we aren't EXACTLY in our world or our time (older cars, phones, computers, etc.). The sanitation robot was hilarious, and Justin Theroux is totally worth the price of admission here. Emma Stone is great too.

Jonah Hill was... uneven. In some spots he felt like the perfect choice for this role, but in other scenes I just wasn't feeling it.

And having seen the whole thing, I can see why it's just one season. But now I'm curious to seek out whatever other version is out there to see what's different.
Yeah, I'm seeing a lot of mixed reviews. Some saying the same thing, that it feels uneven. I haven't watched the new one yet, but going by the promos there are some vast differences between the two shows. The Netflix version seems to have taken a more Sci-Fi approach and is definitely the flashier of the two. Whereas the original is far more low key and focuses on the characters.

This might just do nobody any good.
If I started a thread for (and forgot about) it, then it’s most definitely getting mixed reviews.

_________________________ _________________________ watched it?

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I started it but it dropped off my radar after a few episodes. I don't remember anything wrong with it, and actually enjoyed some of the awkward lost in dark thought moments. I honestly can't tell you why I dropped off this one. It may have been kind of slow and lost interest, but it is one that I want to return to and finish. Maybe it was my mood at the time? I never finished Legion either, so I'm pretty sure it was just a timing thing mixed with wanting mostly background noise.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

_________________________ _________________________
Hey buddy, I never watched the second season of Legion

This show is worth watching.

That's all I can really say, because it's so freakin' weird. I'm pretty sure it's good. Sometimes it definitely is. I'm just not sure how good. I just know it was interesting and I'm glad I watched it.

_________________________ _________________________
I can see myself Stan'ing CJF. Between this and True Detective, his aesthetic is right up my alley.

Trying Real Hard To Be The Shepherd
This show is worth watching.

That's all I can really say, because it's so freakin' weird. I'm pretty sure it's good. Sometimes it definitely is. I'm just not sure how good. I just know it was interesting and I'm glad I watched it.
I'm with you 100%. I don't think I gleaned a thing from it but I thought every episode was really good. Put me in the ming of Gilliam for sure.