Things that annoy you...


Severely botoxed women who can't seem to do a single thing for themselves, including putting their cards into the machine. Lady, how do you even...?
You're an enigma, cat_sidhe.

Okay, it's not ****ing New Year's Eve, enough with the fireworks! No need for them at midnight. 5th of November nearly here but a lot have the fireworks display on the saturday before. My local display I watched was at 6.00pm, that's called a reasonable time!

When people misuse words that they should be very familiar with.

Like just now when a certain someone at my work who REALLY ought to know better just told a client that roundworms and dogs have a symbiotic relationship.

No. No, they most definitely do not.

What word should it be other than symbiotic? What meaning did the person intend?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

What word should it be other than symbiotic? What meaning did the person intend?
It's a parasitic relationship. Symbiotic relationships are mutually beneficial. Dogs do not benefit from having roundworms.

First snow forecast for tomorrow in Connecticut. This sucks because when it snows before Thanksgiving it makes the winter feel soooooo long. Last year our 1st snow was December 9. Thought I saw a few snowflakes outside this a.m.

Co-workers who won't leave me alone when I'm on my lunch break. I keep food here to save money and I take my lunch in the break room. But it almost never fails that somebody has to come ask me a question when I'm on my break. And it also never fails that the question being asked is one that either a) can wait 60 minutes until I'm back on the clock or b) can be answered by looking it up in the computer, on one of the forms we have, or asking another employee.

Co-workers who won't leave me alone when I'm on my lunch break. I keep food here to save money and I take my lunch in the break room. But it almost never fails that somebody has to come ask me a question when I'm on my break. And it also never fails that the question being asked is one that either a) can wait 60 minutes until I'm back on the clock or b) can be answered by looking it up in the computer, on one of the forms we have, or asking another employee.
I always hated being disturbed at lunchtime. I desperately needed to decompress & read the paper, but some idiot would always come in the kitchen & glom on to me just to avoid doing his work.

Trees. Not all of them, just deciduous ones. If I just continually drop me clothes on the floor day after day, week after week, I rightly get given out to. Apparently it's perfectly ok if you're a certain type of tree though. T'ain't fair and gets right up me snotter! I do appreciate the irony of things that are called "leaves" needing to be raked up and disposed of though, at least someone had a sense of humour.

Gosh @Chypmunk I love trees. Especially deciduous ones. Yellow green sprays of leaflets against the springtime sky. Full and lush and green and fragrant, and giving shade in the summer. . And fruit. Surely you don' t have anything against fruit - without which we'd have no peach cobbler. No cherries jubilee. And none of our all American apple pie.

Autumn leaves so gay and bright. Even winter trees, with their stark outlines against the silvery sky, bare and elegant and awaiting again the beautiful cycle of seasons to begin anew. .

I hate to come between anyone and their rant- and I have a few myself- but I truly wish you would reconsider about the trees.

You know what I suggest? - hug a tree. That's right Chypmunk , don't be shy. Don't be nervous. It won't bite. Step on up to your nearest oak or beech or maple and give it a nice hug. If a leaf falls on you, well then; press it in a book and give it to your favorite beloved human as a gift. I think if you'll hug a tree you'll feel better . I surely would.

And who knows, that may even be true for the tree.

Me hug a tree? Unasked??
Leaf it out - I've twigged what that would mean and I'm no sap that's gonna set himself up to potentially take stick from any #treetoo branch of the well known social movement

If another person tells me don't eat too much turkey I'm going to punch them in the face.
Remember in the 70's when "turkey" was this huge insult? Or worse yet, "jive turkey"?
That was annoying. Come to think of it almost everything from the 70's was annoying!

(Except movies - it was a pretty good decade for movies!)

Trouble with a capital "T"
Remember in the 70's when "turkey" was this huge insult? Or worse yet, "jive turkey"?
That was annoying. Come to think of it almost everything from the 70's was annoying!

(Except movies - it was a pretty good decade for movies!)
Ha, yeah I hate it when someone in an old movie calls someone a turkey! Talk about a lame insult. Oh wait we can't say lame anymore. So I mean talk about a verbally challenged negative vernacular....Oh! I hate it that we have to use a long string of non-words to carefully relay our meaning these days.

Ha, yeah I hate it when someone in an old movie calls someone a turkey! Talk about a lame insult. Oh wait we can't say lame anymore. So I mean talk about a verbally challenged negative vernacular....Oh! I hate it that we have to use a long string of non-words to carefully relay our meaning these days.
Long, multi-word terms that we then abbreviate with acronyms is what's in these days!

So feel free to use your VCNV (verbally challenged negative vernacular)!

Remember in the 70's when "turkey" was this huge insult? Or worse yet, "jive turkey"?
That was annoying. Come to think of it almost everything from the 70's was annoying!

(Except movies - it was a pretty good decade for movies!)
I still talk like that.