

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
All going good with the sweet Puppy who adopted you @ynwtf?
All good so far. She had her booster shots for the year last Friday. She does well in the truck, sitting in the passenger seat watching everything move outside. Maybe every fifth red light she starts pawing at my arm trying to find a way over to my lap. In the vet's office she mostly sits still, but you can tell she's excited to see people and other dogs walking in and out. Poor pup really wants to play with them, but she's 60 lbs of intimidation. She's not aggressive really, but she does seem to need a petting from most anyone she sees. That can get out of hand when people aren't paying attention and walk up next to me like at the checkout space. It's hard to sign a payment receipt and keep a leash tight.

For example, while checking out last Friday one of the vet techs brought a 40 lb boxer out from boarding to take to the owner in the lobby. I was in the connecting hallway by the door separating the lobby from the clinic area. It just also happens to be where the payment counter is. Bad floor plan, IMO, for dogs but whatever. The boxer had to pass through the door I was standing by to get out. Puppy's tail started wagging and she stood up. The boxer growled. Puppy growled back. Needless to say my signature was illegible.

She will try to paw up onto someone's leg if they show signs of attention. It's not the clumsy, overly aggressive tackle a lot of dogs offer, but I think it's too much. Mostly though, she just wants to hug. It's funny, to me. As I sat in the chair waiting for the vet she pawed up half onto my lap and just stood there leaning against me. Once she was in her position, she was content to just stand there like that not kicking or pawing in. Later, she climbed into the chair next to me and sat as we waited.

She like to sneeze in my face most mornings when I feed her. She also snorts like a warthog. Mostly though, she's quiet and to herself just laying out watching the world go by, rarely barking. Though she does have a shrill yelp if she thinks she's not getting adequate attention. She's sweet. Most people who have met her are surprised at how calm she is, relative to other boxer mixes they've dealt with.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

Sounds like Puppy found the exact right human to be with lol. Both of you are smitten with each orher. Very friendly and affectionate, which is how we like a dog to be- and funny stories at the vet of just how friendly she can get lol.

I didn't realize from the pics she was a boxer - I was thinking part pitbull- but looking at the pics I definitely see boxer. 60 lbs- she must be solid muscle - I tend to like big ( or medium sized) dogs best myself. Noting against little dogs either , tho some of them do tend to look like a mop with googly eyes.

Did her rash clear up? Very nice coloring btw, gray and white.

Oh and for @ynwtf and any other pet owners listening, many a mofo* would not mind AT ALL if you posted a few more pics.

*by MANY a mofo I mean- that would be me.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Sounds like Puppy found the exact right human to be with lol. Both of you are smitten with each orher. Very friendly and affectionate, which is how we like a dog to be- and funny stories at the vet of just how friendly she can get lol.

I didn't realize from the pics she was a boxer - I was thinking part pitbull- but looking at the pics I definitely see boxer. 60 lbs- she must be solid muscle - I tend to like big ( or medium sized) dogs best myself. Noting against little dogs either , tho some of them do tend to look like a mop with googly eyes.

Did her rash clear up? Very nice coloring btw, gray and white.

Oh and for @ynwtf and any other pet owners listening, many a mofo* would not mind AT ALL if you posted a few more pics.

*by MANY a mofo I mean- that would be me.
Pit/boxer mix. The rash seems to have cleared up or at least some of the fur has grown back in. She had a nick on her back hip when I found her and it's mostly hard to see anymore. And yes, solid muscle. Well. Mostly. She's gained 2lbs I think so she's softening up a bit. Still, she's an immovable object when she wants to be.

Thanks for the update @Miss Vicky. Glad he's warming up to you. That's a good sign, and he's only been in this new home a week. Very cautious and shy cat, but I think his natural curiousity will kick in soon - and he'll start exploring the house. Probably within a few weeks. maybe even by next week. . You seem to have a handle on it all, introducing the cats and letting them get to know each other on their own feline way.

Wouldn't it be nice if you woke up one (not too distant) day and he's in your room? Is he purring yet?

Keep us updated when you can. You may not see the changes as it's a slow daily work in progress, but it sounds like he's coming along. Baby steps.
It's actually been over 2 weeks since I got him. I brought him home June 22. He purrs and rolls over when I pet him, but gets upset if I try to pick him up. I'm also still having trouble getting family members on board with trust training. I think he'd come along faster if I could get them to put in some effort too.

