2017 Mofies Award Ceremony


Trouble with a capital "T"
I mean, seriously, I never even got one vote.
This avi of mine is handmade!!!!!

Rotten gits. All of you.
I think you got some avatar votes in the ballot round. I know you're name was on a lot of the voting list.

Yeah it's a great Banner tbh.

And finally someone wins an art Award and it wasn't made by me
Well done Spaulding!

Well heck, we should take Iro's award back and give it to you

or you both can share nicely

Iro and I have never been good at sharing tbh.

Write write WRITE WRITE all work and no play makes JACK a DUUULLL BOOOYYYYYY hahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

except when he's writing about movies. You know, nobody really appreciates HOW MUCH goes into writing all these paragraphs. All it takes is ONE DISTRACTION

The next award goes out to the MoFo Reviewer of the year. That's right, the one who JUST WON'T SHUT UP ABOUT MOVIES is getting a little LOVE TONIGHT!

The nominees for MoFo Reviewer of the Year are:

Citizen Rules
The Usual Suspect

And the Mofie goes to.....


