Movies That Feed Your Ego


"Feeding" each other Reps feels kinda gay.
I guess it's okay as long was we don't do it where we curl our wrists around each others and put them in each other's mouths!

Originally Posted by Leviticus
There are many weak willed and ignorant people that have no control over how they feel or think. It's a combination of EVERYTHING in the media coming at you at once with the "same" information. This is the real problem. They make you feel as if what they are portraying is normal and thus leading you to believe everything is normal. safe and sound.... when in reality..... The world is a mess.
I completely agree.

Originally Posted by Leviticus
Did you know about the new virtual reality stuff they are working on and planning on releasing?
Yeah, stuff looks cool.

Originally Posted by Leviticus
It's quite sad if you ask me...

Originally Posted by Leviticus
that people have to be plugged in to virtual reality because they don't want to live in "reality". Has the world really gotten to that point where people have to be plugged into the digital dream instead of actually living life?
You just said- ( -_-)...

Originally Posted by CiCi
we're the last people you'll convince about the abhorrence and moral turpitude of films.
Hey, there's plenty of that. Take the glorification of violence for example, like that one scene in Kill Bill where-

Originally Posted by Leviticus's Top Ten
1. Once Upon a Time in the West
2. Eyes Wide Shut
3. The Story of David
4. The Wicker Man
5. Kill Bill: Vol. 1
(O_O )

Originally Posted by Leviticus
You just hate talking about G-d like 95% of the world.
It's because we don't want to feed his ego, Lev.

Originally Posted by Leviticus
I'm giving up on you Tongo. You just don't get it, in my eyes and I'm wasting my time with you.
TONGO can be a bit uncompromising.

Originally Posted by TONGO
Try again.
Is that working yet?

Originally Posted by Leviticus
I bring up things that no one dares speak and am hated for it. Like we're somehow supposed to live in this big lie and not mention any other theories or truths.

You sound like a commie.... They would have you thinking 2+2=5

Originally Posted by Leviticus
Oh, but here's where you'll think I'm trolling you with religion and G-d: He kills himself in the end just as Jesus does. OH! But he doesn't die! He gains popularity from blowing his brains out on stage and flies off a building as birdman, the delusional christ-resurrected like character that he is!
A lot of characters die-but-not-really in films, Lev. It's not because of Jesus, it's because it's a valuable storytelling tool. It allows the storyteller to have their cake and eat it too by earning the drama that comes with killing a character, but the happy ending that comes when they're revealed to have survived.

It's such an old trope that it's reasonably doubtful that it began with Jesus.

...out of nowhere, The Hero gets hit with a devastating blow and collapses in a pool of his own blood. His faithful companions, thinking "No-One Could Survive That" belt out a collective Big "NO!". Cue the credits!

This trope is when an episode ends with the main character appearing to have been killed. This is supposedly a very dramatic event, so writers typically save this one for late in a season. Problem is, while the True Companions and the Big Bad will think Our Hero Is Dead, the audience isn't fooled. Contrary to popular belief, most viewers know that if the hero died, the story would be over. But even knowing the hero isn't as dead as he looks, it can still be shocking.

And sure enough, in the next episode, we learn that the hero's Plot Armor saved him.
Originally Posted by Leviticus
Well Cici I know you hate talking about religion
Dude, he just called you out on that. Cut the fallacy.

Originally Posted by Leviticus
That G-d tells us to go to war with heathen nations, lest they spread like wild fire. That is the G-d I believe.... The god of the new testament, Jesus, is all about love, acceptance, and turning the other cheek. That god I do not believe in.
Yessssss, Leviticussssss, let usss killlll the non-believersssssss...

Originally Posted by Leviticus
You also can't deny that most kids watch something on tv and mimic what they watch right after. They idolize what they see on tv. Take american idol for instance.
Oh, I KNOW! All of those William Hung imitators.

Originally Posted by Leviticus
G-d is extremely fair and merciful.
Jealous bigotry can be fair and merciful, right?

Originally Posted by Leviticus
He gives you many chances to repent before he destroys you.
I'm proof enough of that. Still haven't been smote.

Originally Posted by Leviticus
He is the epitome of love
Kill the heathens.

Originally Posted by Leviticus
and truth but many want to live in lies
Totally unverifiable, but truth.

Originally Posted by Leviticus
and thus the world is in shambles because he places curses upon those that deserve it.
Pedo-rapists notwithstanding.

Originally Posted by Leviticus
A good parent is supposed to love all their children... But that doesn't mean the parent should accept their kids for what they are.... Kids need direction, discipline, in order to be a righteous human being. Without the right guidance the kids will be a mess.
Yeah, they could turn out to be a gay astronaut. Do you want that on your hands? A gay astronaut?

Originally Posted by Leviticus
Would you love your kid if he killed his/her siblings?
That depends on whether or not it was intentional.

Originally Posted by Leviticus
You'd punish them but before that you'd teach them rightly so they don't do something dumb in the first place.
Unless they killed their siblings, then I'd be teaching them after the fact.

