The Batman


A few days ago Affleck released test footage of Deathstroke, causing the internet to explode with rumours and expectations.

It's been revealed that Deathstroke is to appear, and will be played by Joe Manganiello.
Manganiello is famous as Peter Parker's school bully Flash Thompson in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy... and as Richie in Magic Mike.

Other current rumours being leaked, is that the movie will be "the definitive Batman movie" and will have the cast of Suicide Squad (Joker, Killer Croc, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, El Diablo, Enchantress, Katana, Slipknot)...

... and will also feature Robin/Nightwing, Batgirl, Riddler, Penguin, Two Face, Mr Freeze, Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Bane and Scarecrow as well.

No release date as yet, but the Batfleck is writing, directing, acting.


My own thoughts is that some of it may well be cameos for future reference and some flashback scenes.

A few days ago Affleck released test footage of Deathstroke, causing the internet to explode with rumours and expectations.

It's been revealed that Deathstroke is to appear, and will be played by Joe Manganiello.
Manganiello is famous as Peter Parker's school bully Flash Thompson in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy... and as Richie in Magic Mike.

Other current rumours being leaked, is that the movie will be "the definitive Batman movie" and will have the cast of Suicide Squad (Joker, Killer Croc, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, El Diablo, Enchantress, Katana, Slipknot)...

... and will also feature Robin/Nightwing, Batgirl, Riddler, Penguin, Two Face, Mr Freeze, Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Bane and Scarecrow as well.

No release date as yet, but the Batfleck is writing, directing, acting.


My own thoughts is that some of it may well be cameos for future reference and some flashback scenes.
and will also feature Robin/Nightwing, Batgirl, Riddler, Penguin, Two Face, Mr Freeze, Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Bane and Scarecrow as well.

Assuming any of this is true I would be seriously interested in seeing a lot of these characters get another chance on the big screen. I mean some weren't too bad, I liked DeVito's Penguin and Pfeiffer's Catwoman. But after Berry and Hathaway's portrayals I'm ready to see another actor bring that character to life. Robin, Poison Ivy, Batgirl, Mr. Freeze and Two Face are itching for a comeback. The Riddler also, but not as much as the others, seeing as Carrey embodied that character pretty well. But I'll admit, I'd like to see what someone else could do with it. I wouldn't mind seeing some of the characters from Suicide Squad come back, especially Harley and Enchantress.

I assume Joker will still be played by Leto. In that case I hope he works on his delivery, because his portrayal in Suicide Squad was awful. I actually had this discussion with someone not too long ago about it. The reason why Ledger or Nicholson's Joker was more successful is because they didn't go into it so much trying to be the Joker, instead they found aspects of themselves in that character that allowed them to make him come across more naturally. With Nicholson there was a charismatic, almost jovial quality to his insanity that Nicholson tapped into. With Ledger, considering what he was going through personally at the time tapped into a darker, more subtle anguish. With Leto, it seems he's trying to combine both elements and it's not working out.

It all boils down to the fact that they need to start working on a Deadshot movie.

The Assault on Arkham movie. I'm looking forward to Affleck retconing Snyder.

could you post it?

I hate the idea of having too many famous/known characters in one movie,it just doesnt work and builds up expectations to a level where it cant deliver; superman vs batman/suicide squad.
i love poison ivy and would love comeback for her. i also like catwoman but i dont want them in the same movie.
Britney is my favorite

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
I really can't stand all the comic book movies these days excluding the dark knight trilogy and raimis Spider-Man 2. A flex should stick to directing, he's made some very very good films, if he is going to get in a new batman film I'd be more inclined to watch it if he actually directs it and stars,

Madness is the emergency exit…
Other current rumours being leaked, is that the movie will be "the definitive Batman movie" and will have the cast of Suicide Squad (Joker, Killer Croc, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, El Diablo, Enchantress, Katana, Slipknot)...

... and will also feature Robin/Nightwing, Batgirl, Riddler, Penguin, Two Face, Mr Freeze, Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Bane and Scarecrow as well.

My own thoughts is that some of it may well be cameos for future reference and some flashback scenes.
Yeah...otherwise it sounds like another potential DC mess!

Welcome to the human race...
I really can't stand all the comic book movies these days excluding the dark knight trilogy and raimis Spider-Man 2. A flex should stick to directing, he's made some very very good films, if he is going to get in a new batman film I'd be more inclined to watch it if he actually directs it and stars,
It was my understanding that he would be directing it as well (OP even mentions it), but who knows how it will turn out under the executives' supervision.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
I'm worried because nothing DC has delivered yet.
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"Banshee is the greatest thing ever. "

I'm worried because nothing DC has delivered yet.
That's not entirely true. They seem to get it together when it comes to the Batman films. It's basically anything else they attempt that tends to fall apart. Which is mind-boggling because they have a lot of material they can work with. But as others have mentioned, they're too busy trying to play catch up with Marvel instead of taking their time and developing the characters/universe, etc.

The only part of this that is true is Ben Affleck is writing, directing, and starring as Batman and Joe Manganiello is confirmed to play Deathstroke. Everything else is just a rumor. Ben Affleck has released zero details on his script or the characters involved.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
Batman v. Superman received a harsh response from critics, in my opinion. Marvel excels at light-heart hilarity with sprinklings of depth, while recent DC has always had strength in creating a spectacle. I'll admit, some aspects of the film are a little ho-hum and slow-burn, and in some instances, Jesse Eisenberg's performance of Lex Luthor is a little hammier than what the film needed, but in total, the narrative itself was inspired and the action-sequences were worthwhile. I wouldn't call it a great film, but I wouldn't call it a terrible film. I do hope Batman has a more cohesive and pinpointed narrative structure to it, however.

After seeing the flash's encounter with batman in the justice league trailer... Im sold on everything DCU!

i cant wait!

This really spells doom for the DCEU officially.

Everyone (including me) was saying that after Snyder craps the bed for the third time that they would hand everything over to Affleck and he'd save the day. All focus was on The Batman since Affleck has proven he can make good films as a director. Now, he's frustrated but still has to honor the contract he signed to act in these garbage movies. Since he's stuck, might as well get producer money on top of it to ease the pain. At least the money will be better than the Fox Daredevil days.

This really spells doom for the DCEU officially.

Everyone (including me) was saying that after Snyder craps the bed for the third time that they would hand everything over to Affleck and he'd save the day. All focus was on The Batman since Affleck has proven he can make good films as a director. Now, he's frustrated but still has to honor the contract he signed to act in these garbage movies. Since he's stuck, might as well get producer money on top of it to ease the pain. At least the money will be better than the Fox Daredevil days.
Maybe Affleck can hire George Clooney to play Batman!
With Adam West as Alfred.

That's too bad, that was the other movie other than The FlashI was hopeful for with the DCU, mainly because I'm very confident with Affleck as a director. Although I don't think it's a death sentence. He's still an attached writer, and producer, so just get someone that's not Snyder that has something good under their belt, and I'm still up for it.