Do you lol?


That's okay. Nobody's perfect!
The film that had me in stiches, laughing so hard it literally hurt and at a great many scenes is:

It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World by Stanley Kramer (1963)
You have to think like a hero merely to behave like a decent human being.

I also seem to LOL most while at the theater or with friends for the most part.
Yep, that's the way it works. I'll laugh at people laughing at something I don't find funny.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

WOW! What a cynical group of cold-hearted people.

I literally laugh out loud all the time. In smarter films I find myself laughing when others in the theater are not (A Serious Man, for example, which is very funny) and in stupid films I find myself laughing at the film when others are not (think Transformers).

I don't have an obnoxious or overlong laugh that I know of, but I do indeed laugh at films. I think it's just a part of my personality which is much different IRL than here on the interwebs. I am dry and sarcastic and most every word that comes out of my mouth is steeped in humor and I laugh at my own jokes, especially when others are also laughing. I have a weird personality that some people don't get, especially people who aren't as familiar with pop culture or geek things.

You all need to laugh more.

But in all seriousness, yet I laugh out loud if something is that funny, my favourite laugh out loud comedies:

Team America: World Police
Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan
This Is Spinal Tap
The Big Lebowski
Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Life of Brian and The Meaning of Life

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Well, I don't use to laugh out loud watching comedies... I thought that movies like Airplane! or Young Frankenstein are really clever and funny but they didn't make me laugh out loud, just smile...

The only movie I can think about that really made me cry from laughing it was Snatch!

There are several movies that made me laugh out loud the first time I saw them, like Anchorman, Airplane!, and just about every movie Mel Brooks ever made. There is also at least one scene in just about every Woody Allen film I have seen that makes me laugh out loud.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I laugh out loud at some movies if they're really funny, like Liar Liar or My Cousin Vinny, but most movies aren't funny enough to laugh out loud. Most of them are more the chuckle or laughing inside type of movies.

But some sitcoms on TV are very funny, and I laugh out loud at those a lot. Like "The Big Bang Theory", "The Dick Van Dyke Show", or "Stark Raving Mad".

In fact, hubby and I were riding on the auto-train from Virginia to Florida, and we had DVDs of the TV show "Stark Raving Mad" with us, and we were watching them on a portable DVD player with headphones. We were laughing out loud so much that everyone on the train was staring at us, but we didn't care because the show was so funny that it was worth being stared at for the whole train ride.

Just here for the free donuts
Probably a bit strange, but the only time I can remember truly LOLing in the theater was watching the re-make of True Grit. This moment in the film was not intended to be funny at all, I think. Just something about what was going on onscreen and the simple 3 word sentence had my friend and I trying as hard as possible to contain out laughter for a good 1 minute straight. You know the situation where you and your friend are just on the same page with thinking something is hilarious and your laughter feeds off each others and keeps escalating because the other person keeps laughing. Anyway, it was the scene where the main character, the young girl is sleeping in her hotel room and she awakes in the morning and is startled to find a full grown man, a Texas Ranger, sitting casually at the foot of her bed, seemingly watching her sleep. This awkward and seemingly inappropriate situation of a man in a young girl's room watching her while she slept, combined with the single line of dialogue that followed had us rolling. The girl asks who the man is and the man (Matt Damon) declares: "I am LaBoeuf." Now, let me try and explain as best I can why we thought this was as funny as we did. Something about the inappropriate situation of the man in the girl's room and him calmly stating that his name, spelled out phonetically, was "La Beef" had us in stitches and everyone else in the theater looking at us like we were out of our minds because to them, wadn't nothin' funny goin' on.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Just a question: am I the only one that can't find anything funny about the Anchorman? I didn't even smile once watching it!

Registered User
i lol if the movie deserve

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I never see movies that I can laugh out loud. It seems to me the ones labeled as comedies aren't good, especially slapstick and screwballs. Happy music, someone falling down, not my kinda funny..

Besides Cuckoo's Nest, I thought Falling Down was funny even though it isn't a comedy. When Michael Douglas (D-Fens) is at the store and says, "This whole aisle looks suspect" I laughed out loud. There's actually a lot of funny parts now that I think of it.

A really stupid movie I saw many years ago has the longest title I have ever heard of, and had it's moments. I might check it out one day soon.

Very rarely. I can't remember the last time I LOL'ed.

Master of My Domain
I died laughing at The Room, which is why it's in a quite high ranking in my favorites list.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Just a question: am I the only one that can't find anything funny about the Anchorman? I didn't even smile once watching it!
Nope. I didn't find it remotely funny.

I laugh all the time and movies frequently make me laugh. If they are funny. Anchorman is not funny.

The op mentioned Always Sunny so now I have to ask. Am I the only one who finds that show repulsive? I don't hate many things or many people, but I hate that show and I hate Charlie Day. There is only one show that is worse and it also stars a Charlie.

I would think I had something against Charlies, but Chaplin and Brown are Charlies and I love them.