The Annual MoFo Christmas Thread


Thanks for the new future joke material.

In regards to Miss Vicky's cat ornament.

My yard is getting seriously bright. I'll snag some photos eventually. I try to get every tree and bush on my property. We're talking very bright.

"Is your house on fire Clark?"

That pic originally was just him with the presents, when I was in a learning curve and it took me about 2 hours... Only takes me about 10 minutes these days.

The longest thing about it all is finding the pics on Google and saving them then waiting for Photoshop to open

There you go... a fresh one... getting the images from Google, opening Photobucket, making it, uploading to the bucket... 10 minutes work

Trouble with a capital "T"
Cool, thanks Just for fun I'm going to see if I can make the same photo using those you posted, I doubt I can...or if I could it would take hours!