MoFo Would I Lie to You? Series 1


Oh rats, err I mean rodent!...Can we have another team member please?
Cat said proxy members are fine so if someone is online that's willing to help you then that would be fine i guess.

Oh rats, err I mean rodent!...Can we have another team member please?
you may be one man down until I find someone. I'll send some feelers out.
You're an enigma, cat_sidhe.

Okay, here it is, everybody....... can't believe I'm admitting this:

I have a man in my life that I see every now and then for sex.

His name is Paul (not his real name, I'm sorry, but I don't wanna reveal his real name), he's 68 years old, he's missing a bunch of teeth, he stinks like crazy but I love it, and he's a big hillbilly.

Sometimes I dress up in girlie clothes for him.
Where do you meet Paul?

How long have you known Paul?

Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand

We've used protection before, but, he's safe, I'm safe, we both get checked, everything is okay.

I'm the only person he does stuff with.
Sounds like someone informed SC after his last answer that he's supposed to be making this lie sound truthful