NedStarks 75 Most Beautiful Actresses.


I've gone through three bottles of hand lotion while catching up with this thread, so

Not to say I'd kick any of these women out of bed for eating crackers, but I feel like the hotness has been trending downwards every so slightly as the list progressed. Personally, I prefer most of the women who appeared early on, but there's not a bad one in the bunch -- not even the slutty, trashy Kristen Stewart.

Thanks for sharing with us the women of your wet dreams.

Needs more Caitlyn Jenner.
How 'bout Caitlyn Spaulding?

Care for some gopher?
Huge +rep for Olivia Wilde!
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room."

Thats kinda of a thing though most beauty queens of today are this way. Ofcourse have rare older style beauties but seems like from 88 through 2000 women seemed hot in a more busty way. Maybe I should do a hot list of certain people in their prime.