Movie Forums Top 100 War Movies - Group Watch

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Trouble with a capital "T"
Obviously you're not going to watch every movie in your recommendation thread, but because you enjoyed this so much, I'm wondering if you would've chosen to watch it based on that thread if it wasn't chosen here?
Good question. Yes I was going to watch The Bridge and it was going to be the first from my rec thread that I watched. Not because I thought it sounded the best but because I plan on watching one movie from each person who posted on my thread and in order of posting...Allaby was the first to post and out of what he posted The Bridge sounded the best.

The weird thing is I haven't had time to watch any of those recommendations even though I'm watching a war movie every single night. But there's still time to watch them.

Trouble with a capital "T"
The film I picked is available to watch on Internet Archive
I couldn't find it there and I searched for both The Red Angel and also Akai tenshi

I'm not real familiar with Internet Archive site is there some trick to finding it?

I couldn't find it there and I searched for both The Red Angel and also Akai tenshi

I'm not real familiar with Internet Archive site is there some trick to finding it?
I sent you the link.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Can we just post the link since it's a legal site?
Yeah it's a legit site and has been posted before in threads about public domain movies, no worries.

Question...I searched that site and couldn't find The Red Angel there, besides searching in Google and using that link is there a trick to using Internet Archive? and how did you find the link because I couldn't.

EDIT: never mind I found Red Angel at Internet Archive by not searching the movie subforum but by searching the entire site.