A Dying Piece Of Music (Allegedly) For February


Round 4

1. Acid Bath - God Machine
2. Black Sabbath - Fairies Wear Boots
3. L7 - Sh*tlist
4. I Monster - Sickly Suite Part Two: Out Of The Shadows
5. The Mysterious Flying Orchestra - Improvisational Rondo For Saxophone And Guitar
6. Gwen Stefani - Early Winter
7. Edenbridge - On the Other Side
8. Jack MacDonald and the Hotel Faces - Pine Trees
9. Uboa - Inside/Outside
10. Crystal Gale - When I Dream

Sadly no votes from either resopamenic, jiraffejustin or pahaK but as ever the show must go on so here's the R4 results....

1st - Black Sabbath - Fairies Wear Boots (49 pts)

2nd - Gwen Stefani - Early Winter (48 pts)
3rd - I Monster - Sickly Suite Part Two: Out Of The Shadows (45 pts)
4th - Crystal Gayle - When I Dream (40 pts)
5th - L7 - Sh*tlist (39 pts)
6th - Edenbridge - On the Other Side (36 pts)
7th - The Mysterious Flying Orchestra - Improvisational Rondo For Saxophone And Guitar (35 pts)
8th - Jack MacDonald and the Hotel Faces - Pine Trees (33 pts)
9th - Uboa - Inside/Outside (31 pts)
10th - Acid Bath - God Machine (29 pts)

Congrats to jj on getting one through to the Final

Round five up shortly...

Reso, jj and pahaK sadly all skip this round but Yin does rejoin so it's not all bad news....

Iyeoka - Akomen Of Udomi

Bill Fay - I Hear You Calling

Timbaland ft. OneRepublic - Apologize

The Belligerents - In My Way

Dolly Parton - Sing for the Common Man

Alan Jackson - Wanted

This is Serious Mum - Ol' Man River

Ethel Cain - Crush

Please rank from 1 (your favourite) to 8 (your least favourite).
This round will stay open for voting until 9am GMT on 11th February.

Nominations for Round 6 are now open

  1. Iyeoka - Akomen Of Udomi
  2. Ethel Cain - Crush
  3. The Belligerents - In My Way
  4. Alan Jackson - Wanted
  5. Bill Fay - I Hear You Calling
  6. Timbaland ft. OneRepublic - Apologize
  7. This is Serious Mum - Ol' Man River
  8. Dolly Parton - Sing for the Common Man

My R6 nom:
Filalete - Piano Weekend 3

1) Bill Fay - I Hear You Calling
2) Ethel Cain - Crush
3) Iyeoka - Akomen Of Udomi
4) The Belligerents - In My Way
5) Timbaland ft. OneRepublic - Apologize
6) This is Serious Mum - Ol' Man River
7) Dolly Parton - Sing for the Common Man
8) Alan Jackson - Wanted

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I feel as though Bowie has been too underrepresented as of late...
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

A system of cells interlinked
I will jump in again for R6!

Spirit Box - Secret Garden
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

1. Timbaland ft. OneRepublic - Apologize
2. Ethel Cain - Crush
3. Dolly Parton - Sing for the Common Man
4. Bill Fay - I Hear You Calling
5. Alan Jackson - Wanted
6. Iyeoka - Akomen Of Udomi
7. The Belligerents - In My Way
8. This is Serious Mum - Ol' Man River

I think I've already proven that last place is usually my territory.

I don't even have to try. I just pick a song that I love and everyone else just seems to hate it. What's wrong with you people?

I didn't mind the Crystal Gale song, and I LOVE Neil Diamond (Forever in Blue Jeans has never been a fav song though). But New Country is my Kryptonite. It's literally the only musical genre I just can't find anything I like in it. Although that Alan Jackson song was passable (still came last though)

01. Dolly Parton - Sing for the Common Man
02. Iyeoka - Akomen Of Udomi
03. This Is Serious Mum - 'Ol Man River
04. Ethel Cain - Crush
05. Bill Fay - I Hear You Calling
06. Timbaland ft. OneRepublic - Apologize
07. Alan Jackson - Wanted
08. The Belligerents - In My Way

This one was tough. Nothing even resembling a bad track.

Round 6 pick
Thotcrime - RAWR!

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
01. Dolly Parton - Sing for the Common Man
02. Iyeoka - Akomen Of Udomi
03. This Is Serious Mum - 'Ol Man River
04. Ethel Cain - Crush
05. Bill Fay - I Hear You Calling
06. Timbaland ft. OneRepublic - Apologize
07. Alan Jackson - Wanted
08. The Belligerents - In My Way

This one was tough. Nothing even resembling a bad track.

