The MoFo Top 100 of the 2000s Countdown

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Did you know that...
  • Brad Pitt's character and speech was inspired by critics complaints about the accents in Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels? Ritche's intention was to have a character that not only couldn't be understood by the audience but by the characters in the movie.
  • Brad Pitt was a fan of Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels? He approached Ritchie and asked him for a role. Some sources say Ritchie agreed, and then wrote the role of Mickey for him, while others say he gave him that role when he saw Pitt was unable to master a London accent.
  • the role of Brick Top was originally offered to Sean Connery? He liked the script and was curious to see Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, so producer Matthew Vaughn arranged a screening. After the film finished, Connery said "That is a good film... and you're not going to be able to afford me."
  • there was a TV series based on the film that ran from 2017 to 2018, produced and starring Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley)?

wait they did a tv series of snatch :/

I loved Monsters Inc. and it's one of my favorite Pixar films. Haven't had any real desire to see the prequel because I just don't think the perfect first film needed a prequel or a sequel (which I hope they don't do). Loved it, didn't include it on my list but considered it.

Haven't seen Punch Drunk Love and have no real desire to. Like @kgaard and @Sedai PTA is hit-or-miss with me, mostly miss. Still, there are a few by him I like. This one didn't make it.

I've seen Catch Me If You Can and really enjoyed it. I take these "based on a true story" films with a grain of salt, in that once the filmmakers say "based," they can basically make up what they want, or it at least seems so. Despite loving it, it had no chance of making it on my list.

Snatch is one film I really want to see. I like Guy Ritchie films quite a bit but I've somehow managed to miss this one on a frequent basis. One day.

Again, none of these made my list, although I'm glad to see that some made the list.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

I saw only part of Catch Me If You Can years ago, and didn't like it. I've never really been a fan of Leonardo DiCaprio though, and has a tendency to ruin movies for me, so it's probably not something I'm going to go back to.

Snatch on the other hand is a film I've seen a number of times, but it wasn't on my list. I always preferred Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.

Seen: 14/30

Brad Pitt's character and speech was inspired by critics complaints about the accents in Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels? Ritche's intention was to have a character that not only couldn't be understood by the audience but by the characters in the movie.
The funny thing with this is that Ritchie and Pitt accidentally created an accent that sounds right at home here, to the point where a lot of people thought the character was supposed to be from Newfoundland. No one I know had any problem understanding his dialogue because of that haha.

The funny thing with this is that Ritchie and Pitt accidentally created an accent that sounds right at home here, to the point where a lot of people thought the character was supposed to be from Newfoundland. No one I know had any problem understanding his dialogue because of that haha.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

The Descent was my #14. Best horror film of the decade, I had to include it. This checks just about every box for me as far as horror goes. The claustrophobic first half gets me on edge and the gore fest second half seals the deal. Also has a bit more character development than your average horror flick, which is nice.

Catch Me if You Can is a fun movie. That was kind of the theme with my list for this decade - what movies I had the most fun watching since I don't think it's a great decade for films in general. This was my #22 film and it flies breezily by. The discussion has been had about the authenticity of "true stories" and how that may or may or may not affect your enjoyment of a film and I'm still in the camp that I don't care how accurate a movie is. Just be good.

Snatch was my #5. This is a movie I can watch whenever, I like it that much. The dialogue is snappy, the story covers a lot of ground without being confusing, it's funny and every character is a riot - Brick Top, Cousin Avi, Mickey, Turkish, Tyrone, etc. all have their moment(s) to shine. The overall style of the movie works. It's a cleaned up version of Lock, Stock which is one of my fav movies of the 90's.

As I did with the foreign language countdown I left a biggie off of my ballot again - top 5 for me which probably would have bumped Snatch to six and could have significant ramifications for the rest of this countdown. What bugs me most is I own it and just watched it this past summer.

Hated Lock, Stock... so Snatch was going to have to go some for me to like it. It didn't and I didn't.

I really liked Catch Me If You Can, though. It's just fun and I love the cat & mouse 'non' relationship between Hanks and Di Caprio as they get closer and closer to capture.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

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I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I'm so behind on commenting on these...

The Descent - I think if you are a horror fan you will get more out of this film than I did. It's a good concept and it starts well but it goes full on horror and I lost interest.

American Psycho - some parts of this are funny, but overall it didn't charm me.

The Death of Mr Lazarsecu is a surprise - in a good way, though. I didn't vote for it but I think it's an interesting film, a nightmare of bureaucracy with dark humour. I liked the almost-real-time-ness of it. If you liked this then you might also like The Death of Louis XIV, which is pretty similar in that a guy dies slowly throughout the course of the film, although in a different historical and socio-economic context.

Battle Royale I wasn't sure I would like, but I did. Not recommended for gbg, but if you can stand the violence, it is an entertaining film with more depth to it than I expected.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - Really wasn't expecting this one. Don't remember it in much detail, I have to be honest.

The Devil's Backbone - I really like this historical ghost story, glad to see it on the top 100. Not on my list although a different del Toro was.

Monsters, Inc. - I always thought this was good, but it wouldn't have occurred to me to vote for it. I think repeated watches with children (and the stupid prequel) have perhaps dimmed my appreciation for it, but there is a lot it does well.

Punch-Drunk Love - couldn't stand this movie.

Catch Me If You Can - this didn't strike me as a particularly interesting or memorable movie, but obviously it was for a lot of people.

Snatch - possibly my least favourite Guy Ritchie film. Wait, no he did Aladdin. Still, give me Lock Stock or RocknRolla over Snatch any day.

Hint, hint!...

WARNING: spoilers below

I think I'm great, obsessed with work
I just don't care, I think I'm sly
Underground is where I lurk
And get in trouble when I fly

I steal what I want, deliver the goods
And spark the anger of the Big Three
Do I do it for the thrill or for the foods?
or do it to set fire to the big tree?

My friends in trouble, I'm a disgrace
Serving, blocking, spiking, digging
Slap my bloody hand all over their face
Then scream for them to be forgiving

Think of your love, think of your son
So if you wanna do this, I implore
You might end caught, or all alone
So I just ask you, be absolutely sure.
Oh c'mon, just two guesses? I'm disappointed in all of you.

I'm here. I predict a middle of the road foreign movie and an overrated Sci Fi.
70. Tokyo Gore Police
69. Pandorum

Great guesses!

Praise indeed for Tokyo Gore Police, would never have guessed Raul would rate it that highly

70. Tokyo Gore Police
69. Pandorum

Great guesses!
Ok, ok, I want to confess that this wasn't the real reveal... I know, I know. Hold tight for the real reveal in a minute or two.