Rate The Last Movie You Saw


I have to return some videotapes.
Yes I gave it an 8. It was the 1st Taken I've seen in the series and I think it took a lot of elements from older classic action films, the soundtrack is my favorite. It went well with the movie. Perhaps compared to the other films it is not that good, but like I said, I haven't seen the others
Maybe elements of bad action films.

Also, when you say "the soundtrack is my favorite". Favorite of what?

I cannot say I really liked any of the Taken movies.

Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, & King Hereafter
American Psycho: 8/10 - I loved the movie until the last 20-25 minutes. I know others will probably look down on me saying that, but as far as ambiguous endings go, this was one that I'm not that fond of.

American Psycho 2: 4/10 - This was actually enjoyable, but two words: UNNECESSARY SEQUEL!

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

The Wild Geese (1978)
+ Only seen bits and pieces of this back in the day, very glad to finally see it completely.

(MULTIPLE REWATCH) Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl
best of the lot

Gives Taken 3 an 8/10 but rates the second Terminator 6.5/10, I like how non-mainstream you are

Blackhat (2015)
(Dir. Michael Mann) (Cin. Stuart Dryburgh)

A little over two decades ago, an avant-garde filmmaking movement started by two Danish directors intended to take power back from the studio system spurred the creation of some of the first feature films to be shot digitally, all with consumer grade equipment.

A little over a decade ago, Michael Mann's Collateral paved the way for mainstream films to be shot digitally, this time using equipment far more suitable for the job.

Since 2008, the Academy Award for Best Cinematography has been awarded exclusively to films shot digitally.

None of them look better than this.

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La Cercle Rouge (1970)

One seriously suave movie! I slightly preferred Melville's Le Samourai but its close. Such great main characters that each have their own moments of brilliance. I read somewhere about it being the best heist movie around but really, its much more than a heist movie. Another rewatch should see it get full marks.

Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Maybe elements of bad action films.

Also, when you say "the soundtrack is my favorite". Favorite of what?

I cannot say I really liked any of the Taken movies.
The soundtrack is my favorite thing on the movie. You seem upset that I gave Tak3n an 8, may I ask why?

I'll say like Bieber...what do you mean?
Quoting Justin Bieber isn't exactly making your case look better.

But on a serious note, didn't you think the editing was absolutely terrible? The scene were he jumps from a window to a dumpster, that was at least 4 cuts... For a 1-second scene. I got a damn headache with the directing and editing.

But of course you can like watever you want to, I respect your honestly.

Quoting Justin Bieber isn't exactly making your case look better.

But on a serious note, didn't you think the editing was absolutely terrible? The scene were he jumps from a window to a dumpster, that was at least 4 cuts... For a 1-second scene. I got a damn headache with the directing and editing.

But of course you can like watever you want to, I respect your honestly.
I'm not saying that the movie was fantastic or extraordinary, I just found it original and better than what I expected. There are (a lot) of flaws, but, again, I haven't watched the others so, as an original movie, it's good

Inside Out (2015)

What are these emotions in me right now? All of them at once, what's happening...

Disney Pixar is not back with this one, guys... they are on a whole new level of greatness! I really don't know what to say, this film went beyond my expectations and hit something very deep. The level of originality is extraordinary, I know people say this idea has been made before and yes that may be correct, but this is Pixar taking that idea and making something entirely new out of it. It's endless imaginative, full of fun and feelings in all corners, you can't control anything here it just keeps going and bringing new ideas and turns our mind and body inside out.

I was caught by this right from the beginning and I heard all about how it gets to you in the end; I don't understand that. The end? This film had me in tears of emotion right from the start because of how well-made it was - the detail, creativeness, visuals, ideas, soundtrack - I couldn't keep my eyes off of the screen! This write-up was supposed to be one sentence or something, but it's hard not to get your emotions going about what's going on about the emotions in this film.

There was somewhere in the middle where I had a quick thought that I might give this one or one half a popcorn less than perfect, but then it quickly picked straight up again and things made sense. Oh, and finally, Disney Pixar had one of their silly/comedic relief characters, who didn't just bring the fun - there was something to it, something deeper and more important. I mean, this whole movie is important. It got so much to say, so many layers between so many elements inside so many themes build around all these emotions. Wow, I'm still so stunned.

Lastly, some quick thought I just NEED to state. The movie sets up a sequel but I don't know if I want one; this is just perfect the way it is. Also, if I say "china city" I think the people who have seen it know what I'm talking about despite putting it like that - I DIED OF LAUGHTER! Anyways, to sum up my experience with this: I haven't felt this exhausted and drained and invested in a movie since 'Whiplash'. Yes, this is one of those movies to me... The one that just stays there... like a core memory...

Sorry for the messy write-up, I guess I should just put it like this...

...didn't you think the editing was absolutely terrible? The scene were he jumps from a window to a dumpster, that was at least 4 cuts... For a 1-second scene. I got a damn headache with the directing and editing...
That was my complaint about Mad Max Fury Road