Happy Halloween! SJW's are whining about 'cultural appropriation'...


I'm not sure why everybody are so up in arms over the fact that Native Americans might not like White people dressing up in their cultural attire. Should be a thing everyone should respect, it may not be offensive in the way black face is maliciously offensive but i think people should respect how they feel about it. Saying that i also don't think white people should be going around telling everyone what is and isn't offensive, especially when it's an issue they entirely create themselves on behalf of another ethnicity/culture which wasn't asked for, not saying that's the case here but still.

Originally Posted by ManOf1000Faces
So if one SJW is bad, we should generalize all the SJW's
"Social Justice Warrior" is a pejorative term, why are you defending them like they're a diverse group of people when it's explicitly an insult directed at a shared behavior?

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I'm not sure why everybody are so up in arms over the fact that Native Americans might not like White people dressing up in their cultural attire. Should be a thing everyone should respect, it may not be offensive in the way black face is maliciously offensive but i think people should respect how they feel about it. Saying that i also don't think white people should be going around telling everyone what is and isn't offensive, especially when it's an issue they entirely create themselves on behalf of another ethnicity/culture which wasn't asked for, not saying that's the case here but still.
That's not the case here. It is a white women deciding what native Americans should get in a tizzy about actually.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
How convenient for your sleep cycle. In any case, I'm not sure what's so rational about the alternative.
The rationale is Halloween is all about dressing up as something your not, that's it. If you are trying to convince me Halloween is a stupid holiday that we should just go ahead and stop celebrating me and you are going to come to an agreement a lot quicker.

That's not the case here. It is a white women deciding what native Americans should get in a tizzy about actually.
Yeah? I said that that shouldn't happen. Just as much as i think some 'pc gone mad' (no one here as far as i'm aware, well since Slob was banned ) people are ridiculous for thinking they can be the judge of what other people are and aren't allowed to find offensive, i think the other side (particularly white people) are ridiculous in thinking that they have a say in what other cultures/ethnicities are to find offensive. I said that.

Plenty of Native Americans do find this sort of thing offensive though i've not heard anything to do with halloween but i know i've read stuff about them finding people wearing headdresses or whatever for other occasions offensive. And call me a SJW if you want (not necessarily talking to you Sean) but i think they have a right to object to it and non-natives should respect their wishes.

Welcome to the human race...
The rationale is Halloween is all about dressing up as something your not, that's it. If you are trying to convince me Halloween is a stupid holiday that we should just go ahead and stop celebrating me and you are going to come to an agreement a lot quicker.
Cancelling Halloween is a bit extreme, I'm just saying that dressing as something you're not shouldn't mean that you get permission to do whatever you want without regard for others.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

There is a bit of an overlap if both instances are due to actual ignorance, and at least in the case of kids the responsibility falls to the parents or guardians who would determine their choice of costume.
Just to clarify, you're saying kids dressing up as Indians for Halloween is like white people wearing black face. That much political correctness comes off as idiocy. Seriously, if you cant dress up for Halloween as an Indian due to fear of offending a race of people then youve simply got too much time to think and not enough real life experience. Thats not patronizing, thats just fact.

Just to clarify, you're saying kids dressing up as Indians for Halloween is like white people wearing black face. That much political correctness comes off as idiocy. Seriously, if you cant dress up for Halloween as an Indian due to fear of offending a race of people then youve simply got too much time to think and not enough real life experience. Thats not patronizing, thats just fact.
Obviously not speaking for Iro, just giving my own opinion on this.

Of course black face isn't comparable to kids dressing up as Indians, one is out of malicious intent (mostly or terrible comedy sometimes) the other isn't. Doesn't mean it is not offensive to Native Americans though. If they don't find it offensive (they do in similar instances at least) then non-natives shouldn't try to make an issue out of it since they have zero say in what is offensive to Natives.

At the same time though non natives can't tell them what they are allowed to find offensive, sorry but they just can't. If they do have a problem then non natives really should respect what they are saying. It'd be like me from Scotland telling an American they can't find a 9/11 joke offensive or even better me telling an American they can't find those two morons who dressed up as the burning twin towers for Halloween a few years back offensive - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...r-attacks.html

I'm not saying they are directly comparable either but it's the same situation with an outsider thinking they have a say in what an other culture/ethnicity/nationality,etc can find offensive.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Yeah? I said that that shouldn't happen. Just as much as i think some 'pc gone mad' (no one here as far as i'm aware, well since Slob was banned ) people are ridiculous for thinking they can be the judge of what other people are and aren't allowed to find offensive, i think the other side (particularly white people) are ridiculous in thinking that they have a say in what other cultures/ethnicities are to find offensive. I said that.

