The 27th General Hall of Fame


Speaking of this, there's a foreign "horror" film I'd really like to nominate for a Hall of Fame, but it's not actually appropriate for a genre HoF because it has a dramatic shift in perspective that negates the previous horror elements. It's really hard to describe and convince people who don't like horror to give it a chance without giving the twist away.
I've nominated several "horror" style films before one actually won (The Innocents), and with the pool this year you've got a shot afterall to quote Ed when he saw my nomination.

you evil B@stard LOL

Trouble with a capital "T"
Let's invite some more people! How about some new MoFos joining?

Come-on-in the water is fine and this is the funnest gig in town!

NEW PEOPLE are always WELCOMED!...So if you are reading this and have never joined a Movie Hall of Fame before or it's been a long time since your last one, join already, it's easy and...we don't bite!

I'm really starting to get the feeling that I'm going to regret this.
I certainly made my pick in the interest of several of you having a bad day with it.

With that could come in first or last, I think it's going to be very difficult to rank.

My pick is fun, but is most definitely not wholesome. There are too many participants that I don't know very well though so no idea what you all will think. Well, I'm almost certain Citizen will hate it. Beyond that... ?

Trouble with a capital "T"
I certainly made my pick in the interest of several of you having a bad day with it.

With that could come in first or last, I think it's going to be very difficult to rank.
If you're not kidding and if that's your sole reason for picking it then that's BS.

BUT, if you also think it's a good movie or worthy of merit, then fine, you should pick it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
My pick is fun, but is most definitely not wholesome. There are too many participants that I don't know very well though so no idea what you all will think. Well, I'm almost certain Citizen will hate it. Beyond that... ?
Wanna bet?

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm fairly confident. That said, according to your lists you haven't seen it yet so I suppose there's a possibility I could be wrong.
You never know with me, I never know with myself! I loved a few films that I never thought I would. I'll go into it with an open mind and try to find something in it that I can relate to or like.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds

I've been very inactive on this site in the past year. I've basically been working, then home for dinner, play with kids and then go to bed. My routine fit in some gaming and movie watching with friends, but little time to do anything else, mainly visit here (my home away from home).

I'm going to make 2022 my return to the site.

I'm in.

* I also promise to finish on time*
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews