2023 Oscar Chat Transcript


Unfortunately couldn't be there in the chat. It was night here in Belgium and I had to sleep in order to be ready for work. But I must've had a feeling that I sent in a good ballot, as I immediately checked this morning how my predictions matched up.

All in all: very promising for the film business that a film like Everything Everywhere All at Once can win so many Oscars.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

At first, I intended to stay longer and be snide and mocking but then decided to let you guys enjoy the Oscars without my snide, dismissive opinions and remarks.

The chat was always better than the Oscars. Were it not for age and the effects of my head exploding I'd like to have stayed up and chatted, but midnight is long past my bedtime these days, so the Oscars are practically out of bounds unless I'm having a very good day/night.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I ain't like it.