Survey: Woke Capitalism in Hollywood Movies


*Edited* Thanks for the replies. After realising this site's mixed age groups, I've opened up for all age groups to answer the survey! Of course I want to hear all of you)

Dear Movie Forums

My name is Andreas, and I’m 18 years old. I attend school in Copenhagen, Denmark, and I’m currently part of a project called Forskerspirer (“junior researcher”) – more information about the project can be found here: ht tps://

In this project, I’ve chosen to study the use of progressive values in Hollywood movies and how this affects the young generation. As I’ve already conducted interviews with danish students, I would very much like your view on the matter as well

All ages and nationalities welcome. I would be most grateful if you could find the time to answer my 10-minute survey.

The data will be used in my paper, completely anonymous, of course. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via private message.

Link to survey: ht tps://

(Just delete the space between ht and tps - if the post is against code of conduct, feel free to report the post)

Best regards,

Student at Aurehøj Gymnasium, Denmark

I'm 93 and a quarter. What's a survey?

Just kidding, I'm not that old really but I am sadly far beyond the age scope you require

Since you were polite enough to include the note about reporting and otherwise personalized the request a bit, I'll say: best of luck, and I've edited the post so the link shows up.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...I’m looking for respondents in the 16 to 25 age group, all nationalities welcome...
I have a question, did you or your university course come up with the age restriction guidelines for answering your survey?

Responses from various age groups and demographics would've gave you much more insight into respondents views on 'Woke Capitalism in Hollywood Movies'.

Seeing how I'm too old to answer your survey...can you please tell us your own views on the topic? I'd like to know what you think about 'Woke Capitalism in Hollywood Movies'

You ready? You look ready.
Yeah, good luck. We all old farts. I'm in my 30s so I'm allowed to say that now.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

Since you were polite enough to include the note about reporting and otherwise personalized the request a bit, I'll say: best of luck, and I've edited the post so the link shows up.
Thanks A lot!

I have a question, did you or your university course come up with the age restriction guidelines for answering your survey?

Responses from various age groups and demographics would've gave you much more insight into respondents views on 'Woke Capitalism in Hollywood Movies'.

Seeing how I'm too old to answer your survey...can you please tell us your own views on the topic? I'd like to know what you think about 'Woke Capitalism in Hollywood Movies'
Thanks for the interest! No, it was a choice of my own - but I have opened up for all age groups now, as you are completely right! Feel free to answer the survey now For scientific purposes, I must not give away my opinion before the survey is closed

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
I'm taking this now, and I don't expect a reply in 30 seconds, but when you say "moviegoer" do you mean someone who goes to theaters?

Just as a suggestion, it would be nice if you could add a line to further explain... For example, "Do you find the cost of tickets reasonable"... I don't go, but I also know the tickets are expensive, BUT, if they played great movies, I wouldn't mind as much. Every movie I've seen in the theater (not counting a documentary) wasn't worth $1, but I did have fun with whoever I was with, so maybe it was.

I'm taking this now, and I don't expect a reply in 30 seconds, but when you say "moviegoer" do you mean someone who goes to theaters?

Just as a suggestion, it would be nice if you could add a line to further explain... For example, "Do you find the cost of tickets reasonable"... I don't go, but I also know the tickets are expensive, BUT, if they played great movies, I wouldn't mind as much. Every movie I've seen in the theater (not counting a documentary) wasn't worth $1, but I did have fun with whoever I was with, so maybe it was.
Hi, yes: "a person who regularly goes to watch films at the cinema".
I completely agree with your suggestion - I will keep that in mind when I look through the answers. Thanks for your interest and feedback!