Plenty of Native Americans do find this sort of thing offensive though i've not heard anything to do with halloween but i know i've read stuff about them finding people wearing headdresses or whatever for other occasions offensive. And call me a SJW if you want (not necessarily talking to you Sean) but i think they have a right to object to it and non-natives should respect their wishes.
If that line of thinking stretched to everyone I wouldn't have nearly the problem with it that I do. It would be nice if we could come to a point of mutual respect. Instead it feels like we have swung too far the other way and we are now telling the majority shut up and take your medicine like a man. It is the exact same thinking that divided us in the first place. Either everyone has the right to be offended or no one does. We are just exasperating the problem we are trying to solve.

The Halloween thing is just mind boggling to me because the entire point of the holiday is to be something your not. Why is this conversation not happening around nurses, doctors. cops, firefighters. I could go forever. This little girl has a doll she plays with and loves so wants to emulate that. How is the doll not offensive? It's going to be sold for a quarter next year at a garage sale and that girl is going to want to dress like Beyonce. Kids have played make believe forever. I'm exhausted.

It's more out of trying to demonstrate basic respect for others than being afraid of personal reprisal.
No, this is not an example of basic respect for others. Putting kids that dress up as Indians in the same category as white people wearing black face goes far beyond basic respect. Its more like an opinion out of touch with reality.

It's more out of trying to demonstrate basic respect for others than being afraid of personal reprisal.
I think the disagreement comes from (what seems like) the continued insistence that "basic respect for others" actually means "avoiding anything that upsets anyone." There is, to be sure, a lot of overlap between the two, but it often feels like progressives have essentially granted veto power to whoever feels sufficiently offended.

If that line of thinking stretched to everyone I wouldn't have nearly the problem with it that I do. It would be nice if we could come to a point of mutual respect. Instead it feels like we have swung too far the other way and we are now telling the majority shut up and take your medicine like a man. It is the exact same thinking that divided us in the first place. Either everyone has the right to be offended or no one does. We are just exasperating the problem we are trying to solve.

The Halloween thing is just mind boggling to me because the entire point of the holiday is to be something your not. Why is this conversation not happening around nurses, doctors. cops, firefighters. I could go forever. This little girl has a doll she plays with and loves so wants to emulate that. How is the doll not offensive? It's going to be sold for a quarter next year at a garage sale and that girl is going to want to dress like Beyonce. Kids have played make believe forever. I'm exhausted.
I mostly agree with your first paragraph.

C'mon Sean though that's absolutely not the same thing, those are occupations Native Americans are a race (or a large collection of different ethnic groups, just using the catch all term rather than name specific ones). Some of their attire is sacred to their culture, and the fact is their ancestors were slaughtered by many of our ancestors. I'm not someone who thinks white people of today should go around feeling guilty for something they had no involvement in, that thinking is absurd to me and i heavily disagree with people of that mind. At the same time though i don't think it is too much to ask to have some basic respect for them and understand that they may have a problem with it. No matter how innocent the intentions are it can still be offensive.

Welcome to the human race...
No, this is not an example of basic respect for others. Putting kids that dress up as Indians in the same category as white people wearing black face goes far beyond basic respect. Its more like an opinion out of touch with reality.
Some reality.

I think the disagreement comes from (what seems like) the continued insistence that "basic respect for others" actually means "avoiding anything that upsets anyone." There is, to be sure, a lot of overlap between the two, but it often feels like progressives have essentially granted veto power to whoever feels sufficiently offended.
Something like that.

for those saying SJW are white women that shouldnt be telling others when to be offended,is that what they`re doing or are they listening to the native americans who say they are offended by it?
interesting discussion though!
and i think both sides make great points.I do agree on not going as real serial killers though.
Britney is my favorite

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I mostly agree with your first paragraph.

C'mon Sean though that's absolutely not the same thing, those are occupations Native Americans are a race (or a large collection of different ethnic groups, just using the catch all term rather than name specific ones). Some of their attire is sacred to their culture, and the fact is their ancestors were slaughtered by many of our ancestors. I'm not someone who thinks white people of today should go around feeling guilty for something they had no involvement in, that thinking is absurd to me and i heavily disagree with people of that mind. At the same time though i don't think it is too much to ask to have some basic respect for them and understand that they may have a problem with it. No matter how innocent the intentions are it can still be offensive.

Ironically you and me are probably a lot closer to thinking alike then most others in the thread. I think sports teams should have got rid of the Indian monikers years ago. I can't figure out for the life of me why they are haniging on to those. Anyway, I do think talking about kids dressing up as cops or soldiers is closer to the proper argument than black face. The argument seemed to be more centered on the clothes being sacred than anything else. If I in anyway saw this giving this girl more of a perspective on race or culture I would be for it. It doesn't, it is just another way of seperating us and them. Something progressives purport to be against.

Bashing SJWs has become a cliche of its own.
Agreed. Wanted to say something similar.

Also, intentions might be innocent and pure but as a reflection of our country/society and their influence on people who might not know better (kids, for example), it might not be so much.

Im not trying to bash Social Justice Warriors, just show theyre not always right, and they should pick their fights where theres real harm being done. Im not articulating it effectively though.