The MoFo Top 100 of the Nineties Countdown

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Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I've seen 21 of the first 30, 2 were on my list.

All About My Mother is decent. Almodovar is a bit it and miss, from what I've seen.

Have you even ever seen 10 whole movies or is the Great Spirit against that?
Deadite, you are such a jerk. One minute, you're loading me up with positive rep and making me feel all loved and everything. The next minute, you're antagonizing me and not sticking up for me at all. You have no sense of loyalty. Beat it!

Not seen the last two. Haven't seen much of Almodovar but will in the future.

I've seen 18 on the list (voted for 3) and will start on the ones I haven't seen this weekend - looking forward to seeing them.

I don't think SC has seen 10 whole films all the way through either...

He's probably started hundreds but only made it all the way through 6 of them... and that was the Rocky franchise...

72. Donnie Brasco

A film that was very close to making my list, Donnie Brasco is a very intelligent and enjoyable crime film. I know there has been a lot said about it recently on here already, so my thoughts are probably just echoing what has already been said, the main strength of the film for me has to lie in the relationship between the characters of Johnny Depp and Al Pacino. I am a big fan of Depp and in particular his 90s work (I am hoping a couple more films of his show up) and Al Pacino, is well... Al Pacino, often criticised for his overracting I found this role to me the opposite, he is more subdued and subtle in his performance, he is a criminal but someone that Depp's character develops a real human bond with, making for some fantastic and very touching scenes near the films end.

"Hey Look it's Masterman"
I've seen 12/30
And 5 of my 25 have made this list.

Donnie Brasco
Batman Returns
Point Break
Starship Troopers

Carlito's Way is better, though. Who here voted for that?
I voted for it. I love that film. It's definitely De Palma's best film (with Blow Out as a close second).

Haven't seen any of the last two films yet, but they are both on my watchlist. I should urgently watch more '90s films...
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

30/30 seen. 3/30 from my list.

You guys should really be at 20/30 watched. Really. Start watching more. Don't go outside for a week or so, or even longer that that.
Older people would have watched more 1990's movies.

You surely have watched a ton of films, still I am surprised that I have watched all the films in your top 10. That maybe means that there aren't that many obscure masterpieces after all or I would have expected to have watched only one of two of the films in your top 10.

Older people would have watched more 1990's movies.
I'm not that old! But I was a teen in the nineties so yeah, maybe.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

I was 10 in 1999 and I began following the films from 1999 ownwards. The year with I have most films rated at critiker is 2006, with 78 films. I have watched far more films from 2000-2010 than from the 1990's, about 800 in the former case and 300 in the latter.

You surely have watched a ton of films, still I am surprised that I have watched all the films in your top 10. That maybe means that there aren't that many obscure masterpieces after all or I would have expected to have watched only one of two of the films in your top 10.
There are many obscure, great films out there - even masterpieces. At least I think so. Those are just my favourite films, although that top 10 should be changed a bit.

Usually the masterpieces tend to show up among the group of people that follow a certain niche. For instance, most Hollywood masterpieces are well known by the people who watch Hollywood films. I noticed that my favorite Hollywood films are very well known box office champions, such as Star Wars, 2001, Apocalypse Now, The Godfather, etc.

Hidden masterpieces tend to be found in other countries but that's because I didn't follow the films produced in these countries but are still the mainstream among the films in these niches. For instance, the best animated films are Miyazaki's who is also the most famous director working in the medium.

I'm not that old! But I was a teen in the nineties so yeah, maybe.
What were your favorite movies as a teenager in the '90s? Were you seriously into films yet?

What were your favorite movies as a teenager in the '90s? Were you seriously into films yet?
My favourite movies in the 90s was probably The Lion King since i was only 6 in 1999.

I don't think SC has seen 10 whole films all the way through either...

He's probably started hundreds but only made it all the way through 6 of them... and that was the Rocky franchise...
I hope you fall into a machine that makes Young Guns DVD paper inserts and scar yourself terribly with paper cuts.

Another from my list with Donnie Brasco. I had it at #20.

As everyone who loves it has said, it's the two central performances, the chemistry between Pacino and Depp and the writing which really sell this film. If that doesn't really grab you, then I can understand not really 'getting' the love for it.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

There are a lot more young people here than I would've guessed. I should go easier on you kids from now on when you say dumb stuff.
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!

Where's the next two movies?! I'm having bitchiness withdrawal.