Movies that you watch over and over again...


Treasure Island (Ted Turner's 1990 TV version)
Nightmare Before Christmas (With few exceptions I don't like animation, feel-good holiday movies or musicals, but I can't get enough of this one)

All LOTR movies
The Dark Knight
Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Part 2
The Other Guys
The Departed
The Shawshank Redemption
Star Wars (Original Trilogy)


A major part is due to the soundtrack, like I'm catching an 80's retro vibe that harkens my childhood.

Kavinsky - Nightcall

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My favorite movies are essencialy the ones i don't grow tired of watching and, eventualy, find new things on them. Some of them:

I shot andy warhol

Mulholland dr

Spinal Tap

The commitments


Everything you wanted to know about sex...

Dressed to kill

(i thought it over and, i realised not every movie i had listed shows a new and different thing every time i rewatch, so i edited my post )

Its one of those films, you tell people about and after discussing it.. you just have to watch it...

Harjunpää ja pahan pappi (2010)

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Its one of those films, you tell people about and after discussing it.. you just have to watch it...

Harjunpää ja pahan pappi (2010)

I liked what you said about it, and its cover, so i'm watching it tomorrow and i prefer to do so knowing nothing else about it.

The Duchess's Avatar
Registered User
The films I can watch over and over are:

War Of The Worlds (1953)
Desperate Journey (1942)
Sahara - with Bogart
Key Largo
Bend Of The River - James Stewart
This Island Earth
The Ten Commandments
The Jurassic Park films

21 Jump Street.

Makes me feel good when I watch it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I couldn't watch a movie dozens of times, at some point for me a saturation level is reached. I still love the film but don't have the desire to watch again, at least not for years.

Blade Runner and It's a Wonderful Life are two films that I've seen many, many times.

Most good films are worth a second, third (or more) look. My list of need to 'watch again' films is vast.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I have a terrible memory, so I watch a LOT of movies over and over again. Very often, a few months after I've seen a movie, I won't remember the whole movie, but I'll remember that I liked it, so I'll go back and watch it again. Then, after I've watched it a few times, I start remembering it so well that I can quote most of the movie.

The nice thing about having a bad memory is that when I watch the same movie for the second or third time, sometimes it's like seeing a whole new movie, until I get about 3/4 into the movie and all of a sudden I realize that I've already seen it. It also has the advantage of not worrying about reading spoilers because by the time I see the movie, I've usually forgotten what I read about it.

On that note, there are MANY movies that I love to watch over and over again. Some of them are comedies like "Blake Edwards' S.O.B", "My Cousin Vinny", "Liar, Liar", etc. Some of them are musicals like "1776", "Singing in the Rain", "The Music Man", "Oklahoma", West Side Story", etc. Some of them are classics like "12 Angry Men", "North By Northwest", "It's A Wonderful Life", "Arsenic and Old Lace", etc.

But for some unknown reason, my guilty pleasure movie is "The Negotiator" with Samuel Jackson and Kevin Spacey. I don't know why, but if I'm flipping channels and I see it's on, I just have to watch it.

I'm looking at a lot of the responses here and I'm seeing that the majority of them are not really answering the question of the original thread. What I wanted to know is out of those movies that you love to watch over and over again, how many of them do you discover something in the film that you never noticed in all of your previous viewings?

Movie Forums Stage-Hand
American Pie
Fast and Furious
Law Abiding Citizen

Back to the Future

I'm looking at a lot of the responses here and I'm seeing that the majority of them are not really answering the question of the original thread. What I wanted to know is out of those movies that you love to watch over and over again, how many of them do you discover something in the film that you never noticed in all of your previous viewings?
It's probably because in your original post all you did was name drop.

In animation: Two Miyazaki films: Totoro and Nausicaa. I find both films to possess a certain "musical quality" (that it works more like visual music rather than a film) that's unlike anything else I have watched and that I find almost infinitely re-watchable.

In live action: The Mirror and Blade Runner are the two live action films that I have watched that I find the most re-watchable.

Go Agead, Make My Day

Rocky movies

Dirty Harry Movies

The Man With No Name movies

Pulp Fiction


“Violence is one of the most fun things to watch” Quentin Tarantino

I'm looking at a lot of the responses here and I'm seeing that the majority of them are not really answering the question of the original thread. What I wanted to know is out of those movies that you love to watch over and over again, how many of them do you discover something in the film that you never noticed in all of your previous viewings?
I've discovered some interesting subliminal stuff during different viewings of The Mothman Prophecies. Won't say what though.

We've gone on holiday by mistake