The Guitar Guild


Bought this beautiful yamaha love it!

Also bought a really cheap nylon to play until i get a good one.. went to buy some strings.. the guy at the counter made me feel bad, i didn't know how bad a guitar it was lol he wasn't mean or anything just told it like it is.... so I'm probably buying a nylon yamaha from the shop here soon.

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A system of cells interlinked
@ynwtf @Sedai

This is pretty awful, right?

Everything is relative, and if I recall, the last time you posted a video, you were basically hunting and pecking single notes while frantically looking back and forth between your right and left hands trying to coordinate everything.

In this video, I hear actual strumming and attempts at phrasing and rhythm. This is leaps and bounds better than the last time I saw you play.

Clearly, you have a long way to go, but as long as you are making progress, you are doing it correctly. Keep it up.

I STILL owe you a lesson, and, until recently, I had the excuse of "I haven't been playing my guitars lately, and if I don't have time to pay at all, I don't have time to help someone else learn to play."

...which is a shit excuse. It's also one I can no longer rely on, as I just had a guitar in my hands last night, because I just finished setting up my Ibanez SZ in C Standard tuning for gnarly metal riffs. So yea... I will hit you up for some possible time slots in the near future for a quick 45 min lesson/jam session.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
^totes agreed

Sounds like some of my old highschool recordings when learning what chords sound good together. Except mine were on old mini cassette voice recorders =\

Chords sound clean and in tune. They progress nicely. And strumming sounds appropriate. Just get those fingers stronger and a bit more flexible and you're there

You ready? You look ready.

I was trying something new that I wasn't exactly taught. My teacher shows me a lot of things but doesn't always get into deep specifics if it's at the very end of a lesson, so I was just sorta copying from memory what I saw and heard him do. I'm still having an awful damn time landing that stupid D chord on chord changes, but I just need more practice.

And on the note of practice: my teacher has a new office and we will be resuming lessons next Saturday! I was so worried he wasn't going to rebuild, but they are definitely going to rebuild.


I was trying something new that I wasn't exactly taught. My teacher shows me a lot of things but doesn't always get into deep specifics if it's at the very end of a lesson, so I was just sorta copying from memory what I saw and heard him do. I'm still having an awful damn time landing that stupid D chord on chord changes, but I just need more practice.

And on the note of practice: my teacher has a new office and we will be resuming lessons next Saturday! I was so worried he wasn't going to rebuild, but they are definitely going to rebuild.

For me it is the F. Still haven't made peace with that bastard, so I play it's simpler version.

I would recommend you Justin Guitar's tutorial of David Bowie's Heroes. Would help you with D.

You ready? You look ready.
Really great deal going on for the Fender CD-60S.

If I didn't already have my Alvarez I'd be snagging one. I mean, I am still considering it as a travel/beater guitar, but I don't think I can justify buying another one. But man, that price is a steal.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I have been unearthing some stuff I recorded years ago.

This one has a catchy riff I came up with. I just had the riff and then I would come up with an entire "song", so, in other words, I'd improvise around the riff and come up with other riffs as I improvise. It's cool to do that and to slowly build up the anticipation and then hit it off with that riff! And then modify it, and have lots of fun! I miss the good ole days when I could plug my guitar into an amp. Now it's f**ked and no sound comes out of the amp. It's the guitar's fault, not the amp's cuz some little cable inside the guitar broke IIRC. I might actually buy a new electric guitar. And use the old one acoustically like I've been for the past 3 years or so.

Another thing I liked to do with an amp was to play a simple backing track and then improvise over it. Most of the time, I'd just mindlessly play a scale over these bass notes, but sometimes something interesting came out of that. In this one, I'm trying to play psychedelic/noise rock without any pedals. But I have some more of these like this one:

This one has me playing something like a triumphant black metal (lol) AND singing over it. This is a pretty cool way to come up with melodies as you play. You don't really need to know how to sing. You just sing, record it, and later you can replace your singing with a keyboard melody or something. It's never been about technical perfection with these recordings, but rather about either saving an idea or recording some improvisation, then listening to it back and picking up some interesting parts. Or just forgetting it for years and unearthing it now.

And here's my attempt at making the trvest black metal ever!!!

And here's "Voracious Aberration - Attacking the Virgin From Behind". I really loved to come up with a band & song name every time I came up with a new song idea. Another title of a br00tal song I composed was "Broken Limbs of a Virgin - Trepidation of F***slut's Skull"

Without an amp, I turned into a guitarist of the 'playing chords and singing' type. To my neighbor's distress. My mom loved hearing me do that, so I'd do it with many different songs just for her. I'm a bad singer, but I enjoy singing!


Well, one way to come up with lyrics is just to sing some gibberish over the chords and see what sticks. Sometimes, however, your improvised lyrics are not what you expected... Well, this might be the most genius piece of lyrics I ever composed, though!
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Mr Minio what's up with vocaroo?
Vocaroo is the better choice if you just want to record something quickly (or upload something for only some people to hear). I always perceived Soundcloud as a music-sharing platform where you upload finished songs. But I might be wrong about that. I use Vocaroo because I've always been.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again

My previous post highlighted how shabby my desk was!

All taken care of now!

Please tell me you play EVE-online.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I watch this guy from time to time for random topics. He's pretty fun, if a bit obnoxious! Anyway, I just caught this video on my break and thought of a few of you guys. He's demoing a prototype composite guitar. At 3k (Euro), it's WAY out of my price range, but looks sharp. Had to share.