The Videogames Tab


there's a frog in my snake oil

There's a flurry of stuff happening around the 'verse. Here is a very condensed version of a some tiny bits of it...

Warm Legal Action:

Face Away Now:

A fun leak has sprung forth, regarding their face streaming tech & branded camera (my bold):

  • faceware camera continues to face delays, might be canceled outright
  • supposedly CIG created a wing of the company to handle manufacturing and distribution of the camera
  • faceware engineers helped create the code for the first big reveal
  • 12+ months of continued support on their end when they were supposed to help for six
  • some contention over payments due 3lateral / faceware (same company btw)
  • friction over potential losses if camera is canceled with new owners (epic bought 3lat earlier this year)
  • losses / lost payments total "tens of millions"
  • would have to sell "many units" to break even on camera
  • "low priority" for CIG and Epic, as numbers of potential sales look low / dire
  • "It was a passing fad used as a content patch. No one here thinks it's still happening."
  • if there's no agreement met with current issues, 3lat can stop any and all mocap footage using their rigs / technology from appearing in SC
that email, by the way, came from a dude with his full name and actual mother****ing email address from one of the company's involved in this ****
Take with the standard dose of salt, but amusing if so. That's about as journalistic as his sources get too . (Note that 3Lateral have worked on loads of aspects from mocap to face generation, so they'll likely need to be paid...)

Cry Me A River:

CIG have called Crytek a giant ball of financial incompetence and demanded a $2m bond in case of default. This has lead to them both issuing a joint statement saying they want more time to make up. (Essentially, more games to delay discovery and hedge towards settlement it seems...)


Female Avatars Are In:

They're in. They're a bit janky. Prone to having giant sloth hands and ill-fitting hats. And sitting upside down in seats and numerous other issues. But hey they're in. It's a modern day miracle.

Other Art Additions:
  • ArcCorp - The city planet! It's in. And it is kinda cool in its own Cyberpunky way. Full of glitches of course (the transport system kills you, or just does this, for example). And hasn't added any gameplay (aside from the one mission-giver per planet. Whose missions don't seem to work. But hey, loads of the missions don't work, so no worries there )

  • The new flight model. It's partially in. Hard to gauge it from a distance, but there are obviously some fidelity-challenging cheats going on behind the scenes (turn upside down and gravity is reversed etc). Some say it's the best thing since French bread, others that it's still very 'no-clip-y' but now with a joust rather than turret-spin meta, which is equally meh. Time will tell.
  • AI Flight. It's gone from 'not moving' to 'moving in a really weird rubber-bandy way, and then not moving'. (The less said about the AI on foot the better...)
  • A heat mechanic has been added which stops you during your long-distance straight-line tedious flight to the next planet. So you can't just go and make coffee any more. At some point they promise to add some actual gameplay to this. (In the meantime just buy a bigger ship, they get there faster... Can't imagine there'll be any more design decisions like this )

Things That Have Fallen Off The List For 2019:
  • The mythical '10,000 player shard' 'server meshing', all the ship professions but one. Y'know, all the usual big picture stuff . And anything that's of no use for the offline SQ42 release, the thing they're hoping will make the money in 2020+.


Actual Citizen Unrest:

The complexity of their ship-buying system is Byzantine. If you want try and understand how Chris has gamified their funding streams (as he's put it previously), you could do worse than look at this thread though:

$0 CCU Update

TLDR: Citizens could get a token which allowed them to swap their ship out for one of comparable price. They kept all their precious early-adopter boons this way (IE 'lifetime insurance' on their ship etc). They also got the blessed boon of having a ship that was actually playable, as so many of the big whale vessels currently aren't.

This token system has now been removed. The uber-whales are aggrieved. If they want a playable ship they will now have to buy it. If they want one with insurance boons they'll have to buy it with new money. Weren't they promised bonuses for buying in early, in this 'naturally' price-rising economy? Weren't they promised functioning ships? Weren't they...?

Aaaand, relax...

Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

there's a frog in my snake oil
People are going to be studying the aftermath of this game for years, aren't they? Maybe we'll get a Fyre Festival style documentary.
It definitely has that flavour...

The main tragedy is that so much hilarious bug material will go offline in the interim

It could still go lots of ways, but I don't see these investors having the clout to rescue the project the way MS rescued Freelancer. Think chaos & comedy are the likely outcomes...

Talking of which, SomethingAwful's Agent just dropped another purported bundle of leaks. Take these ones with more condiments than the prior one, but the console rumour has been around since the investment... (And would be yet another 'master-race' launch pledge thwarted )

  • less than 30,000 people purchase anything from CIG in a given year
  • currently, 70% of sales come from people spending more than $1,000 a year
  • these high end backers have an average total spend of more than $10,000 since 2015
  • these include gifting and sending out packages to potential new players
  • new player and "normal" purchases continued steady into 2015
  • in 2016, new players and backers spending less than $100 began to decline
  • massive increase in high end spending around this time, with sudden buyouts of expensive ship packages
  • one person has spent almost $250,000 since the initial kickstarter across multiple accounts
  • internals of sq42 show over 1.2m preorders for the first release alone
  • internal mock ups show sq42 console release running through RSI/CIG servers
  • this would include on-demand streaming without a traditional download
  • next gen xbox and playstation are mentioned on the marketing mock ups
  • "Luckily [the next gen consoles] are running SSDs. That's an absolute must for us, without a doubt."
  • console power enough to see "low to medium" settings for squadron42
  • "There's a lot to adjust [for a console release] but it's all easy stuff."
  • to target next gen release only first few sq42 chapters will be available with more as they are polished
  • first chapter listed as free, each chapter can be ordered a la carte or as season pass
  • big name actors to return for additional content after first initial release
  • "There's not going to be a sequel to Squadron 42, not in the traditional sense. We want to keep adding to it, expanding it. Ultimately we want a generation of adventures."
  • star citizen proper not listed currently for console release
  • "Our hope is that a console player is so involved, so invested, in their [SQ42] character, they'll be willing to go out and spend the money on a decent PC to continue that adventure."
  • eventually have a SC release that's cross play, cross buy -- listed as a "big goal"
  • "working out the kinks" in getting a console sq42 character into SC, might have a website feature or app that allows save states to import
  • SC wants to be the game "for anyone and everyone"
  • SC console release coming at some point -- "There's hurdles there."

Played a game on Steam with friends called Magicka 2. That was my first time on Steam in years, but it was actually pretty fun. Gauntlet Legends-like.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Played a game on Steam with friends called Magicka 2. That was my first time on Steam in years, but it was actually pretty fun. Gauntlet Legends-like.
Magicka is ace

The ability to accidentally make yourself immune to healing spells is something all games should have...

A system of cells interlinked
Got another session in on TLD in yesterday, with my little sidekick Stella along for the adventure. Having her along is great, as when anything goes wrong, I can blame an infant.

I think I finally have a decent foothold on Timberwolf Mountain. I had made a few attempts, but kept having to climb back down the mountain back into Pleasant Valley to fetch supplies, or in one dire case, a new hatchet, after a bear had managed to ruin mine during a bear attack. That said, this last session, I managed to find and open several cargo containers, as well as exacting my revenge on the bear. Combined with a couple of wolf kills, a few deer kills, and several rabbits, I have about 50 kilos of meat on hand at the mountaineer's cabin, along with plenty of medical supplies, lantern fuel and flares, and a decent supply of canned goods.

I have explored perhaps half the zone so far, so my next sojourn will be to attempt to get to the summit to explore the remainder of the plane crash, which I can see perched up on the edge of a cliff.

“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

The People's Republic of Clogher
Father forgive me, for I have bought Anthem. The discs are now less than 50% of the launch price.

It's not terrible, perfectly serviceable in a lot of ways, but the combat feels a bit dull and lifeless. Going from Destiny 2 (which is all about the shooty shooty stuff) to Anthem is rough, but that's what I did.

