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Im jonesing for Burn Notice, Jericho and Battlestar Galactica. And I'm sorry, Fringe just isnt doing it for me anymore - cant even be bothered to watch the last 2 episodes.
How many episodes have aired over there? I think we're up to episode 9 and I'm really enjoying it. It has more than enough potential to go completely off the rails but, so far, it's been fairly restrained.

I've been watching my Simpsons season 8 lately. I haven't watched The Simpsons in the longest time, and it's my favorite show of all-time. I've had season 8 for all this time, too, and it's been unwatched.

After recently ordering the entire series online (which consists of two seasons) on DVD, I watched a couple episodes of Joan of Arcadia last night, and I'll be watching a couple more after I'm done here momentarily. I'm just starting Season 2 and I love that show; Amber Tamblyn is drop-dead-gorgeous and an amazing actress.
"The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven."
John Milton, Paradise Lost

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Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
I love that show. I don't consider Tamblyn gorgeous but each to their own. (I also thought the wardrobe person was horrible for what she made Joan wear. LOL)

Ms. Tamblyn did a good job on the show though and is a good actress. The show was great until the season finale. I'll be interested to see what you think about that.

The second season was good too. It's a show my girl and I really enjoyed watching.

I love that show. I don't consider Tamblyn gorgeous but each to their own. (I also thought the wardrobe person was horrible for what she made Joan wear. LOL)

Ms. Tamblyn did a good job on the show though and is a good actress. The show was great until the season finale. I'll be interested to see what you think about that.

The second season was good too. It's a show my girl and I really enjoyed watching.
Some of the outfits she wears are...quite interesting, to say the least. But I think Amber Tamblyn is startling attractive no matter what she's dressed in.

What season finale did you not enjoy, Bleached? I assume you're referring to the Season 2 finale, but I've seen the Season 1 finale and if that's the one you're referring to, I agree that it wasn't one of the better episodes of the series. So far, Season 2 is going back and forth for me. [spoiler] Two episodes ago, Judith died and I had become very attached to her character and I was stunned when she died in the hospital bed after she watched Joan successfully juggle. Matter of fact, I was blown away, and that just shows how connected to this show I am and how much I truly like it. Amber Tamblyn's performance during Judith's death was pretty remarkable; early in Season 1 she didn't do such a great job crying in the acting department, but I was completely convinced there, in that scene. Why did Judith have to die?!

Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
Those outfits were so retro and IMO, didn't fit the character in the slightest.

The one where Joan was supposedly sick and NOT talking with God. It really ticked me off when they did that.

I agree about Judith too.

BTW, Amber Tamblyn is going to be on Eli Stone next week. I think it's possibly the last show.

I hate it when good shows end prematurely.

The one where Joan was supposedly sick and NOT talking with God. It really ticked me off when they did that.
I completely agree; I wasn't a fan of the Season 1 finale, either. That episode made us question everything the show was about--Joan's visits from God--and whether or not she was really having them or not. Also, all of God's various forms visited her at the same time, and I know it was supposed to be a test of faith, but God seemed to be overwhelming her. It almost seemed cruel.

Luckily, Season 2 is turning out to be very good in contrast to the Season 1 finale. I watched a couple more episodes tonight (just finished off Disc 3 of Season 2) and the series is getting really good, despite Judith's death. In the last episode I watched, Joan had a dream about Judith that had a profound affect upon me, where Judith jumped off of a diving board and burst into an array of brilliant colors just as she was about to hit the water below. It was magnificent; one of my new favorite episodes of the series.

BTW, Amber Tamblyn is going to be on Eli Stone next week. I think it's possibly the last show.

I hate it when good shows end prematurely.
I don't watch Eli Stone so I probably won't catch it. :/ But I agree about good shows ending prematurely. Joan should have had a third season.

A system of cells interlinked
Buffy - Season II

Just about to watch the finale, probably this evening...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Watched last weekend's Saturday Night Live with John Malkovich last night. Easily one of the best episodes they've had in months, and a lot longer than that if you exclude the election stuff. There were maybe two dud sketches in the entire show. Even the opening monologue bit was good.

Bill Hader did a spot-on Malkovich impersonation, too. At this point they could do the show with just Hader and Kristin Wiig and it'd still be pretty good. Throw in Will Forte (and I don't care what anyone says, Andy Samberg and The Lonely Island guys are hysterical), and you've got one of the better under-the-radar casts they've had in quite some time.

A system of cells interlinked
I have been watching Lonely Island for years, ever since Pimp posted about it a while back. Those guys are hilarious...

I watched a couple episodes of Lois & Clark Season 3 on DVD last night. I never watched it when it was originally on TV and I'm liking it a lot. Dean Cain's portrayal of Superman is impressive.

After finishing off Disc 5 of Lois & Clark Season 3 last night, I'm getting closer and closer to the season finale. It's turning out not how I had anticipated, but it's still very good and entertaining.

Well, I recently finished off (the entire series of) Joan of Arcadia. In seriousness, has anyone else ever experienced a kind of mild depression after finishing off a favorite television series that they haven't seen all the way through in quite some time? Especially if said series was cancelled and left with several huge cliff-hangers?

That's what I'm going through right now. I feel a little weird.

Well, I recently finished off (the entire series of) Joan of Arcadia. In seriousness, has anyone else ever experienced a kind of mild depression after finishing off a favorite television series that they haven't seen all the way through in quite some time? Especially if said series was cancelled and left with several huge cliff-hangers?

That's what I'm going through right now. I feel a little weird.
Oooohhhh yeah, I've felt that big time.