Prometheus sequel


Registered User
Anyone know anything about when this is due out?
Has filming actually started ?
Really enjoyed this film. and wa surprised as sci fi isn't one f my fav topics

Ridley Scott will be directing again... film is due out in 2015.

They haven't started filming yet but the script is ready. Fassbender has also commented on it so having him in a role is pretty certain.

Registered User
Great thanks gona be a great year for sci fi. Isn't that the year Star Wars makes its return ?!!

News in: There are two more films in the works.

Sigourney Weaver is back... not sure what she'll be playing though, her character was in her 20-30s at that time in History and Weaver these days is in her 60s. Maybe Ripley's Daughter?

Prometheus Part 2 is called Hell On Earth.
Prometheus 3 is called Paradise and will take part on the Engineers' Home Planet.

A rumour is, that Ridley Scott will tie Prometheus 2 and 3 into Blade Runner 2... and have David (Michael Fassbender) in a major role in Blade Runner 2.
The two franchises have been tied together for years by having cameos of various symbols and symbology throughout their near 40 year run.

"Hey Look it's Masterman"
Sounds great. I loved Prometheus. Ime probably one of very few, but I thought it was very interesting.
--I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing.

A rumour is, that Ridley Scott will tie Prometheus 2 and 3 into Blade Runner 2... and have David (Michael Fassbender) in a major role in Blade Runner 2.
The two franchises have been tied together for years by having cameos of various symbols and symbology throughout their near 40 year run.
Can you expand on this......what symbols etc?

I think I got too excited for Prometheus, because it just seemed lacking ime. The production values were great, but it just didn't work for me.

I hope this works, but I will temper my enthusiasm this time.

For a start, Weyland Yutani and Tyrell Corp are connected through this.

And this which explains that the Prometheus BluRay had confirmed that the two Universes are actually the same.

This is interesting too.

I like Prom, I thought it was a good movie that played well into setting up the links between it and the original Alien but I don't understand why this needs to be made. I know of a lot of people who hate Prometheus because they felt it was too far removed from Alien and to be fair I can understand their criticism.

I will be interested in seeing what happens and if we will fill in more blanks, the problem is I am just not sure those blanks need to be filled.
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