If I woke up to him in my bedroom I'd actually be upset. It's a no cat zone on account of the rat cage, 3 out of 4 of my aquariums, various fragile objects, and my super expensive pirate hat that's full of way too tempting feathers.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I think I speak for everyone in saying we need more pics of pirate hats. Feather's make it technically a bird, fitting the OP topic so. Yeah. Bird hat, please.

And anything new with the boys @cricket? Or perhaps you are pet- sitting for some newcomers at your animal friendly b&b?
Actually yes, watching my friend's pooch again.

I think I speak for everyone in saying we need more pics of pirate hats. Feather's make it technically a bird, fitting the OP topic so. Yeah. Bird hat, please.

This is the only pic I can find of it that shows off the feathers, though the pic is a few years old. I'm pretty sure I've added more feathers since then.

It's part of my Renaissance Faire costume.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
You added MORE feathers?! That's a lot of feathers! Certainly a cat's paradise. Wow! Yeah, keep that door shut. lol

Purrs and rolls over - that's wonderful news! @Miss Vicky. He's a good one , just a little shy. Some cats never really like to be picked up, btw, but he may come along on that too.

Oh I forgot about the aquariums- and the rat. And there's the matter of the hat. So I would guess that where he is now is his room. Sorry the family is not pitching in more; sounds like it will be easier to fully domesticate Copper than them.

Keep at it, sounds like it's good going with the cat ( who often are much more reasonable than humans anyway) so far.

Immovable object lol @ynwtf. Glad to hear she's healing up nicely, with your concerned and doting care. ( No fuss, no worries - no one else here knows what a big softy you are 'cept you and me)

Well let us know any more adventures you have with her as you go along.

That's amazing - I' ve gone to Renaissance fairs but I never stopped to think that the performers had their own costumes- good fun. Good music too.

Well @Miss Vicky , my hat's off to you ( sorry yin, I got here first)

Yay - thanks for the pooch pics @cricket. Hey I think I remember this furry guy from last year, strolling in and out of the Werewolves of London concerto. Adorable -gets along nicely with your poms ( I think this one's Rudy) too. I' m not sure what breed he is - tho from the mask on his face I 'd say he's part raccoon

That's amazing - I' ve gone to Renaissance fairs but I never stopped to think that the performers had their own costumes- good fun. Good music too.

Well @Miss Vicky , my hat's off to you ( sorry yin, I got here first)
I'm not a performer. I'm just a dork who likes to get dressed up and have an excuse to carry daggers and a replica flintlock pistol.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Actually yes, watching my friend's pooch again.

HA! That's great. Pup must be a retired Batman Crime Dog. He's already got the mask and chest emblem.

*bark to ME!*

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I tend to like big ( or medium sized) dogs best myself. Nothing against little dogs either , tho some of them do tend to look like a mop with googly eyes.

This dog looks like a mop, but without the googly eyes, (or maybe just without any eyes).

Click image for larger version

Name:	01-dog-mop.jpg
Views:	207
Size:	46.3 KB
ID:	55699  
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I tend to like big ( or medium sized) dogs best myself. Nothing against little dogs either , tho some of them do tend to look like a mop with googly eyes.

This dog looks like a mop, but without the googly eyes, (or maybe just without any eyes).

Dunno if you realize this or not, but your dog is levitating. Only thing between you and Scanners level brain control is that bar. Somehow, the color yellow appears to neutralize its powers.


(I'll let Chyp ask what that rope is attached to)

(I'll let Chyp ask what that rope is attached to)
Ahem, I wouldn't try pulling on it as it's actually a constant stream of urine rather than a rope - Moppet Hounds (as the breed is formally known) are quite well known for this trait which is why they need to drink at least 112 litres of fresh water a day.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Dunno if you realize this or not, but your dog is levitating. Only thing between you and Scanners level brain control is that bar. Somehow, the color yellow appears to neutralize its powers.
Just for the record, that's not my dog. I found that picture on the internet a while back, and I thought it was cute, so I saved it. I have no idea what kind of dog that is, but this is the full picture before I cropped it:

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Dunno if you realize this or not, but your dog is levitating. Only thing between you and Scanners level brain control is that bar. Somehow, the color yellow appears to neutralize its powers.
Just for the record, that's not my dog. I found that picture on the internet a while back, and I thought it was cute, so I saved it. I have no idea what kind of dog that is, but this is the full picture before I cropped it:

OMG. the OWNER is levitating the dog!!! Perhaps a scene from Stranger Things Season IV, El's College Rush. The mystery deepens!