Originally Posted by Leviticus
Jesus teaches acceptance and to turn the other cheek and not to judge. This is actually lucifer in disguise.
I've been saying this for years, if you turn the other cheek the guy's just gonna punch you a second time, what the **** do you think you're accomplishing by goading them into hitting you again!?

Originally Posted by Leviticus
G-d is not weak

In other news, water is not dry.

Originally Posted by Leviticus
Tell her to understand the old testament better.
"How do I get my parents to stop hitting me?"

"Tell your parents to understand feelings better."

Originally Posted by Leviticus
G-d doesn't send people into eternal hellfire for living on a temporary earth.... That's not what a loving G-d does. This is a scare tactic the elitist use to get people to conform and obey.
Not at all like...

...****, do I even?

Originally Posted by Camo
Personally, i hate how much attention everyone is giving him. He is obviously not being serious;
That's a lot of insincere effort.

Originally Posted by Leviticus
Dreams are extremely important. We have them for a reason. They are messages from G-d sometimes as prophecy.
I have this recurring dream where I'm in the middle of class and everybody's naked. People keep mentioning this "puberty" thing, but it sounds like new science ******** to me.

Originally Posted by Leviticus
The way I see it we're all brothers and sisters. We should love one another regardless but if your brother was trying to kill you what would you do? Would you accept that? Or would you defend yourself?

If a criminal steals something from someone would you accept and love that person? Or would you want them caught and locked up?

It's the same principal.
Insinuating that doesn't already happen?

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
Okay, yes. Someone give him a dream to interpret.
Okay, I GOT ONE! Here's how it goes:

I'm sitting in a moderately sized igloo with my Dad who I'm having dinner with when the roof gets torn off and a T-rex steps on him. I run away to a nearby apartment building and find myself chased up and down between floors with the elevator by velociraptors. I escape to the roof where they can't get to me and I grab a tall plank of wood which I slide down the side of the building on and land of an outcropping of ice on the sea. The T-rex approaches me from behind so I pull a giant chainsaw out from my back pocket and cut a circle of ice out from under him so he floats away.

What's it mean?

Originally Posted by Aphex
Okay, this is a dream I had last night.
You are typically very busy and you feel the weight of responsibility isolating you from your friends.

Originally Posted by Miss Vicky
it's absolutely blasphemous to even entertain the idea that a creator might be female. Because, you know, women have nothing to do with the creation of life.
I'm pretty sure it's a penis thing. Very much a penis thing. Penis fixation. Penis.

Originally Posted by Captain Steel
"Feeding" each other Reps feels kinda gay.
Just don't rep your own alternate accounts, that's how you breed in weakness.
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"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

Welcome to the human race...
Back on topic, Dolemite is a real ego-feeder if ever there was one.

I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Okay, this is a dream I had last night.

I was in a hotel in Russia (a country I've never been to) and I was at the bar. I saw some of my friends there. They were all sitting at a table and drinking and they kept trying to get me to drink with them. I wasn't feeling like it and insisted that I didn't want to drink but somehow they tricked me into drinking. After I realized what was happening, I left the hotel. While I was walking, I noticed that two of them were following me. It was really dark outside but there was a shop that was open. I quickly went inside the shop and asked the lady working there to call the police because I was being followed and felt too scared to walk home alone. The lady was very pale and she was overweight. A cop quickly arrived and he wasn't dressed like a cop. He was really tall and he was wearing all black clothing and he had a beard. He told me he'd walk with me. But he began to walk and I couldn't walk with him just yet because the lady working at the store was giving me something. She was giving me keys and I recognized all of the keys. One was my house key back home, one was a key to my apartment, another was my friends key. Anyway, by the time she had given me all these keys, the cop was really far and he wasn't waiting for me. So I ran and suddenly it was so dark, it was pitch black. I couldn't see anything. But I could hear a couple arguing. I quickly realized there was a blindfold on my eyes and I removed it and could see more clearly. Even though it was still dark. I could see the couple and I could also see a lot of trees. Then I finally saw the cop. He was standing next to a big white building. I walked inside and I saw my friends from high school were there. They were all lined up, at a stall or something. They were buying cake or cookies, I can't remember.

Then I woke up.
This dream is not one of prophecy... I'd say it's one of those pointless dreams for fun but it has a little hint of your subconscious displayed in it.

You're in an unfamiliar place, a hotel/bar, but you recognize your friends. They make you drink but you don't want to. You walk away and they follow you.

Sounds to me like your friends are not really your friends. They are almost foreign to you just as the location, Russia, is. When in Russia do as the Russians do. You give in and drink and walk away and you feel that you're being followed. This indicates that this "foreign" thinking from your friend is still following you around.... Even though you may not like it and are trying to shake it.

You then meet a cop and a fat lady with keys you're familiar with. You're being timed on who to follow. Lady with familiar keys or a strange cop with a beard. You want to follow both but you decide to go with what's familiar. This is your psyche telling us what you'd rather go with. What's familiar (keys) vs what's strange (cop). The cop, although strange, is a symbol for protection and yet you still chose the keys.