Round 6 pick
Thotcrime - RAWR!

in my best Joe Dirt, DAAAAAAAAANG! I totes expected to get a solid #6 in everyone's list ...at best

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
the show must go on so here's the R4 results....

1st - Black Sabbath - Fairies Wear Boots (49 pts)

Congrats to jj on getting one through to the Final

Congratulations @jiraffejustin!
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
  1. Iyeoka - Akomen Of Udomi
    Dude. This is groovy. I mean, like I'm already doing my 'Night at the Roxbury" head tilt. Well, I type that as if it's present tense. It's not. After I finished, I then came here to write my account of the event. I must admit I'm biased when a song delivers a sax section. Nice. And that tempo change? Dang. This song is deceptively fun considering the topic and lyrics. =\

  2. The Belligerents - In My Way
    Wow. I need to hear more of this. Thanks!

  3. Ethel Cain - Crush
    Ha. The one in curlers reminds me of a crush I had in college. She was all goth though with jet black hair and chipped black nail polish. I crushed for the better part of two semesters in the art department. We hung out all the time just goofing off between classes or during late night scrambles for projects coming due. She'd come visit me late nights while I was working on some painting or build for the next day's critique, usually walking over from the bars that then lined main street just off campus. I'd take a break and we'd usually chat for about twenty minutes or so until she wandered home. One night, she stumbled into the studio from another night of failed efforts at drowning her unhappiness in liquor and, surprisingly, she kissed me. That was the greatest moment in my naive heart. If I try hard enough to recall the memory, I can still taste the beer and stale cigarettes on her lips. On her breath. I can still smell the bar smoke in her hair. Hm. The kiss lasted for maybe a full minute, or maybe two before she pulled away in tears. I think I understood, even if I didn't want to admit it at the time. Anyway. She said she had to leave. She was far too buzzed to be driving, so I offered to drive her home. We found her car, an old '87 Sentra that was nearly a clone of the car I also drove, and I took her home. We both drove a stick. I was in love and this was the universe confirming it. At her house, I walked her in so as not to wake her roommate. I eased her onto the couch, then sat opposite of her on the coffee table for a bit to make sure she was OK. She stretched back along the length of the couch, closed her eyes, and I quietly walked out the door. In that I drove her car to her house at around 2:00AM, I started the long walk back to my campus art department. That was an easy trip, actually. Mostly, I was able to float my way back among the moon and stars, feeling immune to gravity that winter night. A few days later, her roommate asked if I had spoken to her that day. I had not. She warned me that her boyfriend from home had come up. Yeah, that made more sense, her tears that night before I mean. I didn't know she had a boyfriend. I didn't know he was abusive until the roommate later confided in me a few such details. She made obvious efforts to avoid me after that and she eventually dropped out to moved back home. I never heard from her again.

    Damn. This song just kinda kicked me in the nuts Good song though.

  4. Bill Fay - I Hear You Calling
    Love the guitar here.

  5. Dolly Parton - Sing for the Common Man
    Was this the credit track at the end of the movie? Can rarely go wrong with Parton.

  6. Alan Jackson - Wanted
    It's no secret by this point that I'm no fan of country, but I have to admit he has good voice control here. I've never heard him live, so I can't compare but he's right there just short of the edge of what I consider contrived in a lot of pop country music. Jackson's voice, at least here, leans more toward the Willie Nelson side of that spectrum. And I can respect that.

  7. This is Serious Mum - Ol' Man River
    Just good fun in a memory from long ago.

  8. Timbaland ft. OneRepublic - Apologize
    I'm not sure I will ever forgive Timbaland for "Scream." Or Cornell, for that matter Listening to this reminds how much he recycled his own material here for Cornell's title track. Sometimes, two worlds just shouldn't collide. Sometimes, things shouldn't be repeated three years later.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Ailbhe Reddy - The Tube


(pretty sure I picked up this name in one of these lists)

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
1) Alan Jackson - Wanted
2) Bill Fay - I Hear You Calling
3) Dolly Parton - Sing for the Common Man
4) Timbaland ft. OneRepublic - Apologize
5) Ethel Cain - Crush
6) Iyeoka - Akomen Of Udomi
7) The Belligerents - In My Way
8) This is Serious Mum - Ol' Man River

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I didn't mind the Crystal Gale song, and I LOVE Neil Diamond (Forever in Blue Jeans has never been a fav song though). But New Country is my Kryptonite. It's literally the only musical genre I just can't find anything I like in it. Although that Alan Jackson song was passable (still came last though)

It's nice to find someone else around here who loves Neil Diamond. I've nominated several of his songs over the years, but they rarely do well in these tournaments.

"Forever in Blue Jeans" is one of those songs that's better when you hear him sing it live, so maybe I should have picked a video with a live version instead.