Actors that instantly turn you off a film


My response to this often-broached subject remains the same after all these years...Gwyneth Paltrow...probably the most overrated actress in the business, it completely gauls me that this woman actually has an Oscar on her mantle and that she is considered by most to be an A-lister who gets to work with some of the finest actors in the business and for the life of me, I don't know why. Her mother is one hundred times the actress she is.

For all the Silverman haters out there.

NSFW for language

I don't have a problem with her, myself, but this is the best opening to any film ever.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Be a freak, like me too
I won't quote American actors and actresses because I only see them in films and not on the TV, on the radio... Well, I don't know if they are stupid or not in real life, except a few ones (like Tom Cruise) maybe because I watch South Park

But I could quote most of French actors and actresses...

Léa Seydoux (she has no talent, her grandfather is/was the CEO of Pathé, her uncle the CEO of Gaumont, and her cousin the CEO of Gaumont Group)
Marion Cotillard (yuck)
Guillaume Canet (so smooth...)
Audrey Tautou (...)
Jamel Debbouze (yuck)
Matthieu Kassovitz (he's completely insane and paranoiac, he hates USA and he believes in conspiracy theories)
Mélanie Laurent (I'd like to know why Tarantino choose her, she's a disaster in Inglorious Basterds!)
Isabelle Adjani (and her face without expression, full of botox)
Emmanuelle Béart (duck face)
Fanny Ardant (horse face)
Dany Boon (the worst humourist of France but the richest. I'd like that he flies away far with his big ears)
Gad Elmaleh (a stupid uncritically humourist)
Alain Delon (he's lucky to sleep with Visconti, a very conceited guy)
Sara Forestier (so irritating)

But I like Gérard Depardieu who is hated by almost all the French

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
I totally adore quite a few of those names Senso
Isabelle - For La Reine Margot, Possession
Marion - 2 Days, 1 Night I really want to see her in Macbeth too!
Emmanuelle - I can never remember the name of the film, but she plays a shepherdess and she's set on getting revenge on this town, I really liked her in it though

But I do agree about Melanie Laurent, I thought she was okay in that film, I think Adele Exarchopoulos or Stacy Martin would have done a little bit better.

Be a freak, like me too
I totally adore quite a few of those names Senso
Isabelle - For La Reine Margot, Possession
Marion - 2 Days, 1 Night I really want to see her in Macbeth too!
Emmanuelle - I can never remember the name of the film, but she plays a shepherdess and she's set on getting revenge on this town, I really liked her in it though

But I do agree about Melanie Laurent, I thought she was okay in that film, I think Adele Exarchopoulos or Stacy Martin would have done a little bit better.
I didn't like Marion in 2 Days, 1 Night. I didn't believe in her performance, she was fake to me.

Adèle Exarchopoulos was really amazing in Blue Is The Warmest Color (better than Léa Seydoux) but now, it's rare to see her on the screens. What a pity!

Well, I'm not objective at all about French actors and actresses Because I see them on TV, I heard them on radio and I find them often stupid and very bourgeois. When I see a movie with these actors, actresses, I can't forget what they are in real life. But I have one regret : in the French cinema from the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, the actors had interesting and expressive faces, voices... like Philippe Noiret, Jean-Pierre Marielle, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Jean Yanne, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Gérard Depardieu... Now, except a few ones (Vincent Lindon, Vincent Cassel, Roschdy Zem...), they have all the same face, with a head of Calvin Klein model! (Gaspard Ulliel, Guillaume Canet, Nicolas Duvauchelle)

Be a freak, like me too
Alain Delon was the lover of Luchino Visconti but then, Visconti has met the beautiful Helmut Berger. In his Memoirs, Berger explains how Delon tried to manipulate Visconti to have roles in his films (because he was jealous of Helmut Berger).

Be a freak, like me too
I think we doesn't hear the French actors, actresses in the same way because we have different native languages. I find that she overacts, she sounds fake in IB. Moreover, the French black guy in Inglorious Basterds is not good at all. But to my mind, it's not easy for a filmmaker to direct in another language. Waltz, Fassbender, etc. are excellent.
Alain Delon is not a bad actor (well, it depends of the films, who directed him ; because, for instance, in Indian Summer, he's a disaster) but the guy in real life is very stupid. He speaks about himself with the third person singular

I think we doesn't hear the French actors, actresses in the same way because we have different native languages. I find that she overacts, she sounds fake in IB.
Everyone does. It's a crappy film.

Alain Delon ..... He speaks about himself with the third person singular
Oh, really? That's a shame. honeykid hates to hear that people do that. It really disappoints honeykid. honeykid thinks that people that do that are dicks.

This is going sound bad but...Meryl Streep kinda has that effect for me. I can't remember a movie she was in that I was actually anticipating. Everyone goes gaga over her in every role. She is a super super talented lady, but she tends to pick mediocre at best movies to display her talents. Seems like she picks roles that are juicy Oscar bait instead of interesting movies. The Iron Lady being a classic example.

I feel like the polar opposite of her is JGL. That's why I like him so much. He could have went Oscar baiting awhile back. But he works on movies that will be good interesting flicks instead of the juiciest role he can find. If an Oscar comes then so be it. Least that's my 2 cents.
I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

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