You chase down the cop afterwards. This show's that you want the best of both worlds. After you're comfortable you seek out what's unfamiliar.

The blindfold represents this: You're blinded by what's visible to the naked eye and yet you can hear and feel where you are. Trust your instincts to where it leads you. You end up finding the unfamiliar strange cop just to find your familiar friends.

That last part of the dream is saying this: You start off by running away from those people towards protection from a strange cop only to come full 360 back to your friends whom you were running away from.

The dream is telling you to be careful about what you accept from your friends (or perhaps I thought that's been trying to enter your mind that you're uncomfortable with). Because once it's in your head... It's almost impossible to escape.

Your alternative move that you could've made was to just go back home with the keys that you're familiar with but yet you wanted to find the cop because you were scared and it got you straight back to your friends. Perhaps the cop wasn't a good choice to follow after all?

So that's the whole theme of it from what I can see. Like I said, it seems like a fun dream more than anything but I tried to analyze it the best I can.

Some dreams, such as lucid dreams, are nothing more than a good time.

If you can apply what I said to a situation in your daily life you're having doubts about.... This might be the answer. Hope that helped. I'm just rambling at this point I'm sorry but I got a bunch of things to do!!

Unless you're gay. Or follow another religion. Or no religion. Then you should die, because that's how an "extremely fair and merciful" deity handles such things.

Unless you're a killer, a theif, sexually immoral person, etc.? Not everything is acceptable in life. G-d doesn't like gays... Not many people do. What's normal to some is not normal to others. I hate to sound like a dick.

Like I said, I have a gay high end prostitute cousin. He's shallow and only cares about big dicks and money and yet he's looking for love at the same time. Good luck with that.

Yes, women are things to treat with suspicion and revulsion. You must be careful around them, lest they tempt and destroy you.

Also it's absolutely blasphemous to even entertain the idea that a creator might be female. Because, you know, women have nothing to do with the creation of life. Or something.

I love you woman. Yall are hot. But seriously, you guys are dressed to kill with those booty shorts that say pink on them.

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch

Unless you're a killer, a theif, sexually immoral person, etc.? Not everything is acceptable in life. G-d doesn't like gays... Not many people do. What's normal to some is not normal to others. I hate to sound like a dick.

Like I said, I have a gay high end prostitute cousin. He's shallow and only cares about big dicks and money and yet he's looking for love at the same time. Good luck with that.
You really a disgusting, repugnant human being

You mentioned a lot of LGBT people are suicidal, well that's because of people like yourself. Who perpetuate archaic traditions and believe that your own selfish beliefs have jurisdiction over how other people live their lives. I contemplated and attempted suicide several times when I was younger because I was petrified about what people would think about me if they found out I was gay. None of them gave a *****, because it's none of their business, and contrary to your beliefs, I am in no way worse than a thief or murderer like you're trying to make out I am.

And the old testament is against sodomy as it is, not being gay itself. Sodomy isn't even restricted to homosexuals

Anyway, enjoy the acceptance and integration of gay rights that is continuing to develop around the world. It should be nice to know that the vast majority of the developed and civilised world so strongly disagree with your ignorant ways.

Unless you're a killer, a theif, sexually immoral person, etc.? Not everything is acceptable in life. G-d doesn't like gays... Not many people do. What's normal to some is not normal to others. I hate to sound like a dick.
What you sound like is a hypocrite, a bigot, and a misogynist.
Your so called merciful god is anything but.

Like I said, I have a gay high end prostitute cousin. He's shallow and only cares about big dicks and money and yet he's looking for love at the same time. Good luck with that.
Not every non-heterosexual is like your high end prostitute cousin. (Though for the record, I personally see nothing wrong with sex work, provided that it is totally voluntary and doesn't involve violence and coercion.)

Most are very normal people who live normal lives. Many of them find love and have stable, healthy relationships. Suicide rates are high among LGBT individuals not because they're LGBT, but because of the way others treat them.

And exactly what is "sexually immoral" about anything that happens between consenting adults? Don't give me some BS about the Bible calling homosexuality an abomination. I want a reasoned explanation in your own words.

Originally Posted by Leviticus
I love you woman. Yall are hot. But seriously, you guys are dressed to kill with those booty shorts that say pink on them.

Originally Posted by Miss Vicky
And exactly what is "sexually immoral"
Oh, I'll be posting a review of that in a few minutes.

Unless you're a killer, a theif, sexually immoral person, etc.? Not everything is acceptable in life. G-d doesn't like gays... Not many people do. What's normal to some is not normal to others. I hate to sound like a dick.
Well Leviticus, that's exactly what you sound like. I thought there might be a small chance of some interesting conversation, but since you denigrate people you don't even know just because who they are makes you feel uncomfortable, I can't see that there is any point in further discourse.
In reality, I feel sorry for you. You don't seem to see the good in people, or the wonder in the world.
“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson

Master of My Domain
Somebody close this thread. Yeesh.
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