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The People's Republic of Clogher
You've hit the nail on the head about the repetition and I reckon that the only way a true-to-the-originals Streets of Rage iteration would work would be if it was priced at $10 like that weird new Double Dragon game.

The beat-em-up had to evolve into the flashier, combo laden character action game but I still find myself tiring of them unless we're participating in some Bayonetta or Metal Gear Rising insanity. In more recent years I've preferred the story modes in Mortal Kombat 9 and 10 to most standalone brawlers. Yakuza succeeds because it uses that style of combat as a mechanic in a story driven action adventure game - It's not built around it.

In other news, I had a look at today's largely stellar reviews and decided to pre-order Horizon Zero Dawn. Heck, I might even have finished Yakuza by the time it arrives ... but it'll go in the queue behind Nioh.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

In other news, I had a look at today's largely stellar reviews and decided to pre-order Horizon Zero Dawn. Heck, I might even have finished Yakuza by the time it arrives ... but it'll go in the queue behind Nioh.
This is going to be Sony's year. Two months have went by, and they already have two GOTY contenders, from what I've heard. If both The Last of Us Part II, and God of War both end up coming out later this year I don't even know what I'm going to do. They really want to steal that thunder from the Switch as much as possible.

The People's Republic of Clogher
I don't see Nintendo operating in the same space as Sony or Microsoft (or Steam) any more. Even though they've shown us shiny mock-up footage of the Switch running 6 year old Skyrim (where has the time gone?), I'll believe them having even a semi-decent third party library when I see it.

The Switch will be a fine machine for playing new Nintendo games on but I can't see many people serious about games owning one as their sole platform. Personally, everything I've seen since the initial launch has made me back away from buying one.

I don't see Nintendo operating in the same space as Sony or Microsoft (or Steam) any more. Even though they've shown us shiny mock-up footage of the Switch running 6 year old Skyrim (where has the time gone?), I'll believe them having even a semi-decent third party library when I see it.

The Switch will be a fine machine for playing new Nintendo games on but I can't see many people serious about games owning one as their sole platform. Personally, everything I've seen since the initial launch has made me back away from buying one.
I definitely agree with you on that one. That's really all I buy their consoles for are their games, which honestly I'm personally pretty content with, but I know that lack of third party is a big contributing factor to the Wii U's failure, so it'd definitely be nice to see them push that more, I hate seeing a company I've been attached to since a kid struggle. I'll probably buy a Switch after E3 since I'm sure more big reveals are to come, so far I really only want it bad for Mario Odyssey. I'm perfectly fine with having Breath of the Wild on my Wii U when it comes out, they seem pretty similar, in terms of specs.

I'm not having much gaming luck recently. Part of it is my fault and not buying games that suit my tastes. RE: Biohazard...I just can't play. I hadn't fired it up since a couple of weeks ago and I still don't care for it. Being stuck in a house and performing tedious chores to open a the same house...while ducking behind boxes to avoid some psycozombilly... .

Add to that to Horizon is being so well reviewed and I just don't see it for me. Sigh. Yeah, Streets of Rage is what I need. I need to be able to call a bazooka wielding car special attack while I'm on a freight elevator. Or a Narc remake or Bad Dudes remake...

The People's Republic of Clogher
@doubledenim What about Double Dragon 4? To be honest, it doesn't look great (and I think it's weird they've gone for the NES style and not the look of the original arcade) but it's cheap.

Then you can wait for a sale on Yakuza 0. It's a fantastic game.

Everything I heard about DD4 is bad. Yakuza looks like a winner to me. I probably just need to breakdown and buy Shovel Knight.

We'll see if make anything on my Switch prospecting. I doubt it though. There will probably be plenty on the shelves and I'll return it if it doesn't eBay.

there's a frog in my snake oil
This doesn't help anyone at all, but I've just remembered that Gang Beasts is coming to PS4. There is still hope!

(Of a very disorganised jelly armageddon...)
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

What doesn't help is GangBeasts will never come out. I think the two guys that make Venture Bros. work at a faster pace than these guys.

there's a frog in my snake oil
I said it didn't help anyone

(It's a shame it's not early access for you guys too. It's totally playable right now. And will be until the next time they change it all again )

Horizon reviewer quote, "The most satisfying bow and arrow mechanic ever."


The People's Republic of Clogher
Horizon reviewer quote, "The most satisfying bow and arrow mechanic ever."


My main concern is that Horizon is, basically, a Far Cry game, albeit apparently the best of this type yet made. The only Far Cry I liked was the first one, which was a pure shooter and not a base capturing, armadillo skinning, open world example of map marker vomit.

I got £2 off for pre-ordering though, and am quietly optimistic.

there's a frog in my snake oil
This is relatively insane...

I mean sure, they could still full well Bungie their way to a delivered flamboyant article. (I kinda think Destiny might be a nice template for the 'It's going to be amazing, oh crap we have to launch missing loads of stuff...' debacle that I'm mainly expecting for SC. Much chrome, mainly a smooth ride, missing the occasional wheel )

Seems like it'll still be at least a year+ before the full shebang releases. At least. Look to the future I guess...

The People's Republic of Clogher
I'm awaiting the new PS4 firmware upgrade which enables usb hard drive support so that I can get back into Destiny (and TESO). Can't justify the space they take up for occasional plays and my 30mb connection still means they take hours to download fresh, killing any spontaneous action.

EDIT - Oh yeah, Mass Effect Andromeda (spoiler free) gameplay!

I feel cooler about this than any game Bioware has released. Guess it's time to just admit to myself that they're no longer a developer of grand RPGs.

there's a frog in my snake oil
I feel like I've missed the boat on ME games. Got a few freebies when EA was feeling all generous, but they'd aged enough (and I understand the combat was never the selling point) that I never gave them enough time for the story to get any hooks in.

I look at this one and just think... looks shiny, combat still just looks generic at best, the story delivery does nothing for me. (Which still confuses me every time it happens, because I love the hell out of sci-fi. I guess it's just it's quite a blandified genre in general. Plus it's a broad enough one that if it's angled away from my preferred approaches it tends to repel me.)

Feel like I'm missing out on some fun world spinning and adventure hijinks, but ach well. (I feel the same about the SC's Squadron 42 ultimately. Although it's just a linear campaign, unless the story somehow falls out very enticingly will probably pass if it's a standalone. Prefer to be able to poke into the corners of these worlds )