A movie has universally awful reviews. You're still going to see it.


What series/director/etc would lead you to still watch something in spite of everyone saying it's bad? I'd watch anything Malick or PT Anderson put out. I'd also watch any Star Wars or Indiana Jones movies. Probably any Batman movie too.

Master of My Domain
A Tommy Wiseau movie. No matter what others say, I love him.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I'll pretty much see any movie with Kevin Spacey in it, and most movies with John Cusack, Sandra Bullock, Robert Downey Jr., and Hugh Jackman in them.

If includes theoretical movies, I'll see any movie with Cary Grant, Gene Kelly, Dick Van Dyke, or Dean Martin in it.

Also, anything based on a Nicholas Sparks book.

A Tommy Wiseau movie. No matter what others say, I love him.
Hahaha! Is he even allowed to make another movie after that trainwreck "The Room"?!

I'd see anything with my man Denzel Washington in it...and also, Leonardo DiCaprio never disappoints.

Anything by directors I like, even if it gets bad reviews, I'll see it. Martin Scorsese is my favorite living director, and if his next film ends up with 10% on Rotten Tomatoes and a 23 on Metacritic, I'll still go see it.

Master of My Domain
A Tommy Wiseau movie. No matter what others say, I love him.
Hahaha! Is he even allowed to make another movie after that trainwreck "The Room"?!

I'd see anything with my man Denzel Washington in it...and also, Leonardo DiCaprio never disappoints.
Well since he got permission to make couple of tv shows I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Make a better place
Any movie with John Cusack or Nicolas Cage, although these two are not my very favorite actors
"Beliefs don't change facts. Facts, if you're rational, should change your beliefs" Ricky Gervais

Obviously I'll still go see something made by favourite actors or directors, even with poor reviews... Like, if Leo is in it I'll probably go, and if it's a film made by, say, P.T. Anderson or Quentin Tarantino I probably wouldn't stay away either.

It really depends.

I will see anything Scorsese. But as for bad, I saw It's a Good Day to Die Hard despite the fact that the Rotten Tomatoes rating was around 10%. It sucked, but I saw it because it was a Die Hard movie. I also saw the Red Dawn remake which had a similar score, but it did not suck 10% RT score bad.

Registered User
What series/director/etc would lead you to still watch something in spite of everyone saying it's bad? I'd watch anything Malick or PT Anderson put out. I'd also watch any Star Wars or Indiana Jones movies. Probably any Batman movie too.
I guess you mean watch it still believing it'll be good - versus watching it just for laughs right?

Registered User
I will see anything Scorsese. But as for bad, I saw It's a Good Day to Die Hard despite the fact that the Rotten Tomatoes rating was around 10%.
I haven't seen it yet - but really I'm surprised they screwed it up that bad seeing as the previous Die Hard film has an 82% score. How could they go from 82% to 10% in the course of one movie? They must've been trying to make it suck.

Any Scorsese, Nolan or Tarantino film. Except for Nolan, I haven't seen any movie I didn't like from these directors, but I'd gladly watch one that is considered bad.

As for series, definitely anything Star Wars or big superhero movies like Justice League or Avengers.

Registered User
movies like american pie , scary movie etc ..are awesome in my opinion
All these "stupid american teen movies" i just love them.

If the question is answered right now, it's any Nolan film, any Marvel film, any Tarantino film, any Star Wars film, any Indiana Jones film, any Spielberg film, etc...

...but honestly, there is no one film series or director that cannot, with a few real duds, talk me out of watching their films if they get terrible advance reviews. M. Night Shyamalan is a pretty good example of this happening. I loved his first three major films (I'm not counting Praying With Anger or Wide Awake), and I kept watching even as the quality of his films degraded. But now I'm at the point where I won't pay to see them in theaters and barely make the effort to rent them, much later.

It's hard to imagine most of my favorite directors or series' getting to that point, of course, but honestly, after several bad films in a row from any of these franchises or directors, I think any of them would lose the benefit of the doubt.

Registered User
Any Scorsese, Nolan or Tarantino film.
I've never seen a Tarantino film which was awful anyway.

The only one I heard anything negative about was Grindhouse/Death Proof - and it's the only one I haven't watched yet.

I've never seen a Tarantino film which was awful anyway.

The only one I heard anything negative about was Grindhouse/Death Proof - and it's the only one I haven't watched yet.
I've seen Death Proof. It's not that bad. It's a bit slow and methodical, but it's generally entertaining. Probably the worst Tarantino film in comparison with others, but I don't think it's bad in any way.

If the question is answered right now, it's any Nolan film, any Marvel film, any Tarantino film, any Star Wars film, any Indiana Jones film, any Spielberg film, etc...

...but honestly, there is no one film series or director that cannot, with a few real duds, talk me out of watching their films if they get terrible advance reviews. M. Night Shyamalan is a pretty good example of this happening. I loved his first three major films (I'm not counting Praying With Anger or Wide Awake), and I kept watching even as the quality of his films degraded. But now I'm at the point where I won't pay to see them in theaters and barely make the effort to rent them, much later.

It's hard to imagine most of my favorite directors or series' getting to that point, of course, but honestly, after several bad films in a row from any of these franchises or directors, I think any of them would lose the benefit of the doubt.
Very good assessment. Honestly, after Signs, Shyamalan totally lost me, and I stopped right there. I just think he got lucky by making two good films (in my opinion), 6th Sense and Unbreakable. Signs was average, but then he turned into schlock. Though the only one that I love because of its badness is The Happening. Probably saw that like 4 years after it came out. That might well be the funniest movie ever made.

Death Proof is better than anything he's done this century (though I've not seen Django) not that he agrees. There again, he's an idiot.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

M. Night Shyamalan is a pretty good example of this happening. I loved his first three major films (I'm not counting Praying With Anger or Wide Awake), and I kept watching even as the quality of his films degraded. But now I'm at the point where I won't pay to see them in theaters and barely make the effort to rent them, much later.
Wow. And I remember when you used to run an M. Night website.

Trouble with a capital "T"
For new film releases, it's more about the subject matter to me, than favorite actor or director. If the subject looks interesting I'll watch it.