Basically I got the game so I could play online with a mate, but he's 20 levels ahead of me and I'm now debating if it's worth the effort catching up.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I just assumed Anthem was a shooty shooty? Is it not?? I admit I've only seen a few marketing graphics and a few seconds of a complaint video, so my perspective is skewed. I put minimal time into Fortnite and that was enough. Thought about Anthem. hm.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

The People's Republic of Clogher
I just assumed Anthem was a shooty shooty? Is it not?? I admit I've only seen a few marketing graphics and a few seconds of a complaint video, so my perspective is skewed. I put minimal time into Fortnite and that was enough. Thought about Anthem. hm.
It is, but it also wants to be more story focused. Heck they've even got simple dialogue trees, where certain responses give you increased loyalty with a faction.

Don't know if you'll be able to play it without Plus though - It's an online co-op game.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
^lol. smart ass

I mean that in the most affectionate way btw. and I'm STILL considering it.... the PS+ I mean.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Well, I *think* that you can play the campaign part of Destiny 2 without Plus, just not the strikes, raids and events. No idea about Anthem - that's why I mentioned it.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Woah woah woah, now! Slow it down there, cowboy. I still got to first get bored enough with MH:W ti pick back up into RDR2. After that, I need to eventually unwrap The Last Guardian which I picked up for Christmas. Oh, and a few scattered runs in The Long Dark. Now you're pimping Destiny 2!? I haven't even played Destiny! And there's promise of Ghost of Tsushima around my biday. At this rate it may be Spring 2020 before I even consider D2.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Definitely wouldn't recommend Destiny 2 unless you see the entire package going cheaply - The best content is the Forsaken expansion, and you need to own the base game plus the three previous expansions to even buy it. Awful microtransactions, too, but they're only for cosmetic stuff so they can be avoided .....

... Although, some of the cosmetic stuff looks great so I may or may not have bought some.

I also got The Last Guardian for Christmas, and haven't played it yet. Christmas 2016. Seriously.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I also got The Last Guardian for Christmas, and haven't played it yet. Christmas 2016. Seriously.
Ha, that's great! I have a few (more than I'd like to admit) still-wrapped PS3 discs that I picked up from clearance bins over the years. WOW 5 bucks for a game!? DEAL! Then it just acts as a bookend support on the shelf.


The People's Republic of Clogher
Ha, that's great! I have a few (more than I'd like to admit) still-wrapped PS3 discs that I picked up from clearance bins over the years. WOW 5 bucks for a game!? DEAL! Then it just acts as a bookend support on the shelf.

I bought quite a few PS3 discs in the last couple of years, usually the console exclusives, just to have them in my library. I even bought Lair...

If the PS5 has full backwards compatibility, PS4 back/compat is all but confirmed but ideally we'd need PS1, 2 and 3 as well, I might even play it some day.

Bought Dreams this evening, which must mean that I'm officially a game developer.

It's pretty staggering, even at this early access stage, but I've always been rubbish at level editors etc. I've bought it to see what weirdness more talented people are getting up to.

Also took the plunge and changed my PSN name to Dave_Tacitus, which now matches most of my other gaming IDs. Hopefully the console won't explode.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Woah. That's interesting, the clip. Will have to read up on it. Thanks for the reference.

I too bought Lair. I bought it used thinking it was another game. Never even tested it. =/

The People's Republic of Clogher
Woah. That's interesting, the clip. Will have to read up on it. Thanks for the reference.

I too bought Lair. I bought it used thinking it was another game. Never even tested it. =/
They patched in gamepad controls so it's at least playable apparently.

Also took the plunge and changed my PSN name to Dave_Tacitus, which now matches most of my other gaming IDs. Hopefully the console won't explode.

There goes one of the most unique handles I never deciphered. Like maybe it was a Doctor Seuss italian dish?...

The People's Republic of Clogher

There goes one of the most unique handles I never deciphered. Like maybe it was a Doctor Seuss italian dish?...
Well, if I find any issues with games I own, there's always the option to change it back.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Dammit Dave_Tacitus, play The Last Guardian, because I cannot